Hanson Road Rules


My name is Jaxsper Finn, and I am dead inside. Last summer I met Taylor Hanson. We fell in love with each other, and pledged to always be together. Something happened and now he is gone from my life. It would take a miracle to get him back, and I don’t believe in miracles.

I’m sorry. I let me start at the beginning.

Last summer, MTV produced a show called “The Real World - Hanson.” They picked four kids between 12 and 17 to live in a house and film a music video with the band Hanson. Believe it or not, I was one of them. Hard to believe, right? Well, it gets even more shocking. While I was there, Taylor Hanson and I fell in love. That’s right, Taylor Hanson loves me! The guy who could have picked any girl in the whole world chose me, another guy! I was just some wannabe actor, who couldn’t even admit that he liked guys, but Taylor showed me it was possible.

It was the happiest time of my life. Three weeks with Taylor. He showed me how to live my life and not worry about what other people would say, to follow my heart. He gave me my first kiss. He was my first in alot of other ways too. We both knew our time together wouldn’t last forever, but I thought that our love would. Maybe I was wrong.

After I got back, I was sort of a minor celebrity. There were interviews with local TV stations, radio stuff too. No one knew about Tay and me, but still I was on MTV every week when they broadcast the show. All the kids at school asked me about it, even the ones who would have never admited that they liked Hanson. I had tons of girls asking me out, even a couple of guys, but I only had eyes for Tay.

When I saw him last, Taylor gave me a cell phone. Every day after school, I would rush home to use it. We would talk for hours. He would tell me how his promotional tour was coming, and I would tell him about the drudgery of school. He loved to hear about school, since he’d never been in an actual classroom a single day in his life. The wonders of home schooling.

The phone calls started to taper off, though. More and more, I would get someone from his management on the phone. They would tell me that Taylor was busy, and ask if I wanted to leave a message. After about forty messages, I got the hint that maybe someone wasn’t writing them down anymore. About a month ago, the cell phone was shut off. I tried calling him on my own phone, but I was put back in 'message Hell' again. Even my letters started to get returned. I tried e-mailing him but his web address was canceled. Then I tried to locate him through AOL. Do you know how many Hanson fakes there are out there on the ‘net?

I resigned myself to the fact that it was over. I guess he didn’t want to see me anymore. Maybe he had found someone else, or realized that he didn’t like guys or something. That’s when I stopped caring. I don’t mean I stopped caring about Taylor. I mean I just stopped caring about everything. I turned into some sort of zombie. I didn’t even want to feel my heart beat again, because I didn’t want to feel anything anymore. When I lost Tay, I gave up every emotion.

Today is Thursday. I got up and went to school, as usual. I listened to my teachers talk about subjects that I knew more about than they did, as usual. I had lunch with my friends, as usual. Then I took the bus home, also as usual. Every day is pretty much the same. Not like when I was with Taylor. Now, it’s like the whole week is just one big day, only I get to change clothes.

When I got home, my mom told me that Hanson would be on David Letterman. She knew that I liked them, and she joked that I could see my famous friends again. It wasn’t the same, though. All it did was start that whole “missing Taylor” feeling I had inside again. It was a feeling I didn’t like. So, I decided not to watch. I’d rather the hollow feeling than this dull pain.

It was almost midnight, and I couldn’t sleep. I don’t know why, but I turned on the TV. David Letterman was just about to introduce the second song Hanson would perform on his show, and I decided that I should just stop feeling bad and watch.

Maybe it was some psychic side of me trying to tell me something, or maybe it was Divine intervention, or it was dumb luck. My mouth dropped open when I heard what Taylor said.

“Before we start, I would like to send out a 'hello' to my friend Jaxsper. I don’t know why you lost contact with me, but I hope that you’re ok. Maybe you can catch up with our tour. I miss you.”

"Tonight you're mine, completely. You give your love so sweetly. Tonight the light of love is in your eyes, but will you love me tomorrow? Is this a lasting treasure or just a moment's pleasure? Can I believe the magic of your touch? Will you still love me tomorrow?"

He doesn’t know why I lost contact with him? My mind started reeling. Maybe he didn’t stop caring about me. Maybe he didn’t even know that I was calling him all those times. What did he think happened to me? What if he hates me because he thinks I stopped caring!

I pulled up the hansonline site on my computer. It told me that Hanson would be in New York for a couple of days, then move onto Canada.

It was one of those movie moments. You know, when the stage goes dark and the spotlight falls on you? I decided at that moment that if Mohammed wouldn’t come to the mountain, then the mountain would come to Mohammed. Maybe I couldn’t reach Taylor by phone, but I sure could see him in person. I would catch up to their tour, and nothing and no one would stop me.

