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Killing Diablo with Assassin

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 Diablo2 Game Tips
Taking out Diablo with the Assassin.
One could adapt this to the other characters as some tips can help. I'll list my suggestions, if any of you have tips for the same task with the other characters send them to me and I'll post them. Anyway on to this moths rant.
1) Clear out all of the River of flame!
    You can pretty much bet that you'll be traveling this way again so take care of everything when you have your armor and weapons. You wouldn't want to be on a corpse run and have a mob blocking the path or you get lost and they chase you to the waypoint. Needless to say this will make life hard on you. Besides, you'll get some extra exp!
2) Separate Meely mobs from the abyssal Knights.
Face it, those Abyss knights are a pain in the butt and when your surrounded by a mob of meely characters you don't need the abyss knights casting spells at you. The solution? Agro the meely characters on you and have them chase you around a corner away from the abyss knights. The knights will not follow you and you'll space out the meely characters, also making it easier for you to toast them (charge up skills that have an area effect also help here). With out any support its easy to doge their attacks (or most of them) and give them a quick end. 
This is self explanatory. Its easy to get overwhelmed if you get your self into a corner. When opening the seals, head to the one at the end of the small halls first and open a town portal. Then Touch the seal to operate it then head other one to touch it. If the boss show up you have a town portal to escape from if you get overwhelmed. When tackling the Abyss Knight Boss just take the Town Portal, I'll explain why below.
4) The Lord of the Abyss knights.
Unless their attacks don't hurt you to much. Take the town portal you just opened cause the boss and his party will be at the opening of the hall. Use the waypoint and travel back through the river of flame. Once back in the sanctuary, run around to space out the other abyss knights (one or two will chase you). Use the corner technique to separate the fools who chase you form the rest of the pack and take them out. Keep doing this till their all dead (I even got the Boss separated before all of his cronies were dead!).
5) Be Prepared
Full Rejuvenation Potions will help at first but for the most part make sure that you've Upgraded your weapons and armor at least once since act three (I'm sure you found something better by now). Don't worry about finding some miracle item, just get some good stuff. If you have LOTS of money try gambling once or twice but keep in mind YOU WILL BE DRINKING HEALTH POTIONS LIKE THEY WERE WATER. So needless to say make sure you have enough money to keep your self stocked. Also don't be afraid to clear out the sanctuary a couple of times more. As dangerous as that place is you get the best exp in Act 4 from there.
6) Toasting Diablo
Even if you'd rather get to act 5 than stay in act 4 you'll have to battle the Lord of Terror some time. Here's how I did it.
Use burst of speed. The extra speed will help you avoid his lightning attacks and some of his fire attacks. This will also allow you to attack more times before he hits you.
Avoid his Lightning Inferno. This attack Hurts a lot and quickly drains your health. Diablo uses a special arm gesture so its rather easy to avoid if you take notice of it. When he does it run in a circle and you'll be fine.
Don't let your health get to half before hitting a potion. This might seem crazy, but Diablo uses fire nova attacks a lot and they hurt unless you have fire resist. Use your health potions when you get to around 2/3 health left.
Hit and run. Take opportunities when Diablo charges you or walks around. His spells are what hurt the most. If you have burst of speed active you should be able to charge up and discharge before you have to avoid a spell or he smacks you to much (and if you are able to discharge you'll hurt Diablo a LOT). Keep dogging his spells and attack when he lets his guard down (that's when assassins attack anyway). you may even use your clone to distract him but, if you don't have more than one skill point in it she'll not last more than two hits.
Finally keep hitting Diablo when he has his guard down and keep your health up. Run to town when you get to one full column of health potions left. If you follow this Diablo should be toast before Long.
For the other characters I used the same basic technique except with the necromancer I took pot shots with bone spear when he wasn't doing his lightning attacks. The Amazon can use the same technique with javelins or the bow.  

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