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What's New with Destiny Awaits...

August 28th 2001 - On to the mundane stuff. In preparation for the redesign, I went through all my links. That was an embarrassing experience. My apologies for not keeping them updated. I ended up with many sites that I can't find. Please help by reviewing the "Missing..." list and emailing me with the new address or status. Also, I added a banner and code to that page so you can link to me! I hope you will use it and send me your site URL.

August 27th 2001 - I'm getting better at updating! Yay! But I still need help (see previous update notes). There are 4 new stories and my very first "Personal Pick" award. It's a new award that will eventually be awarded to stories I recommend in each category. When the new "Destiny Awaits" is up stories will be separated by title, author, category and maybe more. So one story per category will be awarded with my personal seal of approval (wow huh?). There will also be lots of other stuff going on. I have to work hard since I want to get this done before I go to school (September 23rd). Woah...that's coming up. Sign "Letter to Joss", send feedback to authors and email me with suggestions/questions/fic. K?

July 31st 2001 - Upside: I have 4 new stories archived! Down side: I failed my New Year's resolution (see January 1st update note)...oops. Also found many submissions from March that I have yet to archive...more oops. My apologies to those authors. I do intend to archive them. If you would like to stop the "oops" join my little panel. You will get the pleasure of helping me archive, thus enabling me to update more. You will also get a say in what goes on at the site. It won't take up much time so please help! Thanks! I have many more stories to put up, and if I get some helpers that next update will come by the end of the week. Hopefully.

January 1st 2001 - Happy New Year! My New Year's resolution is to update this site a lot more. If I don't, please e-mail me! But I did update the stories. Please send me more!!! Also, I couldn't let "Into the Woods" pass without saying something. So, I updated my "Kate and Riley" section. Please be warned that this is not the last of my ranting! Be on the look-out to see if I keep my resolution (feedback and urgings do help)! Best wishes to all! Oh and PLEASE look at my Letter to Joss page! Sign!

September 24th 2000 - Yay!!! Thanks Clara! The all new Destiny Awaits is finally up!! Check it out! Lotsa stories are up, and there's more coming soon. Send feedback!

September 16th 2000 - The second redesign of Destiny Awaits is complete! I hope you like it Jennie! - Clara

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