My name is Jaxsper Finn, and I am alive inside. Last summer I met Taylor Hanson. We fell in love with each other, and pledged to always be together. Something happened and now he is gone from my life. It would take a miracle to get him back, and I believe in miracles - with all my heart!


“Man! That Taylor has a great ass!” Sage said to no one in particular as he sipped his drink backstage.

Sagittarius North, or Sage as all his fans called him, had joined the Hansons for “Some Assembly Required” a school assembly tour telling kids to stay in school. This week Sage, Hanson, and a few other teen stars were appearing before three New York high schools.

Sage’s popularity was growing. He had just finished another feature film, this after a few years as the big, teen-heartthrob on a soap opera. Sage had been on the cover of all the teen magazines for the last six months. He was popular, good looking, charming, and he knew it.

Hanson was up onstage singing their new single, “Lonely Boy” and Sage had positioned himself close enough backstage to get a good look.

“It began in the Spring. I was looking for another lonely heart. I tried to find the answer, tried to find the missing part. Now it’s Fall, and the wind is blowing. It’s still cold inside my heart. I’m all alone, and my heart is calling, ‘Is there no one, who can love this lonely boy? At the end of the day, there’s no one to hold my hand. Is there no one, who can love this lonely boy? At the end of the day, there is just no one who understands.”

Ike liked the re-working Taylor did on this song. “Lonely Boy” wasn’t actually a new song, but instead an updated version of a song from one of their earlier recordings, “Boomerang.” Isaac was happy that Tay had taken the initiative to suggest that they bring the song back. Taylor had developed new harmonies, and a different musical arrangement for the song, even re-wrote some of the lyrics. Plus, Ike thought that it played up on Taylor’s own ‘teen heartthrob’ status. It sure made all the girls love him and the band more, when Tay sang about being lonely. It made all the fans think that they could be the one for Taylor.

The band finished. They could still make all the girls scream. Ike and his brother rushed backstage and the MC from one of the radio stations took over the crowd and introduced the next act.

“Great song, Taylor,” Sage said. “You seem to put alot of yourself into your work.”

“Thanks, ummm Sagittarius isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but call me Sage. You know, you sang that song like you really felt it. Is it true?”

“Is what true,” Taylor asked.

“That you’re a lonely boy?” Sage responded, moving in closer.

Sage liked Taylor. He liked alot of boys. Sure, magazines like “Bop” and “Teen” made it look like Sage was a real lady’s man, but Sage knew what he really wanted. He wanted guys, and lots of them. He was sure that Taylor was “his way” too. “Why, just look at him,” Sage thought, “The feminine features, the sensitive song lyrics. All of it.” Yep, Sage knew that Taylor would be a nice catch for him, at least for right now.

Zac bounded into the room and interrupted the subtle sparks shooting between the other two boys.

“Hey guys,” he yelled. “Whatcha eating, dude?” Zac picked up the half eaten sandwich from Sage’s table.

“It’s my sandwich, kid. Had my assistant get it for me before the show started.” Sage answered, “You mind putting it down. I was, sort of talking to your brother here. You know, alone.”

Zac answered, “First of all, don’t call me kid. You’re...what a whole 4 years or so older than me, old man. Second, I’ll answer the question for Taylor. He has someone, he’s not lonely at all. Right, Tay.....Tay?!”

Taylor tore his eyes away from Sage’s gaze for a second. There was something about Sage that he liked. He was so direct, not to mention good looking. Taylor had denied his homosexuality for a long time. When he was on tour, there was a few guys he saw that he wanted to get to know better, but he was always afraid to make the first move. He thought he would be lonely forever, until last summer when he met Jaxsper. Taylor didn’t know why, but it seemed like Jax had stopped loving him. It had been months since he had heard from him. Now, there was this new guy. Taylor couldn’t be sure, but he thought that Sage might be coming on to him.

Taylor answered, “Ummm, yeah I have someone who loves me.”

“You don’t sound very convinced, Taylor,” Sage said, raising an eyebrow and flashing his sparkling smile. “Are you sure? Who is this lucky girl?”

Zac dropped Sage’s sandwich and said, “It’s just someone, alright. They fell in love over the summer. They’re a great couple, ok? That’s all you need to know.”

Sage turned back to Taylor and said, “Secret girl, huh? Come on, brag. Tell me about her. We’re all guys here.”

Taylor answered, “Ummm well, I’m not really a big secret sharer. I like my secrets, that’s why they stay secret.”

