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Going Somewhere?
Here are some suggestions for your next stop...

First... link to me! Just use the code below the banner you want to use and take out the "*" marks. Thanks!

<*a href=""><*image src=""><*/a>

As for the rest of Buffydom...the sites below are the best of the best... Sites I stamp with my personal seal of approval. To help you out, I have put them into specific categories. Hope you find what you are looking for. Have a great site? Send me the URL. Please come and visit me again!

Buffy/Angel oriented Sites:

Buffy and Angel Together Forever

Mostly Fanfic Sites:

The Buffer
Slayer's Fanfic
Love is Never Ending
Twin Flames
The Normal
Duck's Fanfic (Denial Bubble)
Land of Denial
Soulmates Eternal Fanfiction Archive

Fun Quizzes and Misc. Stuff:

None at the moment... help me out!

Cool Clubs to Join:

RABID (for B/A 'Shippers)

Graphics/Website Help:

The links were broken . More coming soon.


I can't find the URL's for these sites. If you know the URL to one or more of these please Email me.

Tangled in Destiny
Buffy's Heavenly Angel
The Slayer and Her Angel
Passion Forever Webring
Get Slayed Online
The Buffy Graphics Shop
BtVS Studio
Heart of the Slayer
Love Is..... Unique

THE Links Site for BtVS:

Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links

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