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I'm so freaking lazy  11.18.2003 
Hey, it's only been a month this time! But it's a tease and all I'm really going to say is hi.

Actually the shops still in business and it's looking better. It's wierd seeing it slowly filling up again. That and actually having things when I need them... The new kid Mark is working out well, he's a hard worker and very easy to get along with. We're starting to get into cruisers (to tap into the OCC/ Jesse James phenom?). The two lines for right now are Phat and Electra, both of them look really sweet and everyone should come down and have a look.

As far as riding goes, I've sat on my trainer a grand total of 1 between Oct 21 and Nov 18. Damn I'm lazy. Hopefully one of these days Gordon will give me a call and motivate me onto my bike.

I've been spending the past few days trying to make my car inspection ready. Thus far I've replaced my front engine mount, windshield wiper blades, topped off the fluids (minus gas) and changed the oil. Still to come replacing 4 worthless accessory lights in the front that don't effect the view, finding a rear tail light, possibly the air conditioning/ thermostat (currently I have no heat) and (hopefully not) my exhaust yet again. Fun times lay a head.
3:51 AM

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