“What about you, Zac.” Sage said turning towards the younger boy. He could tell that Zac was sort of protecting Taylor from something. Sage wanted to find out from what. “You want to tell me about Taylor’s lucky love?”

“Sage, do you really want me to answer that, or just glare at you?”

“Ok, ok. Sorry. Just wanted to hear about the lucky girl who got you, Taylor. You must be able to take your pick.” Sage walked over to the table and picked up his sandwich. We walked back towards Taylor holding it in front of him and said, “Here, want a bite.”

Sage lifted the sandwich to Taylor’s mouth. Tay couldn’t take his eyes off this boy. He opened his mouth and let Sage feed him a tiny bit of the sandwich.

“Mmmm,” Taylor said, swallowing the bite. “What is it?”

“Meatball hoagie from Molinaros. Best in the city. Maybe I could take you there, as long as you’re in town.”

Zac walked between the two boys. “Nah, I think Taylor’s kinda tired. We did the Letterman show last night, and we have the other ‘Assembly Required’ shows to do tomorrow and Thursday. So, tonight we were just going to veg out and order a movie from the hotel room. Right Tay? I think Ike has the list of movies on pay-per-view. Be right back.”

Zac ran off to get the list from Ike. He didn’t want to leave Taylor alone with this snake for very long. Sage gave Taylor one last smoldering look before he heard the MC announcing him onstage. It was Sage’s turn to talk to the students now.

“Well, that’s my cue,” Sage said as he walked towards the stage, “I’ll see you at tomorrow's show, Taylor. You know, we still have two more schools on this tour. Maybe you’ll be up for doing something later?”

Zac came running back and said, “Oh good, that loser’s gone, huh? What’s with that guy anyway? Asking you about all that personal stuff.”

Taylor was almost too busy watching Sage talk to the crowd out on the stage to notice. He took the list of movie choices that Zac handed him. Taylor looked down, reading the list of five movies.

“Looks like you have some choices to make, huh Tay?”


Dear Mom,
I guess I could come up with some sort of lie. Either, 'Hey guess what, Timmy's family invited me to go on vacation with them' or 'The school overnight field trip is this week.' The truth is, I met someone. Actually I met them last summer, when I was filming that show for TV. Mom, I have to go and see them, there's no other way. I know, I know, stupid and irresponsible. If there was any other way, believe me I would do it. I will remember everything you told me, and I'll be careful. I will call you as soon as I can. I'll be alright, Mom. I promise.
I love you,

That was the note I left for my Mom, just before I left home. I guess I could have 'vagued it down' just a bit and actually told her who I was in love with, but what was I supposed to say? "Mom, the teenage guy that I love and had sex with all summer thinks I hate him now. Be back after I tell him I don't. By the way, I'm gay." Yeah, now there's a note! Maybe, after I get to Taylor, I can tell my Mom the truth.

I packed up everything, and I mean everything, I thought I might need. I think my backpack weighs about 50 pounds! I got on my bike and took off.

The way I figure it, Mom won't be home until the day after tomorrow anyway. She's staying over at Aunt Sally's this weekend to help her plan her wedding. She left me home alone because she said I was responsible enough to take care of myself now. Guess she was wrong about that. I hope things go great after I see Taylor because, after a stunt like this, I don't think Mom will let me see another human being for a long time.

"Runaway". The word kept repeating in my mind as I peddled to the bus station. It made me sound so stupid. "Runaway" Hey, did you hear that Jaxsper ran away cause he was in love with some guy? Not just any guy but some guy he saw in music videos! "Runaway" Stupid, teenage runaway!

But it wasn't like that. It was more than just some dumb teenager thing. I loved Taylor. I mean I really loved him, with all my heart. If he didn't love me, fine. I couldn't force him to. I would carry on, still loving him anyway. When I heard that he still loved me, and that he actually thought that I had stopped loving him is when I snapped. I couldn't let Taylor feel that way. I won't let him feel like no one loves him. I can't have him feeling all alone. Some how, some way, I have got to see him and tell him that I still care.

It was remarkably easy to buy a bus ticket, even without my parents there. I withdrew my entire life savings, a whole $446.00 from the bank. The ticket only cost me about $200 but the bus would only travel as far as Pittsburgh. The company said another bus would leave for New York from there, but it would be a whole day after I arrived. I didn't care. I had to get out of town before I changed my mind and chickened out.

They called for all the passengers to board. I stowed my huge backpack and found my seat. The bus was pretty dirty and crowded. Still, the people fascinated me. I love observing people. Maybe it's the actor in me. I like to see the way they walk and talk and what motivates them. Watching everyone as the got on and off along the bus route kept me pretty interested for the first day and a half.

