Hanson Road Rules

My name is Jaxsper Finn. Last summer I met Taylor Hanson. We fell in love with each other, and pledged to always be together. Something happened and now he is gone from my life. It would take a miracle to get him back, and I belive in miracles with all my heart.


“It's horrible. It's terrible. I just know something bad is going to happen to mess our wedding up,” I said outside of the hotel.

We had just pulled into Oklahoma. Quick found us a hotel close to the Shawnee reservation. It was a small place, not extravagant at all. Only one problem. They wouldn’t rent a couple of rooms to a bunch of kids.

“None of this is working out as planned. Maybe we should just call the whole wedding off,” I heard myself say.

I tried to stop myself, but by the time I realized what I was saying, the words had escaped my lips. Taylor made that face at me, the look of hurt that he gets sometimes. I was sorry to have said it.

It wasn’t just the hotel being booked. It was everything. This was really, really hard for me. This final step in admitting I was gay and the semi public wedding that Taylor and I had been thrust into. If even some of the people who read about it online believed it was true, it would turn into a circus. Thank goodness no press seemed to think it was true. There wasn’t a camera truck in sight. I told the guys I could see what the headline in Daily Variety would be. “Dreamy Teen Ankles Gaily Into The Arms Of Budding Thespian.”

“Thespian?” Zac said. “I thought they called you guys fags. Thespians are girls!”

Zac and Taylor laughed, breaking the tension. I didn’t see what was so funny. Well, ok, maybe I was a bit high strung. Taylor told me not to worry. No one can decipher the headlines in Daily Variety anyway. That’s why it’s only read by wanna be actors with nothing but time on their hands to sort it out. No one else would care or think it’s true/

“Look, Jax, don’t worry so much,” Quick said. “We’ve sent in a request to the Shawnee people for a wedding ceremony. No reporters are here to spoil it. There must be another hotel nearby. We’ll get it all sorted out.”

Quick is cool. He wants to take care of everyone. That’s good, especially for X. The two of them have been spending alot of time together lately. I’m glad. X needs some protecting and Quick is glad to do it.

“Well, we could to go another hotel,” Zac said, “If you want to do it the hard way. Here, let me show you losers how to do it right.”

Zac pulled himself up to his full 5’3” and trudged inside. His Doc Marten boots making a flop-stomp-flop-stomp sound, as the heavy boot hit the floor, followed by the constantly untied laces slapping againt them.

“Hi,” Zac said to the hotel clerk, “Do you know me? I’m Zachary Walker Hanson. My brothers and I had a little hit song called ‘Mmmbop’. Maybe you’ve heard of it. It only sold like a bazillion copies. Dude, this is Oklahoma. My home state. How about showing it’s biggest homegrown star some hospitality. If it’s money that you’re worried about, don’t. We’re loaded, dude. I think you can rent us a couple of hotel rooms.”

“Mr. uh Hanson is it?” said the twitchy clerk behind the counter. “I don’t care if you’re the princes of England. We cannot rent rooms to minors.”

“Let me put it another way, dude. We’re tired. We’ve been driving for almost 6 hours straight, and I’m stinky. I have a very loud voice, so you better find us some rooms, ok? Here’s my credit card.” he shouted, as he slid the gold card accross to the clerk.

The few guests in the lobby looked his way. The clerk considered him for a moment, then took the credit card from him and started processing.

Zac walked out a few seconds later with a triumphant smile on his face and two room keys.


“Can you believe the wedding is the day after tomorrow?” Taylor asked me in our room. Is this the final guest list?”

Zac and Taylor and I sat brainstorming for the ceremony. Quick and X went out for a bit. Zac explained to us that he and Quick would install a couple of video cameras at a distance to record the ceremony, then broadcast it on the web. They would be far enough away that a positive identification would be impossible, but close enough to give a good picture.

Only a few people were invited. A couple of Taylor’s friends from his neighborhood and Ike. Taylor said that he wanted Ike to give him away at the ceremony, since he was the first guy Taylor admitted he was gay to, and the guy who drove us on our first date.

Zac looked hurt by that. I think that he wanted to be more involved, and felt as if his

work to get Taylor and I together was being slighted. Taylor and I had plans for Zac though. He’s not the only one who can cook up a scheme, you know. I had made a couple of phone calls, and I couldn’t wait to see the look on Zac’s face.

There was a knock on the door.

