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maybe an update?  10.21.2003 
So yeah it's been ah... like 2 months exactly now since I last updated. Yeah, I am that lazy. Let's see I'll just give a partial update since I'm that lazy.

I helped Simone move in at the beginning of Septemember, that was interesting, seeing the room empty and helping her get all set up. Visited her for my birthday (Sept 13 for all of those who missed it, damn you.) where we wandered around, visited a bike shop (yes, I can never get away from them, it's like I'm magneticly drawn to them or something...), went to lombardi's for pizza, saw Stomp, and then got pastery. Stomp was a really good time, Simone was all thoughtful like and got me an isle seat for my leg, cause that still bothers me (damn car...) and the music was powerful, amazing, but the skits were hilarious.

Pro Cycles has been in and out of being open, if that confuses you, it confuses me. Basicly, we were in big debt, so we had a liquidation sale, closed for a week, after being told, and telling people that we'd be closing for good, then re-opening. Brian and I are currently the only 2 employees of Pro Cycles. To say it's been stressful, and depressing would be an understatement. If I hadn't gone to NYC to visit Simone for my Birthday I would have snapped. Especially when Brian fired Gordon for the last week.

I've barely touched my bike as of late. I've just been to tired and too unmotivated. Now it's cold out and I really don't want to go out. It's pretty depressing, especially knowing that my best friend is in Lowell, and my girlfriend is in New York, so there isn't really like people pulling me from my bike, and it's not like I'm constantly going out, I'm just sitting infront of my computer eating... My bike stares at me, taunting me, sitting up on my trainer with my shoes sitting underneath knowing that they won't be used for a good long time. After I moved Simone into school I was pretty bored and didn't know what i'd do with my time now, I turned to Gordon and asked him what'd I do with my time now, he replied "an F25" I've been on it three times since, my Rainier once and that's that.
2:28 AM

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