A guy got on near the last half of the second and final day on the bus. He took a seat across the aisle from mine. He looked to be around 17, had sort of longish brown hair, tall and thin. He took out a laptop computer, balanced it on the tiny tray table he pulled down in front of him, and started typing away. He looked up only a couple of times along the way. His hair was long in the front and fell over his face as he leaned over the computer. Every once in a while, he would reach up and brush it back with his left hand.

Something about him interested me, more than most of the boring people on the bus. He seemed pretty cool, plus he was the only one who was close to my age. I tried to look over and see what he was working on, but instead I sort of tipped over and almost fell out of my chair.

“Easy there, big guy,” he said, jokingly.

“Sorry,” I answered, blushing a bit. “Just wanted to see what you were typing on your computer there. Guess that was a bit nosy.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just a website I was working on. I do that alot. I create websites. This one is for my Uncle, I’m going to house-sit for him in Pittsburgh. He owns a car dealership, but he’s away at some business convention, so he’s letting me stay in his big house. He’s also having me create a website for his business. Where are you headed?”

“Pittsburgh too, well for a little while. I plan to go all the way up to New York. I’m trying to catch up with my....ummm my girlfriend.”

“Ah, girl troubles huh? I know how that is. Does your Mom know about your trip?”

“Yeah, ummm of course she does. Well, not about the girlfriend part but the trip. Yeah she knows. She knows it all. Yeah.”

“Well, nice to meet you,” he said, brushing the hair from his face and extending his hand across the aisle. “My name is David Xairec, but my friends call me Quick, like in Quicksilver. I do a bit of skateing too, guess that’s how I got the name.”

I took his hand and shook it. He had a nice, firm handshake. Quick seemed like a cool guy. I was glad that I would be sharing this part of the trip with him.


The bus pulled up in Pittsburgh around 5:00 in the afternoon. I waited outside with the fifty or so other people to get my pack. Pittsburgh seemed nice, actually alot of America looked beautiful from the bus window as we drove from town to town. One thing I noticed along the way was that they always put the bus depot in the worst part of town.

I had a little over 24 hours in Pittsburgh before the next bus to New York, and I had no idea what to do. I was sure they would never give a hotel to a minor, and I can’t have anyone calling Mom for her credit card number. One of the people at the bus station suggested I try a youth hostel, which was about seven blocks away, in an even worse part of town I think.

I hoisted my pack up, and set out for the hostel. If I hurried, I could get there before it grew too dark. I wandered past some of the winos and street people and I wondered if that was what I had come to. I told myself not to think about it, that all that mattered was that soon I would get to see Taylor again.

“Where ya headed, kid?” said a voice behind me.

I just pulled my pack closer, mumbled something and walked faster.

“Hey, kid. My friend asked you a question. What? You’re too good to answer?” said a second voice.

“Sorry,” I said turning around. “I was just rushing to get to the....”

That was all it took. In heartbeat two guys were on top of me. One of them knocked me down, and the other one started tugging at my backpack. I didn’t know what to do. My brain panicked, and I couldn’t think straight. The only thing I could think of was, ‘Gotta get away. Gotta get away.’

The fall knocked the wind out of me. The first one moved his hand down trying to grab the wallet out of pocket while the other kept messing with the buckle on my backpack. I tried to fight them off the best that I could, but they had me pinned in such a way that I couldn’t get any leverage. My mind flashed to what my Mom would think if she found me like this. Then I thought of Taylor. What if they hurt me and I never got to see him again? What had I gotten myself into?

From underneath the two guys, I saw a car break hard in the middle of the street. It’s back end swerving a bit with its sudden stop. The car blasted its horn. Then, I saw one of my attackers pulled off of me. The driver of the car, held his arm. The driver punched the attacker in the stomach. He grabbed at his stomach, exhaling a huge amount of air.

That gave me the chance I needed. I lunged my knee forward, catching the other attacker in the nuts. He doubled over in pain and I pushed him off of me. The first attacker recovered, and rushed towards the driver but he dodged out of the way, this sent the attacker tumbling into a pile of garbage.

“Come on,” the driver said. “Get in the car!”

I was so stunned, I couldn’t move though. The driver grabbed me by my shoulder and dragged me to the passenger seat of his convertable and shoved me in. He ran over to his side and hopped into the car too. We sped off, leaving my two attackers behind as they screamed at us.

I was still breathing hard, several minutes later. He just kept driving. I looked over and realized that the driver was Quick, the guy I met on the bus. I put my hand to my head, and when I drew it back down, there was blood on it.

