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A spider is not an insect, spiders have 8 legs, insects only have 6. Spiders also have 2 body segments and insects have 3.

The King Crab is the last arachnid of it's family, all of it's relatives went extinct millions of years ago.

The Golden Silk Spider has the world's largest webs. The first lines of the web can be up to 10 feet long.

The Goliath Bird-Eating Tarantula is the world's biggest known spider. The largest recorded, was a male with an 11 inch leg span and was big enough to cover a dinner plate.

The heaviest spider ever recorded was a female Goliath Bird-Eating tarantula weighing 4 pounds 3/10 of an ounce.
She had a leg span of 10 1/2 inches and had 1 inch fangs.

The strongest spider is the Californian Trap-Door Spider, it is capable of resisting a force 38 times it's own weight.

Most spiders have poor eyesight and sense the movement of prey through the hairs that cover their body and legs.

Spiders that hunt their prey usually have two claws on each foot, while spiders that trap their prey have three.

At dusk the Bolas Spider twirls a thread that ends in a drop of liquid silk. Male moths are attracted by a chemical in the silk.

There are spiders that try to look as unappealing as possible to their enemies, they disguise themselves as wet bird droppings.

A single Garden Spider can produce more than 500 eggs.

Many female spiders die after they have laid their eggs, her body is usually the first meal for her youngsters.

The Curly-Haired Tarantula is not a true tarantula, despite its name. It belongs to a family of bird-eating spiders. True tarantulas do not live in rain forests.

The Alacran Tartarus Scorpion, that lives in South America, has been found in caves more than 2,625 feet deep.

The West African Tropical Emperor or Imperial Scorpion is so sociable that offspring may remain with the family group when they are adults, the families cooperate to capture prey. The Emperor Scropion is also the heaviest scorpion, weighing as much as 2 ounces each. They are also the largest scorpion, their most common length is about 7 inches from the tips of their pincers to the end of their stinger. The longest specimen recorded had an overall length of 11 1/2 inches.

The Patu Marplesi from Samoa is the worlds smallest known spider. A male found in 1965 was 17/1000 of an inch overall. About the size of one of the periods on this page.

The spider species Theridion Sisyphium are the most maternal spiders. The mother feeds her babies with liquid from her mouth. When the infants are a few days old, they begin to share the mother's prey, and as they grow older, they help her to hunt. The relationship ends when the mother dies and is eaten by her offspring.

The Bird-Eating Spider, Theraphosa Leblondi, has fangs that are up the 1/2 of an inch long.

Tropical Bird-Eating Spiders can live up to 25 years.

The Achaearenea Tepidariorum weaves a web strong enough to trap a small mouse, completely lifting it off the ground.

Nephila Senegalenis from tropical Africa has a special "litter line" in its webs where the sucked out remians of small birds may be often found.

The largest continuous areas of web in the world are built by Stegodyphus. A single silken mass can cover considerable areas of vegetation, and extend unbroken over whole hedgerows.

The world's fastest spider is the long-legged Sun Spider of the arid semi-desert regions of Africa and the Middle East. They can reach speeds up to 10 miles per hour.

In courtship the male European Buzzing Spider produces a buzzing sound audible by the human ear. Produced when the spider vibrates his abdomen rapidly against a leaf, the sound can not be heard by the female; she can only detect it through vibrations.

Several thousand members of both sexes of the South African species Anelosimus Eximus cohabit peaceably on webs that are more than 3 feet across.

The Net Casting Spider of the genus Dinopis has huge eyes that shine like headlights when staring at a bright light.

The Ogre Faced Spider has the largest most simple eyes of any Arthropod, they are about a 1/2 inch in width.

Some spiders live on top of fresh water and also hunt prey on the water.

Although they vary greatly in size, spiders are quite similar in shape. A spider's abdomen is usually rounded, but in a few species it is flattened with spiky edges.

There is a spider that disguises itself as an ant to protect itself from its enemies. Many animals avoid ants because they bite and sting.

You can only receive anti venom for a black widow spider bite once in your life.  Get bit again and you will be pushing up daisies.


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Spiders are Beautiful People (home)

My Spiders & Scorpions





Nervous System


Excretion & Digestion





Fang Diagram

Spider Anatomy


Black Widows

Brown Recluse

Most Venomous Spider

Sun Spider

Bird Eating Spider

House Spider

King Crab

Harvester Spider

Eresus Spider

European Black Widow

Spider Ant

Water Spider

Pisaura Wolf Spider

Sea Spider


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