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-Sept of Urskalas-


"Kill em all, and fuck sortin' them out!"
-Zigmund "Heart-of-Baldur", Adren Modi, homid

Initiation in this camp is beyond brutal and often fatal. Most of those who come to be part of the camp are descendants from the original warriors of old. Their past life guiding them to their true place of belonging. We favor no warrior that comes to us. They will hurt and they will die, but that is a matter of time and not in our claws. The warriors are thrown into a near impossible battle against Jorgangundr's minions. This is how we keep our camp strong from within. No cowards will be accepted...even if you you were born of pure blood.

When the warriors have returned from their slaughter, we praise them in their might and glory. Only the strong return and we give them what they deserve, meat and drink. Sometimes women if the warrior can contain his rage. Aye, we do the same for the females in our camp. All need a warm place of sleep after a good battle. It soothes the soul.

When they have recovered suitably, then the Rite of Ancestor's Vengeance is cast upon the warrior. Then we find the true names of the ancient warrior. We sing the deeds of the ancients that returned to show their rage again upon the living. Sometimes we have new blood enter the circle. We treat them as would any other warrior of the camp, the rite just doesn't take as long as the others.

While the rite is cast, the ranking Forseti attending the ritual will burn our sigil upon th warriors left shoulder. The true right of belonging to our brood, the symbol that we try and keep so secret.