“I think I saw some napkins in the glove compartment.” Quick said. “You’ve got a pretty bad cut on your forehead.”

I took one of the napkins and dabbed it at my head. After applying some pressure, the bleeding stopped for a minute.

Quick pulled the car over to the side of the road. He asked me if I was ok. It took me a couple of seconds to think about it, but I told him I thought so. I was just really rattled. He told me that he had just picked up the car that his uncle left at the station for him, when he saw what was happening to me.

“Guess I can't let you out of my sight for a minute. You barely had time to get off the bus, Jaxsper. Either I am too stupid, or not jaded enough to just drive by and leave you like that,” he said. “Hey, you’re head is started bleeding again.”

He took one of the napkins from me, wet it with his tongue and wiped gently at my head. I winced in pain and pushed his hand away. He looked back at me almost hurt, then reached forward again, this time dabbing at the gash at my head even more gently.

“I realized I just started driving after I got you in the car. I don’t even know where you were headed. Can I drop you somewhere?”

I told him that I was on my way to the youth hostel, but he wouldn’t take me there. He said that it wasn’t the best place for someone new in town to stay. He said that he could take me to his uncle’s house. It was a big place, and it was completely empty. Quick was house-sitting for his uncle through the end of next week. There would be plenty of room, and he would like the company. I told him that I had to take another bus tomorrow. Even though I didn’t know him that well, I didn’t want to have to go back to that neighborhood again. He wouldn’t have let me anyway.

We pulled up to his uncle’s house about a half hour later. Quick had to refer to the directions on his laptop to find the place. We talked a bit while he drove there. It was an amazing place. The house was huge! Quick told me that his uncle owned the biggest car dealership in the state. While his uncle was away, Quick was to take care of the house. His uncle even let him use this nice, red convertible from one of his car lots..

“I think the bathroom is this way,” he said after letting us in. “It’s been years since I’ve been here though.”

We found the bathroom after a couple of tries. Quick took a washcloth and wet it under the faucet. He touched it tentatively to my forehead, cleaning out the dirt and dried blood. I tried to be brave and not flinch. He leaned in closely, his hair once again falling before his eyes. Quick’s eyes were a deep shade of brown and showed such concern.

He left me to continue cleaning up, as he went to his car to get my pack.

“Jax, this thing is huge! What do you have in here anyway?” he asked a second later returning with my pack.

“Only the essentials,” I said. “I tried to pack everything I would need.”

“Sounds cool. Guess you think you’re going to be needing some cinder blocks and barbells then. It weighs a ton!”

He ordered a pizza for us. We talked some more as I gobbled down most of it. I was starving! After awhile, it got to be pretty late. He led me upstairs to the bedrooms, showing me to one of the guestrooms. Quick left some towels and things for me.

“I’m right next door if you need me,” he said as he left me. “Good night, Jaxsper.”

I tossed around for an hour or so, but I couldn’t sleep. Finally, I got up and walked over to his room. Quick was still up, typing away on his laptop. He brushed the hair out of his eyes, and looked up to greet me.

“I’m sorry,” I said, “I feel like such a baby. I can’t sleep alone. When I close me eyes, I see those two guys.”

Quick was really sympathetic. He told me to climb into the master bed with him. It was big enough anyway. He wouldn’t mind, as long as I didn’t mind the glow from his laptop. He needed to get a bit more work done.

I didn’t mind. I pulled the covers back and climbed in beside him. I thanked him again for being so helpful and for not thinking that I was some total wuss.

“You know,” I said, “My.. ummm girlfriend, the one I am trying to get to see, she used to have a problem sleeping alone. She could only relax if I was in bed next to her. Guess now I’m the one with the problem. Dumb, huh?”

Quick said that if I had a girlfriend who couldn’t sleep alone, then I was one lucky man. He asked if he could turn on the radio. He turned it on softly. It was a Hanson song, their latest single. Just hearing Taylor’s voice made me feel better.

“Is there no one, who can love this lonely boy? At the end of the day, there’s no one to hold my hand. Is there no one, who can love this lonely boy? At the end of the day, there’s no one who understands.”

“Hang in there, Taylor,” I thought to myself. “I’ll be there soon. I promise.”

I rolled over and pulled the blankets close. The ‘tick-tick-tack’ sound of the keys on Quick’s computer lulled me to sleep.


“Do you think I’m yesterday’s news?” Taylor said, as he looked up to Zac sitting on the bed.

“What?” Zac said, half listening. He was too engrossed in yet another pay-per-view movie on the hotel television. It was B action movie Zac had picked out with plenty of explosions and car crashes. Taylor wasn’t particularly interested in it.