“What’s that?” I groaned. “More bad news?”

“Uh, actually, Jax,” Taylor said, “We call that sound a door knock. Let’s see who it is before we start predicting doom.”

Taylor was right. I wouldn’t allow myself to dwell on thoughts of doom. I’ve got to think positively. I would become the husband of the most wonderful man in the world tomorrow. Who wouldn’t want to trade places with me and actually get to marry Taylor Hanson?

He opened the door and an old Indian Woman entered.

“Hello children. I'm Mother Windom. Heard all about you folks are looking for something. Wanted to welcome you and such.”

She looked to be ancient! Her face was full of wrinkles but her eyes shined brightly. She explained that a Mr. Ecchs had contacted her over the internet and asked for her to perform the ceremony. It took me a second to realize that Mr. Ecchs was simply X our friend. He had hidden talents, that guy. I was also surprised to hear that this old woman was on the net. She just laughed and said that I was silly. What was she suppose to use? Smoke signals?

“You friends brought me here,” she continued. “Good friends. I’ve been reading about the two of you, and I can help you. I am an ordained minister and a medicine woman among my people. I can see the love that you feel for each other. It shines all around you. Come, your friends wait outside in the car. We will take you to see where the ceremony will take place. Some others have gathered there. The Shawnee take care of each other.”

I got scared. This was all happening so fast. I explained to the woman that we were trying to keep it silent.

“We keep our secrets, young man. You'll see. You're safer here than any old public church. We don’t allow just anyone to come onto the reservation, and we make many of our own laws. My grandfather was performing the medicine man marriage ceremony as was his father. He taught it to me, and I can help you two. It is decided, then. If I do not my own grandson would never speak to me again. He has read your story as well, and fallen in love with the both of you. Yes, he is as you two are. The Shawnee are more accepting of that, than many others. Here you have friends.”

We drove out to the reservation. It was growing dark, but she took us to the hillside where we would perform the ceremony and showed us the lower clearing where we could have a reception.

The reservation was a mix of old culture and new. There were houses, but there was also large areas of undeveloped land. The people seemed friendly enough.

We knew it would be sort of wild western-ish. It was. It's defiantly wild and western. Can't you picture Taylor riding down the aisle on a horse rather than walking. Carrying a bow and arrow rather than a bouquet? I could see that this wasn’t going to be a typical wedding. Then again, I guess Taylor and I are not the typical couple.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I guess I was wrong. Things were coming together just fine. Mother Windom gave us the lines that we needed to say to complete the ceremony. They were written out in Shawnee so we would have to memorize them.

“Child,” she said as she pulled me aside, “As I have told you, I can see the love the flows between the two of you. I can see something else in you. Have you ever felt the connection between you two?”

I noded my head.

“There is a bond between you that goes deeper than physical attraction. The Shawnee talk of a bond through the either. Concentrate on that. It will calm the fears and doubts you are feeling now. Stay in touch with that bond, young man. It will lead you down the right path. I sense happiness for the two of you. I think that you are one who is blessed with foresight. You can see what happens before it happens, I believe. Don’t fight it, let the thoughts come to you and you will see them.”

She seemed nice, but way to weird for me. X was standing by though, and nodding. He seems like he is more in touch with this spiritural mumbo-jumbo than I am. He talks about some bond that was broken in his life, and how that might have led to his lack of memory. I leave the weird stuff to him.

Before I could as Mother Windom to explain herself, Taylor came jumping over to me, as excited as a kid at Christmas.

“It’s really going to happen. Isn’t it, Jax?” Taylor said. “The worst is behind us. Now all we have to do is just get married. The day after tomorrow we will pledge our love for each other, we’ll recite our vows and then we’ll be married.”

As we walked back down the hill to the car, I started to panic again. The vows! I still

hadn’t written mine yet. Pen, pen, Pen. I need a pen! And some promises. I don’t even know what to say to him I didn’t the moment we first met. The moment when I first looked into his eyes. When it hit me that I could love another boy. Words. I need words. I need to put into words my feelings for Taylor. I tried to remember all we’ve been through. The tragedies. And, the triumphs. Come on! Maybe I’ll look through Hallmark cards. What do they pay those people for anyway!

Two days until the big day. The day after tomorrow Taylor and I would be married.


This was it. The big day. The day to top all days. The wedding of Jaxsper Finn to Taylor Hanson.

