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ismail mazzara 





Update 2000





Howdy,This is the update page and unlike the previous pages I did this one myself,so cut me a little slack and send tips and suggestions .

Here is where I get a bit less formal and try to just share and express . 1999 was a year of change ,I seemed to be surrounded by death first my Dad, them my long-time spiritual advisor,then patients, friends,and Lolly(see below).


2000 has started off much better with an apparently unending flow of blessings-may it continue for us all.




Dancers and performing artists- Special programmes special discounts




"Ismail has a great understanding of dancer’s needs and specialises in treating dancers. Not just a remedial treatment it can also be used for prevention of injuries and for increasing the spiritual understanding of the body"

DANCE EUROPE October/November ‘99(Obviously my favourite dance mag)


I decided sometime ago that I really like working with performing artists-perhaps it balances the work with seriously ill patients. It's nice to work with people who are usually eager for it to work, really trying, who understand the body in some ways and have a concept of space and movement and who may just get up and create some art. It's fun to work with people who value what I do because they value what they do so much. And maybe because of all that I've gotten rather good at it. And I've found resources that really work for dancers- (See the links page)


Musicians, especially funk and jazz musicians seem to understand the interplay of energies that underlie shiatsu, acupuncture, all the oriental ki and chi based systems. Having spent a lot of time from 1992 -1996 with Microgroove and Freakpower, I recently felt a serious funk deficiency in my life.whaddaya know Ashley Slater was playing at Spitz the next week. And once again I learned from the funk that it's so important to remember who you are. Who you are.




"It's not what you do; it's who you are when you're doing it "-Uncle Saul


I often see people who are faced with a serious health challenges become the illness. They're no longer someone with cancer, they are cancer, or hepatitis, or renal disease or an abused person. It's easy,only takes a few weeks or pain and discomfort and debility to forget what it was like not to be ill ,not to be in pain. Often it's almost impossible to see it clearly much less do anything about it. That's the value of healing and shiatsu and auricular acupuncture and Imaginal Therapy. They give you time out to process what's going on and to REMEMBER! Healing starts in that space where you're even briefly free of pain and can move (although you're very still) and then the more conventional forms of medicine have a better chance of working.

When you're stuck in that place it really does help to have a helper.




Firard3 Far Infrared Lamp for Moxibustion-Heat treatments


Bettina bought this lamp for my practice in October; it's used in conjunction with a special herbal liquid spray. It's extraordinary for pain, injury, and a lot more. Very good for old injuries.




Healing through Shiatsu Workshops



One is planned in Bern, Switzerland in conjunction with a contemporary dance workshop. Email for details 




Special Programmes in Sicily with Dr.Pietro Pizzo SPRING/SUMMER 2000 



I recently had the honour of meeting the world-famous cancer specialist. He works at the cutting edge of Western medicine and introduces a dynamic spiritual and emotional healing dimension to his work. We are currently planning a weeklong workshop programme in Sicily. It will be based on nutrition education, meditation and group work. I will be teaching shiatsu healing and giving intensified courses of treatment.



An area we both believe passionately about creating support for those who support the "designated patient"



The emphasis will be on activating your own healing power.


We plan to make full use of the island's sun, sea, scent, history, and cuisine.

Scuba diving is available and a number of days and half days out are possible.




David-my best old friend Dave Woolf died tragically in August-the links page has a link to the website in his memory. Please check it out. The upside -we discovered his other best friend Andrys, as a friend of ours and Dave kinda hangs out in the space between..




For three months last year I had the honour of treating a baby from the time she was a week old until her death at three months. Olivia"Lolly" was born with a heart defect that finally took her life. For a short while she radiated such light into the hearts and lives of whoever met or even just heard about her. We all miss her intensely, she taught us about hope.


Olivia passed through so quicklyI will put some photos up as soon as we get the scanner working again



Got Married!!!



Thursday February 3,2000 to Bettina Carpi in a small private ceremony. We hope to do a church wedding in Sicily later this year. We hope to have a party for our friends that missed the wedding so get in touch.

Uncle Saul passed through on his way to visit Hidayat(see about) and we went for tea with Lama Khemsar of the Tibetan Bon Po tradition. Two wizards jamming.

Lama Khemsar has got a full schedule of teachings this spring and summer,in Europe and the U.S. I recommend him highly as a teacher and a healer and plain good fun to hang with.



Turkish Kilims Got involved again as an informal advisor with a chap who is manufacturing Turkish kilims (tapestry rugs) according to ancient designs and using natural dyes. They are stunning.



Chinese Medicine:I've been astounded all over again at what the expert use of Traditional Chinese Medicine can do to restore health. I will be sharing some stories in future updates.My number one resource in London is East West Herbs,Neals's Yard Covent Garden, which I recommend to anyone without reservation.Tel. 0207-379-1312. Dancers get a special concession.


The type of Traditional Chinese Medicine I've been learning about is quite incredible, full of everyday success stories for all kinds of people and ailments.



Roy Littlesun/Hopi Medicine Wheel: came through on his journey on behalf of his Hopi guides. He intends to establish a Medicine Wheel here in London. Anyone interested write me and I'll try to put you in contact.