“I said, ‘do you think I’m yesterday’s news?’ You know. Tired, stale. Zac, it’s been awhile since we’ve come out with a new album. Our new single ‘Lonely Boy’ is doing ok but it’s no ‘Mmmbop.’ I’m just wondering. Do you think maybe that’s why..... ummm some people have stopped being excited about me?”

“You’re talking about Jaxsper right? Come on, Tay. Just say it. You’re wondering why Jaxsper has stopped calling you. It’s not our fame you’re thinking about. We’re doing ok with it. I mean, come on, we don’t have a new CD out but we’re going to soon. This ‘Some Assembly Required’ tour is kinda lame but we still pack them in. Besides, you and I both know that you never really enjoyed all the rabid fans pawing at you anyway. You’re really wondering why Jaxsper hasn’t called.”

“Yeah, I guess. I know that we’ve been kinda busy. Still, he used to call every day. It’s been too long since I’ve heard from him. Sage says.......”

Zac unglued his eyes from the television and interrupted Taylor, “Excuse me? That was, ‘Sage says..?’ Taylor, why do you talk to that guy? He’s a total jerk. Sage is so full of himself!”

Taylor answered, “What is it with you? I talked to Sage earlier on the phone when you were down by the pool. Why are you so mean around him? What’s so bad about Sage?”

“A better question is what’s so good about him? Taylor, you know he was so coming onto you earlier, and he has this way about him. He’s so smug.”

“Zac, he’s a guy. Just because I like boys doesn’t mean that everyone does. Look at you and Toby. You’re friends right? I doubt Sage likes me in... you know... that way. Don’t jump to conclusions.”

“Please, Taylor. I didn’t jump to conclusions. I just took a teeny tiny step and the conclusions were right there. Stay away from that guy, Tay. He’s bad news.

Zac turned back to the television and turned up the sound. The car crash sound effects rattled the room.

Taylor started to get mad. He didn’t feel as if he had many people to talk to about the whole ‘liking guys’ thing. Ike had a sort of quiet acceptance of it, but didn’t like discussing it. Taylor’s father knew but it was difficult for Tay to talk to his dad about love and stuff. Zac was the only one who Taylor could turn to, and yet Zac just didn’t seem to understand Sage at all. There was something about Sage that Taylor liked. His confidence, his poise, the way Sage took control of Taylor and the situations. Taylor could just sit back and not have to worry about anything, since Sage was the one in control. “Zac wouldn’t understand anyway,” Taylor thought, “He’s just a kid”

“I think Sage is cool, Zac” Taylor said. “Besides, it’s none of your business.”

Zac looked up from the television. Now he was getting mad. He said, “Taylor, it is so my business. I got you and Jaxsper back together. I have a personal stake in this too. I think he’s great for you and I know how much he loves you. You’re my brother, man. It’s my business. Have you even tried calling Jax?”

Taylor said that he would. He left to use the phone in his part of the hotel suite, leaving Zac alone with his movie.


The phone rang at Jaxsper’s house, just as his mother was getting out of the car. She ran towards the house, unlocking the front door and calling her son’s name. He didn’t answer. She dropped her overnight bag and answered the phone.

“Umm, Hi. You must be Mrs. Blankenfinch. This is Taylor Hanson. Is Jaxsper there?”

“I don’t think so.” Jaxsper’s mother said. “I just got home though. I was away for a couple of days but it doesn’t look like he’s here. Wait, did you say Taylor Hanson? Oh, how nice of you to call. I told Jaxsper that you were going to be on television the other night. It’s nice for him to have such a famous friend.”

Taylor became excited. Maybe Jaxsper had heard the message Taylor sent out to him 1when they played on David Letterman. “Did he watch the show, Mrs. Blankenfinch?”

“I don’t think so, dear. I wanted him to watch, but he said something about how he couldn’t stand to see it. I’ll tell him you called though. I’m sure he will want to talk to you.”


Taylor hung up the phone. Why didn’t Jaxsper want to see him anymore? Taylor started back into the other room to ask Zac, but the sounds of the TV gunfire told him that Zac wouldn’t be in a listening mood. I got his jacket and headed towards the hotel lobby.

The doors opened to the elevator. Taylor saw Sage inside.

“Hey. What a surprise catching you here. I know we have the same hotel but I never see you out,” Sage said. “I thought you were staying in tonight. Didn’t your little brother say something about watching TV?”

“Yeah,” Taylor answered as he stepped into the elevator car, “but it was some lame movie?”