Zac couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of his brother. Here Taylor had found happiness, he was with someone, and Zac was all alone. Plus, Taylor and Jax had barely even thanked Zac for helping so much. After all, most of this was his idea!

He pushed those feelings aside, and walked over to his brother who was standing in a grove of trees waiting for the ceremony to start.

“Here Tay,” Zac said, “I wanted to give you this before the wedding started.

Zac pulled a small box out of one of the gigantic pockets in his cargo pants and tossed it to his brother. It was about four inches by four inches, wrapped up and topped with a bow.

Taylor opened it and a skimpy pair of silk briefs fell out, black and dotted with hearts.

“Just a little something to..... uh start your wedding off with a bang,” Zac said, “Literally.”

Taylor laughed and thanked Zac. He was happy that his brother could be here with him at this moment. Zac couldn’t contain himself much either. He jumped onto Taylor’s back and hugged him close.

“You’re getting married, dude! My big brother is getting married!”

Both boys laughed and got completely silly at the thought


I walked over to see Tay blush and stuff something small into his pocket. Zac was there with him. Cool. The two guys I wanted to talk to.

“Go away, Jax,” Zac yelled, jumping to stand between Taylor and me, “Don’t you know it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding? Tay, uh, you are the bride right? Or is that Jax?”

“Zac,” I said, “I’m not here to see Taylor. I’m here to see you.”

Taylor left us alone for a minute. Only for a minute though, because I knew that I couldn’t go more than a minute without him.

"I wanted to thank you, Zac, for all you’ve done for us. You never gave up on us, even when I did again and again. You believed in us and that made me believe too. That's why I want you to be our best man at the wedding.”

There was an awkward pause for a second.

“Well, I guess that all that's left is for you to agree. What do you say, brother-in-law?” I asked.

Zac smiled probably the second biggest grin I had ever seen on his face, second only to the one I would see in a minute.

“Of course I will!” he yelled, “and, I'll be the bestest best man in the whole place.”

We hugged each other. I really did owe Zac alot. If it wasn’t for him..... well I don’t want to think about it.

“You know, Zac,” I said, “You’re not the only person who’s good at surprises. I know that it’s my wedding and all, but I wanted to give you a present.”

“Present? I love presents! Lay it on me, dude.”

Zac turned, following the sound of a person clearing his throat.

“TOBY!” Zac yelled, smiling that ‘biggest smile ever’ I told you about. "Toby, man, it’s so great to see ya again…"

He ran over and Toby grabbed him. For a small boy, Toby sure can give a killer bear hug. He squeezed Zac tightly, and we could both see that Zac had really missed him.

“Lemme go!" yelled a muffled Zac, but Toby would have none of it. He just kept oh hugging, smooshing Zac’s face against his body. Zac’s limbs flailing in a mock attempt to release himself from Toby’s grasp. Finally, Toby relented and released his friend.

“Oh stop, pretending like you didn’t want that hug as much as I did. You missed me.” Toby laughed.

“Did not!” Zac retorted.

“Did too!”



I left them to enjoy the silliness of their relationship. Both boys, obviously happy to be together again. I ran to catch up with Taylor.


“They look happy,” Taylor said. “That was a great idea, Jax.”

I told Taylor that I knew Zac would enjoy that. Taylor didn’t know how close Zac and Toby had become when we were in California. One of the few secrets I kept from him was about the time I saw Zac and Toby having sex. It was really Zac’s business, and wasn’t my place to reveal it. Besides, Zac was still struggling with understanding his relationship with his best friend. It was up to Zac to decide what he wanted. “You’re not the only person who can give presents,” Taylor said, raising an eyebrow. “I got something I need to show you.”

He reached in his pants and started tugging. My eyes bugged out. Here? He must be


“Trust me, Jax, you’re gonna love it.”

With that he pulled out a big wad of papers he had stuffed in his pocket. He handed them over to me. They looked very official. I skimmed though most of them.

“I’m turning over half of my ownership in Hanson to you, Jax,” Taylor said.

I told him that it was crazy. That I wasn’t marrying him for his money. I didn’t love him for the things that he had, but for the person he was and the person he helped me to be. He wouldn’t hear any of it. It was simply too generous.

He said that he wanted me to be a part of his life, forever. What better way to make his parents and his record label and his managers acknowledge our bond, than to make them all have to deal with me as a part owner?

