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Kurt  3.25.2004 
Thank you SPIN magazine for commemorating Cobain's 10 year anniversary. Thank you for not just going off on how tragic it was and (sort of) seriously looking at what could have been. In case no one knows or hasn't noticed, Nirvana was quite possibly and probably still is my favorite band of all time. I've been listening to Bleach for close to 15 years now and it just doesn't get old. Even my friends who don't like "Smells Like Teen Spirit" must agree to the fact that "Unplugged in New York" is a pure and utter masterpiece. April 8th will be 10 years. I was in fifth grade. The first "adult" that I really identified with killed himself. Where were you? What effects you? Granted today we have terrorists and the like, but most of my friends were 12/13 at the time and it had made a huge impact on most of our lives. Learning to deal with suicide, drug use et al. Over the next four years I grew to know and understand the scene and movement that I had grown into. Since then I have wished to be at least 2 years older. Not to be older, but to have understood better what I had a glancing look at.

Now 10 years later, Britney, Christina, Justin, and other horrid mindless music has been saturating our airwaves. Teaching our girls to dress as sluts, our boys to be gangstaaa and very few bands are pushing us to think either through their message they are conveying or teaching our musicians that sometimes the simplest songs can be the most beautiful and hard hitting. Between 94 and 2004 only a hand full of bands have really touched me for various reasons, Rage Against the Machine, Tool, 311, A Perfect Circle, Incubus (even the new stuff), Deftones and Radiohead (I know they've been out before 94, but that's beside the point). Emo came and went, an excercise in simplicity and boiling most rock songs down to pure love and heartache, what most songs are about anyway. Other than those few bands Not much has been released of real not worthiness. We haven't had such an icon and figure since Kurt Cobain and we will have to wait for some time for that icon to emerge and lead us out of this horrid trap of pop that we're stuck in now.

Those are just my thoughts, and you should develope your own.
2:38 AM

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