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-Sept of Urskalas-

The walls at the sept of Urskalas are covered in the blood of their enemies.


"Honor Urskalas, his prison is our freedom. Destroy Jormangundr's minions and let Ragnarok come. Urskalas will then be released and drag his jaws upon our Mother to annhilate the wicked"
-Yarl "Arm-of-Fenris", Fostern Godi, Metis

The legend of Urskalas is one many do not know. In fact, most of the Fenrir have not heard of Urskalas. If they have, then he is known as an ancient enemy taken down. They are so very wrong. Urskalas is one of the spirits that make us so tough and relentless. Fenris test's us in many ways and we shall take that challenge with our hearts and minds. The story of Urskalas is a confusing one. The other Fenrir have a false vision of how Ragnarok is supposed to be. Only we know the truth.

Who is Urskalas?
Urskalas is rumored to be many different things. Some Godi beleive he is Fenris son, others think he is a wolf spirit that achieved greater form. Either way, Urskalas is a powerful totem now.

Thousands of years ago, their was Fenris. Fenris created us to make war against Jormangundr. Fenris was known as the fiercest of all Incarna. Fenris had competition and he didn't even know it until the Fenrir spotted a rogue wolf they named Urskalas. His eyes had the fire and rage Fenris didn't even possess, but Fenris was smarter and wiser. Urskalas has pure grey fur with the blood of his enemies soaked into it giving him a bloody hue about his form. His jaws were huge and powerful, able to crack the bones of even the toughest foes. Every being knew to run from Urskalas when he was hunting, even Jormangundr knew to run. except the Fenrir.

The Fenrir started their hunt after Urskalas. This brought them across many lands. Erik the Red, the one Get who gathered all of Fenris children together had gone to explore new lands to conquer and plunder. There was a small contingent of Get that went with him to the new lands seeking Urskalas. They crossed the freezing waters of the north and saw new lands where Urskalas had started his hunting. A new land called Iceland by the humans now, and then Greenland. He had been wandering the icy wastes of the land, hunting for prey. Many of Jormangundr's minions died in Usrkalas jaws.

The contingent had embarked and left the boat behind to create a new home, in Greenland. Why the humans named that land such a name is beyond us, but we will use it for convenience. For several months they had tracked Urskalas and finally found him at the mouth a dead volcano at the heart of Greenland. He had made a den within the icy confines of the land. We set upon our prey, Urskalas, with much fervor and fierceness. We did not want to injure such a magnificent wolf though, we admired him for his unchecked rage...his fierceness. Fenris saw us admiring the wolf and he had fallen from the heavens to watch why we did admire the wolf so much.

It took us a full year to trap Urskalas without harming him. Yes, he did have his fur matted with the blood of his foes and everything about him screamed worthiness to follow. Fenris saw this and smited the wolf and bound the garou who admired him so much, to the wolf. Forever we would be bound to Urskalas without reprieve in Valhalla and drink with Fenris.

Fenris had beaten Urskalas into submission. The Fenrir present, now knew why Fenris was so angry. They had nearly forsaken Fenris for a weaker being. Never would this happen again, but they were now bound to the ancient predator till Ragnarok. Fenris has leashed the wolf and drove a stake into the dead volcano with Mjolnir. Then he smashed the ancient volcano with the hammer to cover Urskalas. Urskalas howled in misery, how was he to hunt now? How was he to be the wolf he was supposed to be? He could not escape the prison Fenris put him in, but nothing could hold Urskalas. He snapped the leash and the stake not long after Fenris had imprisoned him. Now he wandered the tunnels of the volcano, lost in its darkness.

The garou that Fenris had bound to Urskalas, would now be his guardians and patrons. The Get knew Urskalas could smell blood. They covered the walls in the blood of their enemies so Urskalas could find his way back to his prison-den. Soon the prison and curse Fenris had put upon the Get had become a driving force. They emulated Urskalas' fury and might. It was then that Mjolnir's Thunder had become part of the Get. More Get had flocked the prison of Urskalas to become one of the cursed, now the prison has become a home.

Totem of War


Background Cost: 8

Urskalas is the ultimate totem of war. He is the imprisoned rage and madness. Only with the garou may he achieve the slightest bit of release. Only Mjolnir's Thunder may take Urskalas as a totem and only as pack totem. Urskalas is the embodiment of unchecked rage, he is merciless and truely one of the monsters Gaia had not intended. Or did she?

Traits: All Mjolnir's Thunder gain 3 temp glory. Which does not go toward gaining rank. They recieve a penalty of -1 to a maximum of -3 wisdom, to any renown they may collect. They also recieve an extra point of glory to any renown they collect. To all ahrouns they recieve an extra die in social dice pools. Any pack also reduces target numbers by 1, in addition to any other modifiers, when working as a pack. All of Mjolnir's Thunder act as if they have 2 more points of rage. If a garou has 4 rage, he acts as if he had 6. The two 'extra' points do not exist, merely for anger in role-playing situations. They fly off the handle far easier than other garou.

Bans: Never grant mercy to a foe who evinces weakness. If the foe is gaian, mercy is granted only to one of strong heart or is deemed a worthy foe, this does not apply to Jormangundr's minions.