“I... I don’t know what to say, Taylor.” I stammered.

I reached in my pocket and handed Taylor .56 cents.

“It’s not much, Taylor, but it’s half of my fortune. I kinda spent most of my money getting to you, and the last little bit getting Toby here for Zac. I want you to have it, though. You have half my money, but all of my heart.”

I kissed Taylor and hugged him close. It was one of those moments that move in slow motion, like the day that I first saw him, like our first date at the carnival, like the moment I was reunited with him behind the concert hall.

Mother Windom approached us and said, "Time for you kids to get married. You've got your friends, you've got your family, its a nice day, you've even got yourself a broken down minister to help you. I'm here to help you both get what you wanted for so long and what everyone has been waiting and praying for. I think you've both learned something. True love survives. Nothing can stop it. Now come on, let’s get you two married.

With that Taylor and I went to take our places for the ceremony.


All of the people attending the wedding sat on the benches covered with blankets in the ceremonial area. It was all very rustic, unless you count the two video cameras Quick had set up to capture the occasion for the web. Everything was arranged in a broad oval before a huge outdoor fire, which burned brightly. Everyone was there. Ike and his date, a girl named Shiye; Toby; X; Quick and alot of the Shawnee people. Zac stood by our side as “best man”.

Well, at least that’s the way they described it to me afterwards. At that moment, all I could see was Taylor. He was in white, just as he said he wanted to be, a thick braid of his hair hung behind his left ear and was held together by silver cylinder in true Shawnee tradition. His eyes were both assuring and excited all at the same moment. He was truly beautiful, and I loved him.

“Look, I know we didn't have a rehearsal,” he whispered to me, breaking me of my reverie, “but I think we're supposed to be holding hands at this point.”

He stretched out his gentle hand and took mine, giving it a comforting squeeze.

“Jax, I feel like I'm dreaming,” he said smiling.

“That's funny,” I answered, “I feel like I just woke up.”

Maybe it was my acting training or Taylor’s presence but I found that up there, even with all the people looking at me, I was no longer nervous. I was just me, the true me. Not the me I become when I’m around people. Not the me that I present to be liked, while the true me hides inside. Not the loyal friend or the strong leader or the wise “me” I pretend to be to comfort people who look to me for guidance, the true me. The regular guy who just wants to enjoy himself and fall in love and be happy and taken care of, all the while taking care of someone else. The real me. No acting, no lies. Me.

The Shawnee medicine woman conducted the traditional wedding ceremony first, asking us if we each take the other in marriage. That was an easy question to answer.

“They will now make their vows, as we their friends and family make our vow to always support and love them,” she said.

Taylor cleared his throat and smiled, his eyes twinkling with that angelic light that they get sometimes.

He said, “Jaxsper, I think that someone must have planned for you and I to meet. You will probably think I'm crazy but I know that you are my destiny. It's fate, you and I. A destiny sent from above. God sent you to love me, Jax, and I thank Him every day for you. We give each other joy. I expose you to a world outside of your own, and you have turned me from a lonely singer standing in front of a crowd of people, into life's participant. This is my vow to you. My home, my life, all my love, it will always rest with you. Be mine forever, Jax. With you in my life I will always be forever safe."

His voice had such power and resonance. He was so sure of himself. It was funny, I felt a tear forming in my eye. It was a tear of joy. Just like Taylor, I thanked God for bringing me to this point. Before I met Tay, I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted. Now I did. It was so simple and easy. The scales had fallen from my eyes, and I owed it all to Taylor Hanson.

It was now my turn to pledge my love to Taylor. I said, “You know I'm not good with words. I couldn't think of how to express the emotions that I feel inside for you, Taylor. I truly believe that it is because I love you more than words can say. While trying to come up with something, I remembered this poem I heard a long time ago. It captures my feelings for you, and.... well here it is. 'You can say you love me, and I'll believe it's true. Trusting you is easy, because I believe in you. And, there is nothing in this world that I could miss, as long as we are in love like this. With the love you bring, I could never want for anything. I've found what I've been searching for in you. All I have now is all I need, because all I could want is you and me. How far away this world becomes when we are safely in each other's arms."

Ok, maybe it was a little premature, but Taylor still reached over to kiss me. Not that I complained. It was a sweet kiss, an angel kiss. He held my face in his hands and, as he pulled away, he wiped the tiny tear from my eye.

