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Killing Diablo with Assassin

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The assassin is a melee character but like the Barbarian doesn’t use shields. Thus said spend a couple points in the blocking skill (only usable with dual claw class weapons).  She’ll also need good body armor and resistances as she’ll be doing a lot of close range combat.  But the best defense for this character is using her abilities and speed to ambush enemies and take them out quick.  Again manna is an issue for this character but can be overcome with manna stealing weapons or cobra strike. 



Equip your assassin with dual claw class weapons and focus your skills on an ambush type of tactic. Thus it’s best to use both charge up abilities and trap skills to weaken groups and cause a little chaos.  Cloke of Shadows is a good skill to use as it prevents the monsters from seeing you until your right up against them.  Use burst of speed and resistance boost skill as necessary, your goal is to hit quick and HARD. Prolonged fights go against this class of character.


Crowd Control:

Use your traps to take out weak monsters and weaken groups. Then use charge up skills that give area effect attacks (I.E. the elemental ones).  To use this the most effectively, charge up one or more charge up skills (yes you can do more than one with a little practice) on the weaker monsters then discharge on the strongest monster of the group. Using this with traps will allow you to tear through groups and kill the “boss” monster in one or two discharges.  Things to avoid: getting surrounded, discharging power ups while cursed with iron maiden (this can be a one hit kill of you have high damage skills active/charged).


Boss Strategies:

Specific Diablo tips here

Raise your attack rating so your in the 90’s hit percentage as you must hit the boss to charge up your skill.  Then discharge with a high damage charge up skill and cobra strike to heal and replenish the manna used in the attack. Burst of speed is also good to get more hits in. However keep potions stocked and use socketed armor to give your resistances a boost, as this will be a problem just like the barbarian.  Use a minion to distract the boss, as you’ll get the best attacks when they let their guard down (but the minion won’t last more than one or two hits).



The assassin has two minion options, both are mirror copies of the assassin.  One can only use attacks that are currently active on your own character and the other is a little  stronger and can use any skill whether you have spent a point in it or not.  Both of these minions don’t last long until later levels but they do damage the victor of the fight with lightning damage when they are defeated.  Only one minion can be active at a time.  As far as hired minions go choose one that complements your fighting style if you choose to have one at all.