Art at The Watchung Arts Center

Current Art
Past 2000 Gallery Events

Come see what our artist Members are doing

Exhibit Your Artwork on the Member’s Wall

 Classes feature a live model at all sessions.

Life Drawing Sessions

December is Holiday and Family time


The Uncommon  Seen Drawings & Paintings by Richard Titus

Bob Terlizzi -America

November                   November 

Upper Gallery: ”7th Annual Juried Photography Exhibit”

November 1st  - 30th

The New Jersey Photography Forum and the Watchung Arts Center invite you to attend the opening reception for the seventh annual juried photography exhibit presented at the Arts Center during the month of November.  The opening reception will be on Sunday, November 4, 2001 from 1-4pm at which time the awards of Excellence and Merit will be given.  Admission is free and offers an opportunity to meet many of the fine art photographers whose work will be on display.

Photographers from throughout the metropolitan area were invited to submit two photographs to be considered for exhibition.  Approximately 50 photographs will be selected for exhibition by noted judges Diana Edkins, Curator at Conde Nast Publishing Corp., former Museum of Modern Art Department of Photography Research Supervisor; Edward Monovich, BA/MFA in Photography, Painting and Drawing and instructor at Newark Museum; and Laura Galvanek who is Coordinator of Exhibitions at the Morris Museum.  

At the conclusion of the exhibit at the Watchung Arts Center, the works will move to the Children’s Specialized Hospital in Mountainside for two months.

The New Jersey Photography Forum is dedicated to furthering the interests of  professional and serious photographers.  The group is now in its seventh year of development and has become the largest and most recognized group of fine art photographers in New Jersey.  The monthly meetings at the Watchung Arts Center encourage attendees to share expertise and advance their skills.  The meetings provide access to current creative and technical information. 

Simple presentations, examples and demonstrations by manufacturers are given regularly, and photographers have an opportunity to display their work for critique by others.  Exhibition possibilities within the fine art community are explored.  This is an invaluable resource for photographers interested in becoming exhibiting artists.  

You can learn more about the New Jersey Photography Forum by visiting their web site at or by calling the Watchung Arts Center for meeting dates and directions at 908-753-0190. 



Nancy J. Ori of Berkeley Heights, well-known local photographer and teacher, and Michael Creem of Summit will curate an exhibition of landscape art including photographs and paintings at the Watchung Arts Center, during the month of October 2001.  The Artists Reception is free and open to the public.  The Gallery is open weekdays and Saturdays from 1-4pm, or by appointment with the curators at 908-790-8820.

The work being exhibited is by Barbara Cox, from West Windsor; Michael Creem, from Summit; Gerry Heydt, from Plainfield; Fred Kirberger, from Milford; and Nancy Ori, from Berkeley Heights.

Most of the paintings and photographs in the exhibit depict scenes from the east coast with a major portion of the imagery from New Jersey.  All five artists find their inspiration within the landscape and are considered representational artists with an emphasis on capturing light and its effects on color and the atmosphere of a particular place and time.  The exhibit provides a balance of images between the elements of turf, wood and water.  Some are romantic in style and provide a strong contrast to our local towns and some are bold forms or use a vista as an aesthetic organizing element.

Barbara Cox, a professional watercolorist and teacher, is also widely exhibited.  One of her greatest joys as a professional painter is to teach others, with workshops in NJ and NY, along with scheduled sessions at Morris County Art Association, Somerset Art Society and Elder Hostel.  She enjoys being inspired by the scenery found along the New Jersey coastline and in farmlands near home.

Michael Creem is co-director of the New Jersey Photography Forum, a group of professional and semi-professional photographers who meet each month to discuss their work and elevate the expertise of the group.  A photographer for over fifty years, Michael enjoys portraiture, landscape and special effects photography with fireworks.  For this exhibit, he will be showing a number of new local landscape photographs that he shoots with a conventional camera and then prepares digitally on his computer for exhibition.

Gerry Heydt uses oils to paint her landscapes at sites in coastal areas along the eastern seaboard, in parks, gardens and natural areas near her Central Jersey home.  During her career, Heydt has received numerous awards for oil painting and printmaking.  Locally, she has been a guest artist at house and garden tours in her hometown of Plainfield.  She has taught classes in outdoor landscape painting, beginning painting, and life drawing at the Somerset Art Association in Bedminster and currently exhibits her paintings at Newman Galleries in Philadelphia.

