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Ok. By now everyone should know who Riley and Kate are.All of the B/A 'shippers have had a hard time with these characters. They're icky. They're annoying. And they were sent by Joss Whedon to destroy the Buffy and Angel saga. For a long time now, they have stood as a mockery of our favorite relationship.

Buffy and Angel Forever
Alas, I believe they have finally met they're demise..... To help, please check out Letter to Joss and tell him how you hate one or both of the people below!
NOTE: I have nothing against Elizabeth Rohm and Marc Blucas themselves (other than a horrible sense for parts). I merely despise the travesties of human depictions they portray. There will be no bashing of the character's real-life counter parts.
This is Detective Kate Lockley. She was intended to be Angel's love-interest. Obviously, that's not working out too well. I have always wanted her dead. I must admit that Joss did a good job with the promo for "The shroud of Rahmon". When Angel bit Kate, I was hooked. Unfortunately, she's not dead. But her romance with Angel is. Elizabeth Rohm, the actress playing her, has a re-curring role on TNT's "Bull". Best of luck... but please don't come back.
From the very beginning, Riley Finn has been a "bloody thorn in my bloody side" (as Spike would probably put it). All and all, he has grown to become my number one target. Not only is he trying to replace Angel, he's also self-involved, boring, creepy, and stupid. "Into the Woods" solidified my hatred for Riley and the writer and creator who would do such a thing. To pass off Riley as "the love of {Buffy's life} " is ridiculous. Don't you love how they just glossed over Riley CHEATING on her! He makes her responsible for his feeling unloved. She has enough to deal with without being a baby-sitter. Good bye Riley... have fun being the stupid GI Joe wannabe!! Oh and Xander? You're going down for your attempts at projecting your feelings and fears on Buffy in that speech. Though Riley's gone, I fear I still have a little hostility that I will work out on this page.
Other enemies of Buffy and Angel:
I might do a bit on Joss Whedon(series creator), Xander (he might not even be worth it), Darla, and/or She (if need be). What do you think? E-mail me with your thoughts.

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