The main part of the ceremony was no over. Only the Shawnee portion, consisting of the dance and words at the end of that dance, remained to complete our union. Earlier, we had been given the Shawnee words we were to speak. It was pretty easy for me to remember. I’m usually pretty good with memorizing lines.

I felt blessed to be there with the person that I loved, my smile radiant, my eyes beaming. Taylor and I took our places in the Chatakwah circles, facing each other, separated by about five feet. I gazed passionately at my soon-to-be husband. Once completed this

chant would bond our marriage.

The musicians started playing a discordant, unconnected piece of music. Taylor loved it. They used everything from drums, flutes, rattlers and even a harmonica. Soon, the music fell to a rhythmic pattern. That was our cue to begin.

"Ya-ne-no-hoo-wa-no," Taylor said, as his eyes locked with mine. He asked me to accept him as my husband.

He took a step closer to me, and I repeated the same chant. Gradually, we inched forward towards each other, repeating the same line. Our hands were clasp behind our backs, our eyes never breaking the stare. I became lost in Taylor's eyes and found all at the same time.

Now, we stood within arm's reach of each other. I could see Taylor's eyes squint for a second, as he tried to remember his next line, the one that I rehearsed with him this morning as the sun rose.

"Psai-wi-ne-noth-tu," Taylor sang in time with the music, calling me a great warrior.

I repeated the same line and took another step closer to him. I now stood with my chest barely toughing his, my face close to his. I was no longer aware of anyone or anything around me, just Taylor. Only Taylor. No embarrassment, no fear, only our love and his eyes.

"U-le-thi-e-qui-wa," we each said, calling the other beautiful.

We moved even closer, pressing our bodies together now. Our bodies began to sway in time with the rhythmic music, pressing even closer. It was almost as if we were making love right there our bodies touching, combining into one. I could feel the heat from his body mix with mine, his soft breath on my cheek, the love flowing from his eyes.

The tempo of the music slowed, and our hands came from behind us, to clasp each other's. They hung, joined together at our sides.

"Ni-wy-she-an-a," Taylor said throatily as he pressed himself more intimately into me, grinding is body into mine. "I take you as my husband."

I repeated the same, and Taylor moved his lips the last fraction of an inch closer to kiss me. We were married. Together as one.

The onlookers rose to their feet and cheered, bring me out of my trance. I remembered all the people watching me and I blushed. Taylor grabbed me by the hand and dragged me along with him, running down the grassy hill to the area where our reception would be held. He was laughing all the way. It was just like when I first met him and he dragged me upstairs with the same laughter and electricity he showed now. That boy takes my breath away. We reached the end of the trail, and he stood there brushing my cheeks and forehead and lips with soft kisses.


“That, I reckon, was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen,” said Toby.

The boys sat together at a table in the wedding reception area. It had grown dark, but dozens of candles illuminated the surroundings. There were tables for the forty or so people gathered there. Zac and Toby were at one off to the side, watching Taylor and Jaxsper talking to their guests.

“Yeah sure, if you go for that sappy stuff,” Zac said.

“Oh Zac,” Toby scolded him, “Don’t be such a stick in the mud. Besides, I know you better than you know yourself. You were as moved by the ceremony as I was.”

Zac was about to respond with another patented ‘Zac-ism’ but the boys were interrupted. A teenage Shawnee girl came over to the table. Toby introduced her as Dawn, a girl he had met earlier this morning when he arrived at the Shawnee reservation. Dawn seemed to be smitten with the Australian boy. She made it a point to touch Toby’s chest as she handed him her phone number.

“Looks like you have a real way with the ladies, Tobe,” Zac said, “Look at this. We have three recording stars here and you’re the one sitting there with a girl’s digits. There is no justice in this world!”

“Yeah,” Toby laughed, “I think she likes me.”

“Girls can be so dumb.”

He wanted to say more, but instead he kept it inside. He wanted to say things like, “Who cares if she likes you? I like you. Why does that upset me so much inside? Why am I suddenly feeling this way again? Why do I feel so jealous of some dumb girl who likes Toby?”

Toby looked Zac straight in the eye and said, “I don’t care if she likes me. I really like you.”

Zac punched him playfully in the arm and said, “Boomerang boy!”

Toby pushed him back, calling him “Big Nose.”