“Guns Over Brooklyn right? I was just watching it.” Sage said. “What a coincidence. Out of all the movies, you and I were watching the same one.”

Sage moved closer to Taylor in the elevator. Unlike most people, Sage didn’t look at the doors or stick to the corner of the elevator. He faced Taylor dead on. His eyes fixed on Tay. It made Taylor both excited and self conscious.

“I suppose it’s a coincidence, but I walked out. Zac seemed to like it but I didn’t”

“Oh, I didn’t like it either. That’s why I’m here. I thought it was like a warmed over version of ‘Bambi’ without the political subtext.”

Taylor laughed and nervously brushed his hair behind his ear. He said, “Well, I don’t know about all that. I just thought it was too loud.”

“I know just what you mean. Give me a romantic love movie and a nice tub of ice cream any day. You and I have similar tastes, Taylor,” Sage said. “Speaking of tastes, what kind of ice cream do you like?”

“Well, I guess chocolate-cherry. Last summer, a friend of mine introduced me to it. It’s really cool, plus it brings back good memories for me.”

“Sweet,” Sage said in an almost condescending manner, “but have you ever thought about what it would be like to only be able to eat chocolate-cherry for the rest of your life? Now me, I like to mix it up. One day it’s Rocky Road, the next it’s Butterscotch or English Toffee. Maybe today’s it’s Malibu Creame. It’s nice and sweet.”

Sage moved even closer to Taylor and pulled the hair back from behind Tay’s ear. He told Taylor that he shouldn’t wear his hair like that, it made his ears stick out.

“What would you say if I asked you to go out and get some Malibu Creame with me, Taylor?” Sage said.

“Are you asking me out?” Taylor said.

“I didn’t say that,” Sage said raising and eyebrow. “I just said, ‘what if’ So, what’s the answer? I’m heading out right now. Come with me. Then I can see if you’re going to stick with your same old cherry-chocolate or if you would like to taste a sample of my Malibu Creame.”

The doors to the elevator opened to the lobby. Taylor walked out. He went over to the hotel phone and called Zac’s room.

“Hi, Zac. Tell Mom and Dad that I’ll be back soon,” Taylor said into the phone. “I’m just going out to get some ice cream.”


The ‘tick-tick-tack’ sound of the keys on Quick’s computer lulled me to sleep.



Our schools had been planning it for months now, the big ski trip up to the mountains, and we were so glad that we could finally meet there. Since we live so far away from each other, this trip was just the thing to bring the two of us together. Two strangers who met and fell in love through the Internet.

I saw him there with his friends, illuminated in the light reflected by the snow. He was as gorgeous as his photograph. Just seeing him reminded me of how much I wanted him.

"Come on Jaxsper," I said. "The guys and I are going for a snowmobile ride. Since you don’t know how to drive yet, you can just ride with me. Of course he agreed. The snow was packed tightly on the trail and we were in for a wild ride. I was driving so fast that he just had to hold on tightly. I sort of planned it like that. Over the hummm of the motor I could hear Jaxsper whisper how much he wanted me, and he began to nibble at my ear. I guess it was just too much of a distraction for me because as we returned to the lodge, I lost control and we tumbled off the snowmobile into a snow drift. We weren't hurt but we did manage to land on top of each other. We didn't care though, it was just nice to be so close to each other. Jaxsper started to kiss and rub up against me - as much as the bulky snow outfits would allow.

The others pulled up to us to see if we were alright, and it kind of broke the mood. Jaxsper and I got back on the snowmobile and went back to the cabin. With a little arranging, we even managed to trade roommates so that we ended up in the same room. Jaxsper excused himself to take a nice, warm shower and I built a fire. Soon our cozy room was toasty warm and clothes seemed more of a hindrance than a necessity, or so it looked as Jaxsper came out in only a fluffy towel. I could see from the look - on his face and on...other parts of his anatomy - that he liked his choice of attire.

I had to admit, it was getting a little hot in there after all. I followed Jaxsper’s lead and stripped out of my ski pants, leaving only my boxers and sweater on. Jaxsper noticed that the fire was getting low and would need more wood which was kept outside of the back door. I asked him to wait there with his sexy thoughts, and I went out to the back to get more wood (as if I didn’t have enough in my pants :) As I turned with my arms full of firewood, I saw him standing in the doorway wearing just that towel and a pair of boots. He licked his lips and said that he just wasn't feeling the cold, because I was making him so hot.