Fred Kirberger began painting in oils in the late 1960’s but it was not until the early 1980’s that he started to show and sell his work.  The subject matter of his paintings range from Nova Scotia to the outer banks of North Carolina, but most of his works depict the local areas of western New Jersey, the Delaware River and eastern Pennsylvania.

Nancy Ori’s images are a series of photographs highlighting the natural beauty of the local landscapes.  “Since 1970, I have traveled throughout the world working on many photographic and video projects which have given me the opportunity to explore many popular and cherished places.  Landscapes have become a source of inspiration and discovery.  In 1978 and 1980, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Ansel Adams in California and then teach at the Ansel Adams Workshop on a number of occasions.  Through this association, I was exposed to Ansel’s philosophy on preservation and documentation of the landscape and learned a special respect and love of the land.” 

For further information on the exhibit or directions, please call 908-753-0190 or 908-273-1672.

Exploring the Edge of Vision

Photographs from the unique vision workshop

The “Unique Vision Workshop” established as an adjunct of the Photo Forum by Summit photographer Ross Wagner, encourages Photographers to search for their singular imagery.

The photographs in this exhibit focus more on content and involvement than on technique.  Accidental images, too, are considered as they often are clues to the development of a photographer’s unique vision.  Salon and pictorial imagery is de-emphasized.

The Unique Vision Workshop views photography as a path to self-discovery.  Thus the photographs often say more about the photographer than they say about the subject in front of the lens.  Frequently the images ask more questions than they answer.  The photos invite the participation of the viewer.  They are often provocative, sometimes tender, sometimes amusing, usually challenging.

Some of the photographers showing their work are:  Jennifer Bailey, Ron Brown, Rosemarie Gelber, Pam Greene, Don Halpern, Fred Hedge, Dot uehn, Sheilia Langa, Merideth Brandon Maxwell, Sharon O’Brien, Glenn Podel, Joe Riggio, Neal Snitown, Tom Stillman, and Sue Zwick.  Email:

Members Art Show



Join us at the Receptions: Sept. 9th, 1-4pm

Or visit during the month:  Sept. 4th - 28th

Upper Gallery - Lisa Brown- Pathways

Lower Gallery -"Imprints" 

Pen and ink/watercolors, lino and wood cuts will be featured in this breath taking exhibit.  Sheila artwork often reflects an attempt to catch a spontaneous feeling and reaction to a specific time and place, representing art as an ongoing process. You will find her wood cuts incorporate the elements of nature, such as the wood grain may represent the movement of the water.  "I do not work from photos.  All my drawings are done on site."    Sheila Eichenblatt is a NJ artist and NYC  art teacher.

Coney Island Her artwork has been exhibited throughout NY and NJ; including exhibitions at Sotheby's, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Cork Gallery, Avery Fisher Hall and Lincoln Center.  Her work is represented in many private collections throughout New Jersey.

"Live on Through Art"
Workshops: Sept. 15 & 22
9:30 - 12:30pm

Art Group Forming

Sheila is now attempting to organize an Art Group that would meet at the WAC.   A group of artists that would like to express their individual unique approaches to art, critique each other's work in a purely constructive way, and brainstorm ways to promote their work.  So far, several artists from distinct backgrounds and creative disciplines have expressed an interest in joining.  A meeting date is being planned, please call the WAC for further information, (908)753-0190.



 julysmwht.gif (13627 bytes)July    

 WAC Members Asked to Submit Work for August Show

   Are you an Arts Center member? Ever see something hanging on our walls and think to yourself, “I can do that!” Do you consider yourself an artist? Interested in a little friendly competition?

  If the answer to any of these questions is “yes”, then this article is for you! The Watchung Arts Center will be having its annual members juried art show this September. Artsy Art Center members are asked to submit their work for this show. All work in all mediums, shapes and sizes is acceptable. Sculpture is welcome as well. There is, however, a limit of two pieces per artist. There is no fee for submissions of work,  as this is a privilege at Art Center membership.

  The rules are simple. Artists must be Art Center members. All art must be labeled with name, medium used, and title of the work. All pictures must be framed and suitable for hanging. Pieces are to be submitted from 1 to 4 pm, starting Saturday July 21st and continuing through the week to Saturday, July 28th, which will be the last day work will be accepted. The theme is open. Artists are strongly encouraged to use their creativity.