This continued for a while, but then attention was turned back to Jaxsper and Taylor. Toby couldn’t keep his eyes off the couple. He was jealous. He wanted to feel a love like that. He scooted closer to Zac and slowly put his arm around the other boy’s neck as he stared at the happy couple.

It made Zac feel weird inside, like his guts were in a blender or something. He tried to think of a way to stop Toby without hurting his feelings. Zac knew that he was much better at the no-touching-in-public thing than his friend was.

Zac untangled himself from Toby and went to get something to eat. When he came back, holding an hors d’vous tray for the two of them. He found Toby still staring at Jax and Tay. His head resting in the crook of his right arm.

“He looks like such a kid,” Zac thought. “He needs someone who can feel the way that he does, and not hurt him. It’s not me. It’s not like I’m good at all that ‘touchy-feely’ stuff.”

Still, Zac couldn’t help himself. His mind flashed back to last summer, and the things he had done with his friend Toby. He also couldn’t help but adjust himself...down there. He started to get hard and that made him uncomfortable. Then, he became nervous.

“What if Toby noticed?” he thought. “What if he thinks I had to do that because I love him? What if someone else saw his arm around me and thinks that I’m like Taylor?”

He quickly sat down next to his friend and tried to act as if there was nothing wrong.

“Zac,” Toby said, taking a crab cake from the tray and stuffing it into his mouth, “I do know you better than you know yourself.”

“No you don’t. Prove it,” Zac said.

“You always seem to know what is best for everyone but yourself. I know you won’t admit it but you like me, Zachary Walker Hanson, and I know it. I guess if I want you to know it too, I’m going to have to show you. If you won’t admit that you love me, well I guess I am just going to have to seduce you.”

Zac started to choke on a bite of pigs in a blanket. He needed to change the topic, and quick. ____________________

Taylor and I had thanked Mother Windom for marrying us, and shook hands with Ike when the sound of Zac tapping his spoon on a glass interrupted us.

“Excuse me. Excuse me,” Zac said, “If I can have everyone’s attention. As you know, Taylor and Jaxsper have asked me to be their best man. That’s right, I’m the best man. And as the best man, it is my responsibility to make the toast.”

“Oh boy, here we go,” Taylor whispered to me, “Now he’s going to say something dumb and make a fool out of himself.”

“To Jaxsper,” Zac said, “You know better than anyone what you're getting into. I mean, I grew up with Taylor. He's not exactly easy to live with. So, don't go thinking that just because he is now a "married man" that it's going to be a walk in the park. It’s not going to be easy because Taylor is... well, difficult."

"See? Told you. This is some speech." Taylor whispered.

Zac continued, "However, Jaxsper, you seem to have had a mellowing affect on him. You have turned Taylor into a guy even a brother can love. I wish you guys all the best. To Jaxsper and Taylor, may they always be together."

He raised his soda glass, and the other guests followed suit, drinking to the marriage’s long life.

Taylor breathed a sigh of relief and we went over to thank our ‘best man’ for not totally embarrassing himself with the toast. Taylor noticed Toby looking a bit dejected. To cheer him up, Taylor asked him for a dance.

As I turned to leave, Zac said, “Hey Jax, wait a second. I just wanted to thank you...."

"What? For Toby? Don't mention it, Zac. I always thought that...."

"No, not that. I'm grateful for you inviting Toby and all, but I wanted to thank you for doing this. All of this. I mean, I know how embarrassing this whole thing was for you, and I certainly didn't help. But you did it, Jax. You did it for Taylor. You knew that he needed this. Now, look at him. He's happier than he's ever been, and it's all because of you, Jaxsper. I wanted to thank you for that."

I looked over at Taylor, laughing and dancing, not self conscious in the slightest. Free, happy and loved. My eyes traveled over to my other friends. X and Quick, their cautions feelings for each other showing through their every step. Even Zac's eyes drifted over to Toby. Who knew what they felt, but they were best friends after all. All of them, brought together to celebrate Taylor and me. It was great, and I felt just like Taylor - happier than I had ever been.

"So, Zac," I said, "You have always seem to have all the answers when it comes to Taylor and I. Where do we go from here? What happens now?"

Zac smiled on of his huge smiles and said, "What happens now, Jax? This is a wedding reception isn't it? Now. Now we dance. Not that Hansons can dance, mind you. We can't dance for sqat, but let’s give it a try.”

