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Chambering Drill (flexability drill)

Stack targets or cushions on the floor or a low bench. Practice chambering your kick high enough to kick over the top of the cushions without knocking them over. Remember to rechamber the kick before returning to the starting position. Practice each of the kicks you know, adding cushions or targets as your skill and flexibility increase.

Sweeping Drill (speed drill)

You'll need a partner for this drill. Your partner should sweep at your feet with a long, flexible object. Jump to avoid hitting the target. Your partner should sweep back and forth quickly, without allowing pauses between jumps. As you improve, have your partner increase the height at which they sweep. Your goal is to jump over a knee high target 30 times in 30 seconds.

Punching Drill (speed drill)

This drill can be done with or without a partner. If you don't have a partner, use a heavy bag. If you do have a partner, have them hold a target. Position yourself so that at full extension your arm just touches the target. Strike to the target using a hand technique, such as a punch, moving as quickly as possible. Return your hand to the chamber position twice as fast as you punch with it. You should be able to strike about 60 times per half-minute. Build up from there. Remember to train both sides equally. For a variation, alternate punches. Perform a straight punch, then a reverse punch, then a straight punch.

Hand Response Drill (timing drill)

Work with a partner. Extend your arm and have a partner place the "zero" end of a ruler between your thumb and forefinger. Keep your thumb and forefinger about an inch apart. Have your partner let go of the ruler at random. Pinch it between your fingers as quickly as possible. Don't move your hand up or down; simply close your thumb and forefinger together. Record the measurement at which you caught the ruler. Practice until you can catch the ruler in the first few inches or centimeters.

Kick Response Drill (timing drill)

Work with a partner, assume a fighting stance and have your partner hold a target (any kind) in front of you. Have your partner say "Go" at random intervals. As soon as you hear the word, kick the target using any technique. Practice until you can hit the target almost immediately after hearing the signal.

Kick Response Time Variation Drill (timing drill)

Work with a partner. Assume a fighting stance and have your partner hold a sheet of paper about shoulder high, a few feet away (but still in kicking range). Your partner should let go of the paper at random. Strike the paper with any kicking technique before it touches the ground or floats out of range. Since the paper doesn't fall directly to the ground, it requires you make adjustments in your kick to strike it.

Founding Rules
Characteristic Definitions
3 Steps of Meditation
Types of Fighters
Training Tips