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EE :: Eternal Energy  3.10.2004 
So I've been thinking alot about getting a tattoo lately. I already know what I want and where I'd get it and who'd do it. I'm not really sure what's holding me up so far, I guess it's the fear of permanency. To some extent I have a fear of commitment. Not that I'm unfaithful, but forever is a pretty long time. Well, here is what I'd get. I'd put one one each one of my hips. Hidden from normal line of view, but still able to show it off when needed. Eternal Energy, something I'd like to be. Something I'd like my legs to be, always turning, propelling me forward. So yes, they do hold something meaningful to me and I do like the boldness of a chinese character, how those images can say words so much more elegantly...

Last weekend went up to Lowell and got to visit Michelle and Mike Lee. First time in like a year to see them both, or at least it feels that way. It's kind of odd, going from constantly being surrounded by people, especially those two who I feel were by far the closest friends that I had up there, to being isolated in suburbian Wakefield, seeing Brian every day... It's kind of funny how these things work out... I do enjoy my job, for the most part.

On an upnote, I do believe that my car is running fine, I've driven it a bit, and it's been holding up alright, so I think all is good. There are a few kinks that still need to be ironed out for the most part, but I do believe it's on the high road to recovery. Now if only my rational side which says buy a car instead of bike would start winning my arguments... Just sometimes deals are too hard to pass up... So it goes in circles.
2:34 AM

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