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Serenity NSW Inc: Membership Application Form

Membership Application Form

MAILING ADDRESS (for newsletter)_____________________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE:________ FAX:________ EMAIL ___________

I hereby apply for Membership in "Serenity NSW" Inc.and agree to abide by the Rules of the Association.

Signature of Applicant____________________________

Nominated by: Mr Ray Brookes Membership Nr 007 or _______________________
Membership Nr __________


Membership fees are $15 per year or for those on low income $10 (we rely on your honesty). Cheques/money orders should be made payable to "Serenity NSW" Inc. and are due before June 30th each year with an Annual General Meeting organised soon after.

Members are entitled to:
1) Attend all meetings, including the Annual General meeting.
where you can vote for, and run for elections of Officers such as Prisident, Treasurer etc.
2) Newsletter free of charge, at least four times a year. Techniques that you find helpful, items of interest to do with the problem, personal experiences, etc. Just post them to Ray.
3) Advocacy on your behalf. Ray often writes on behalf of members regarding problems with doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists or the way the legal system treats anxiety sufferers.

We suggest members join a Committee to run their local group, and elect one representative from each group to be on the State Management Committee. That way we can all have a fair say in how the Organisation runs and represents the needs of each area.

Congratulations on having your membership accepted!!
Membership Nr_______________
Nearest Self-help support group________

Serenity NSW Inc. is a Public Benevolent Institution
so all donations over $2 are tax deductible

Please forward all applications by mail. See Contact Details

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