  Judges for the show will be from local art galleries and schools. The judges are yet to be named at this time. The criteria the judges will use to determine winning works is left to their discretion. The work will be displayed and judged the first weekend in August, i.e., Saturday, August 4th and Sunday, August 5th. At this time, first, second and third place winners will be chosen. The selected works will later be placed on display for a month in the Lower Gallery along with other works from the winning artists.

  So, if you’re an artsy member of the Art Center, now is your chance to shine! We expect to see both our Upper and Lower Galleries filled with members’ works this Fall. The reception for artists submitting work to this show will be held at the Center on Sunday, August 12th from 1 to 4pm. The reception is, as usual, free, open to the public, and includes light refreshments.

  Need more information. Please call the Center at (908) 753-0190. The best of luck to all our artsy Art Center members!

ART EXHIBITS: Abstractionists Edel Stuehmke & Doris Harris and, Surrealist, Christian Ku
Shows: July 1st – 31st

Receptions : Sunday, July 8th from 1 to 4pm

You don’t want to miss these two very exciting art exhibits hosted by the Arts Center in July. In the Upper Gallery, we will be featuring the surrealistic oil painting of Christian Ku, a resident of Brooklyn  and in the lower gallery, the abstract oil paintings  of Edel Stuehmke and Doris Harris, both of New York City.  Come meet the artist and explore their works at the welcoming  reception on July 8th.


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Desiree Cisco - Treasures in Earthen Vessels
Margaret Beach - Narrative Quilts

Pedro Abascal
Show: June 4 to 29

Quilt in Antique printers tray - Excerpts from Articles 1, 3,6, & & of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as Passed by the United Nations in 1948


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Partners in Nature

Partners in Nature at Watchung Arts Center May 2001 Partners in Nature at Watchung Arts Center May 2001
Partners in Nature at Watchung Arts Center May 2001 Partners in Nature at Watchung Arts Center May 2001

         Lisa Brown and Fermin Martinez

Show: May 1 - 27,  2001 

Reception: May 6, 2001 1pm to 4pm

"Partners in Nature" is a show devoted to perspectives of the world outside. Lisa Brown and Fermin Martinez each have a unique style but both have a love of nature and it’s vibrant colors. This exhibit will include mixed media, oil paintings and watercolors of scenes. This show is a partnership of talent in exploring nature at its splendor. 

Lisa Brown will be showing her newest works of detailed and expressive natural scenes in collage. Her use of color and design create a simple elegance. Lisa has been working in collage for a year and found that the media helps her express a view that cannot be done in watercolors. Lisa has exhibited locally showing her versatility, some sculptures, some watercolors and most recently mixed media.

Fermin Martinez paints peaceful scenes in oils using lighting and shadows to compliment his visions. Fermin has a wonderful sense of reality which make his paintings come alive. Fermin has had gallery showings in NY, around the NJ area and in the Dominican Republic. His works which are vivid in detail and color showing extraordinary precision and purity. 

In the lower gallery Fermin and Lisa will have their watercolors on display. Each artist has a different feel in their interpretations of nature yet together the works provide a reverence and affection for the outdoors.

Both artists are from Watchung and have established themselves individually. As a partnership they have captured the essence of Nature. Both artists are also teachers: Fermin teaches painting to special needs adults. Lisa teaches children and cancer patients the wonders of art with mixed media and her original concept of "Art as Therapy". As teachers, both artists have a softness and interest in their work not often found.

 Lisa Brown will be conducting an “Art of Healing” workshop on Saturday, May 12th from 9:30am to 12:30pm at Pathways in Summit, NJ. The workshop is based on her studies with Lucia Capacchione, the author of “Picture of Health and Recovery of our Inner Child”. It is a 3-hour experience in which the participants will journey through their bodies while searching within for their own healing power. All proceeds will be donated to Pathways. Call 908-277-3663.


The Language of Vision: A Group 

Artist's Reception Sunday March 11, 2001 from 1-4pm  

The Language of Vision , an artist exhibit will be on display in the month of March at the Watchung Arts Center.  Featured artists include Lorrie Fredette, Nancy Ward, Nicki Orbach, Sachin Pannuri, April Sweiconek and Cora Glasser.

What is the common language? There is none; these artists are different and express their individuality through their paintings.   What is common to us is the meaning that our languages convey.   What we are is our language.  What we feel is our language.   We each symbolize and layer meanings into our paintings.  Though it is not a common language it is neither elitist nor sacred.  It is a language that cannot be expressed in words.

