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Call the Serenity NSW Inc Anxiety Infoline

1902 261 534

Information on the Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks.
A listing of country meetings of Serenity NSW Inc Self-help support groups.

(available throughout Australia, Telads 95c/minute or more from public/mobile telephones)

Phone instructions

Call 1902 261 534 and listen for the opening dialogue.
Press "0" on your touch-tone phone to continue, then select:

2 for information on the Anxiety disorders in English

3 for information on the Anxiety disorders in Mandarin

4 for information on the Anxiety disorders in Cantonese

5 for information on Panic Attacks in English

6 for a list of country groups of Serenity NSW Inc.

To be established...
Arabic, Spanish and Vietnamese lines.

Simply press the number you want to listen to, or "1" to return to the INDEX at any time.
Average message times = 12 minutes

Most people use this Infoline not just for themselves, but also to explain the Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks to their families and friends.

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