Zac grabbed me by the hand and dragged me out onto the dance floor as the music pumped through the speakers. He was right. All those questions that I had when I first saw Taylor. The time it took for me to realize that I could love another boy, and the times that I was embarrassed to say so in public. It didn't matter. What mattered was that I listened to my heart and I was true to myself. The music grew louder

"Baby I knew at once that you were meant for me, and deep in my soul I know that I'm your destiny. But, you're unsure. Why fight the tide? Don't think so much. Let your heart decide. Baby, I see your future and it's tied with mine. Still, I look in your eyes and I see you're searching for a sign. Don't be so scared of what you don't know. Just be true to your heart. You must be true to your heart. That's when the Heavens will part and shower you with my love. Open your eyes, your heart will tell you no lies. And, when you're true to your heart, I know it's going to lead you straight to me."

We danced for a bit, before he passed me over to Taylor and grabbed Toby. He wanted to give Taylor away at the wedding, and I guess he decided if he couldn’t do it then, he would do it now.

"Hi, stranger," I said to Tay as he kissed me once again. "Tell me, will the rest of our days be as exciting as this one?"

"All I know, Jax is that life with you will never be dull."

We danced and laughed and kissed late into the night.


The next morning I stretched and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up.

I blinked twice and said, "Oh my God! It was all a dream."


Oh no. Oh God. Don't tell me it was all a dream,” I said as I rolled over in bed.

"I don't think so, honey. Not unless the rest of the world was dreaming too,” Taylor answered.

I rubbed my eyes and looked to see Taylor approaching me in bed, the sun peeking through the window behind him and giving him an angelic glow. He did it again! Up before me. He was carrying an armful of wrapped gifts.

He said, “There are more presents on their way along with tons of telegrams and e-mails including this one."

I took it from him. It was from my Mom. She said that she had gotten my messages, and while she was still mad at me, she was willing to talk about it more as soon as I got home. She also said she wanted to met this famous Taylor person that I kept talking about. I didn’t tell her the full story, but I did let her know that I had met a guy and I was in love. It was weird, all the time worrying about how disappointed she would be in me. I didn’t have to. At least she was trying to understand.

“Looks like your... I mean my mother-in-law is ok with us, huh?” Taylor asked as he sat down on the bed beside me. “She sent a letter to me too, Jax. You’re Mom told me to get her little boy home safe and as soon as possible. Something about you being grounded for the next year or so. I guess we’ll have to postpone that honeymoon a bit.”

He laughed and nudged my arm, then leaned in to kiss me and said, “I almost forgot. Good morning, husband.”

“Husband. That sounds really good. Taylor, I love you and I am happy that I married you. I know that I was kinda nervous and weird about it at first, but.... well I just want you to know that there's no getting out of it now. There's no way to stop this marriage even if we wanted too, which we don't want to. You got me?”

Taylor laughed and looked at me, his eyes sparking, and said, “Yeah. Yeah I got you, Jax. I’ve got you forever.”

“Yes, well that's your problem.” I joked back.

Taylor took my hand to his mouth and lovingly kissed my ring finger. On it was the ring he picked out for me. A simple gold band with a fire design set in amber. He had the matching ring. The Shawnee believe that the marriage will be united so long as the eternal flame burns. Our rings were a symbol of that.

“It was just so simple and perfect, the way it all happened. I loved the wedding ceremony, Tay,” I said, “It took awhile, but in the end it was like we were just waiting and trying to find the perfect moment."

"We were, and we did. I love you, Jax."

"I love you, Taylor, more than life itself," I said as I kissed my husband one more time. __________________

And, that was it. That was how I married Taylor. I had traveled across the United States. I had been hospitalized. I had spent every dime I had, and had embarrassed myself in front of everyone. If I had a chance to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing, because the most important thing was that we were together, now and forever. One soul, two bodies. Going our separate ways, but still together.

"All I have now, is all I need.
Because all I want is you and me.
How far away this world becomes,
in the safety of my Taylor's arms."

This story is dedicated to Dean Lidster, the dreamer who started it all for me.

Toby decided the only way he can get Zac to admit his love is to seduce him. How will he do that? What is the mystery behind X's memory loss? What if not every fan watching Jaxsper and Taylor getting married was happy for them? Jaxsper claimed that he loved Taylor more than life itself. What if he was forced to prove it? All these questions will be answered Hanson Fanatic.

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