 The product may have an intent or message.  It could be a reflection of society, a reflection of mood, a description of a figure, or nothing at all.  We do not know our creation because we are seekers..explorers.

The process is what binds us because it is a response to the subject, environment, and to life, past and present.  The product is nothing but a recording of our thoughts, reactions, emotions, and feelings.  This process of creating is not any different from any other activity in our lives.  It is who we are.  Were it not for a viewer our only product would be our everyday acts in life.  We invite the viewer to participate in our lives through our art. 

Nicki Orbach Lorrie Fredette Cora Jane Glasser
Nancy Ward   Sachin Pannuri April Swieconek

All are welcome at the Opening Reception on March 11th when you will have an opportunity to view and discuss the works with the artists. 

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Celebrating Black History Month

Artists’ Reception: Sunday, February 11th from 1 to 4pm

Jamil Burton

Lennon Hinson

Sharon Clark

Donovan Nelson

Curtis E. James

Donna Osley

Show February 1 to 28, 2001

The Watchung Arts Center is proud to present a truly unique collection of works by a group of African-American artists from the New York/New Jersey area. We are pleased to welcome back Lennon Hinson and Donna Osley, whose works we’ve enjoyed before, and extend a warm welcome to those artists who are new to the Center: Jamil Burton, Sharon Clark, Curtis E. James, and Donovan Nelson. Their works will be on display for the month of February.

The artists have used a variety of media including pen and pencil, watercolors, monochromatic chalk and pastels, montage, as well as oils. The works represent a variety of subjects, but, more particularly, represent the personalities and experiences of each individual artist. No two works are alike!

All are welcome at the Opening Reception on February 11th when you will have an opportunity to view and discuss the works with the artists. 


The snows of January..pretty as a picture

2001 An SCTI Commercial Art Odyssey
Faculty and Student Art Exhibit

Opening Reception Sunday, January 7th from 1-4pm

Nestled in the hills of picturesque Somerset County lies Somerset County Technical Institute (SCTI),  a school with a reputation for providing educational excellence for 40 years. SCTI, which is located in Bridegwater, will be celebrating its 40th Birthday this year and what an excellent way for the school to start off this banner year than with an art show at the Watchung Arts Center.

A collection of works of both faculty and students from the Commercial Arts and Multimedia Departments will be on display in the upper gallery for the month of January. All are welcome to the Opening Reception on January 7th when visitors  will have the opportunity to meet the faculty and students and enjoy this important event with them.

A kaleidoscope of beautiful, contemporary commercial art will embellish the gallery walls with paintings, illustrations, computer art, animation and graphic designs all being represented. The artists have used a wide array of media including oils, acrylics, pencil, colored pencil, scratchboard, pen and ink, gouache, watercolors, pastels, markers, poster paint, and digital art. The subjects of their works include a diverse palette from landscapes to fine art. Some works will be available for purchase.

The art faculty members, who are responsible for directing and developing the skills of the student artists, are also working professionals. They represent a variety of fields: artists, graphic designers, illustrators and computer graphic artists. They bring

a diverse and unique blend of work experience from Art Director, Advertising, and Graphic Designer to Animator and a nationally published Illustrator. The students are being well prepared for the challenges of the commercial art fields that lie ahead of them. You will see the level of expertise they have already achieved when you view this show. You are in for a visual treat.  Truly a must see!

<---click for more paintings

Artist’s Reception: Featuring John Reilly

Sunday, January 7th 1-4pm

John was born in Brooklyn, New York, and received his art training at The School of Art & Design, and Pratt Institute.  He has been a Creative Director in the advertising field for twenty years. During that time he formed and headed his own advertising agency. After selling the agency in 1987, he began painting.  Since then, he has studied painting at the Newark School of Fine Art and the National Academy School of Fine Arts.  Amongst his awards for fine art, he is most proud of those he has received from the Salmagundi Club, and The National Academy School of Design. John’s exhibit runs for all of January.


Life Drawing - Studio Group

Wednesday, January 10th at 7pm
Saturday, January 13 at 10am
Wednesday, January 24th at 7pm
Saturday, January 27th at 10am

These open studio sessions are designed to provide artists with the opportunity to work from the nude model. Each session will consist of short to medium duration poses. There will be no instruction or critique.



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18 Stirling Road on the Circle in Watchung, NJ 07069
(908) 753-0190
Central New Jersey's Home for the Arts

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