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 The last true bargain!


Expose yourself and your family to the many exciting happenings at the Watchung Arts Center with a Friends of the Arts, or Yearly membership category! 
Just fill out this form, and mail to
18 Stirling Road, Watchung, NJ 07069.
You will receive a whole year of our monthly newsletter, Chords & Brushes, member discounts on programs and performances, and VIP advance notice of special opportunities. 
Please take a moment to join the vibrant community of patrons, artists and performers of the Watchung Arts Center!

 “Friends of the Arts” Membership Categories

___ Benefactors, $1000 +   ___ Sponsors, $500 +   ___ Donors, $250 +  ___ Patrons, $100 +   ___ Contributors, $50 +

 Yearly Membership Categories

___ Individual Membership, $35   ___ Family Membership, $40  ___ Senior Membership, $20

 q     My company may match my gift.  I will enclose their form.

Are you an:

___ Artist,    ___ Photographer,    ___ Craftsperson,  ___ Sculptor,  ___ Performer,    ___ Musician,    ___ Spectator,    ___ Artist in Training

q       Tell me more about volunteer opportunities

q       I have some items/talents/ideas that might be useful to the Watchung Arts Center

 Name (s) _____________________________________________________

 Street Address _________________________________________________

 City/State/Zip __________________________________________________

 Phone #’s W/H/C ___________________________________________________


q      Please Renew My Membership

Mail completed form and your check payable to: Watchung Arts Center
To: 18 Stirling Rd. Watchung, NJ 07069