I dropped the wood and took him in my arms. "I've wanted to have you since the moment you arrived," I told him. Ignoring the cold, Jaxsper slipped my boxers aside. Our hands were everywhere and our mouths were locked in a deep passionate kiss. We were going too fast to feel the chill. He had to have me and so he crouched down in his boots, and took my dick into his mouth. Just before doing so, Jaxsper scooped up just a bit of snow and popped it in his mouth. The combination of cold and hot just must have been too much for me. It sent me right over the edge.

That's just day one of our trip. We had a whole weekend ahead of us.


Quick fell asleep just after he hit the “save” button on his laptop. He had been writing these porn stories for awhile, but this one seemed different. He liked the way this last story turned out. Jaxsper seemed like a good inspiration for him and, even better, he had this guy in his bed. He just had to be careful not to let Jaxsper know his secret. It would probably scare the guy. If only Jaxsper didn’t have a girlfriend.

Quick hoped that Jaxsper wouldn’t notice how turned on he made him and that he wouldn’t be freaked out to learn that Quick liked other guys. Still, Quick thought he was able to hide it well, under all of his ‘man’ and ‘dudes’ and talks of all the girls he wanted to have sex with and stuff. “Yeah,” he thought, “Jaxsper doesn’t suspect me. I’m cool.”

He was glad that he spotted Jaxsper after the bus ride, even though it had to be under such dangerous circumstances. On the bus, Jaxsper seemed to be so distracted by something. The poor lovestruck kid. Catching up with him afterwards, gave Quick the chance he wanted to invite Jaxsper home. He hoped that Jaxsper would think that he was cool.

“Maybe he’ll even want to....do stuff with me,” Quick thought as he turned in his sleep. “If only I didn’t have to see Jaxsper leave tomorrow.”


“Quick. Quick. Wake up,” I said as he walked into the room. “You kept calling out my name there. What? Were you remembering how you saved me yesterday from those punks?

Quick rolled over and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Shoot!” he thought, “I hope Jaxsper doesn’t realize why I was calling out his name in my sleep.” He surreptitiously reached his hand down to adjust the boner in his boxers.

“I can’t blame you for sleeping in late,” I said. “You were up half the night typing on that computer. What are you working on anyway?”

“Nothing, man. Just some stuff I like to write,” he said. “There’s a site I like to post my ideas and stuff on, that’s all,” Quick said.

“You know, Quick, I’m really glad that you let me stay here last night. It was nice to sleep in a bed rather than one of those uncomfortable seats on the bus. I sort of made you breakfast. Nothing too gourmet, just some eggs a girl named Brittany taught me how to make once.”

“Jaxsper, my man, is there no end to the babes who have taught you things? I assume that this Brittany is the girl you’re trying to get to New York to see?”

That made me laugh. It reminded me of the face that Taylor made when we first met Britt, when she came screaming down the stairs back at the house in Malibu. I told him that Britt was not the person I was trying so hard to get to. She was just a friend of mine and that the person in New York was so much more than that.

“You know, Jaxsper, I’ve been thinking. This house can pretty much take care of itself. I’ve installed timers on the lights, I’ve checked the alarms on the doors. My uncle won’t be back for a few more weeks. How about if I drive you the rest of the way to New York? It’s only an eight hour drive or so. It’ll let me get behind the wheel of that sweet convertible again, and let me spend more time with you. What do you think?”

I was surprised at the offer, actually. Still it did rock that I wouldn’t have to take the bus again, or have to figure out how to get from the bus station to Hanson’s next appearance. Plus, riding with Quick would get me there so much faster than waiting around for the bus. I told him that I would love to ride with him. Meeting Quick was one of the first good things to come out of this whole running away thing.


The cab pulled up in front in front of the club, the green “Mr. Hyde’s” painted on the exposed brick out front. Sage stepped out, then ran around to the other side to open Taylor’s door.

“I thought you said we were going to get ice cream?” Taylor asked as he looked out at the throng of people standing outside waiting to get into the club.

“If that’s what you really want, I’m sure they can scrounge some up in here,” said Sage, “If we’re lucky they will have plenty of other things too.”

“We’re actually going in there? What makes you think we can? The sign says ‘eighteen and older night.’ We’re not old enough besides, look at all the people waiting outside!”

Sage paid for the cab and tipped the driver way too much. Then, he turned Taylor around and directed him through the crowd towards the front door. The boys passed by all the people waiting to get in, everything from Goths to Ravers to Posers to artistic types dressed all in black. A paparazzi snapped their picture a couple of times. The bouncer didn’t even ask them for ID. He recognized Sage from television and his trips to Mr. Hyde’s the last few nights. He opened the door and let them in, ahead of everyone else.

“One of the great perks of being famous, huh Taylor?” Sage said as he smiled towards the crowd. “Oh, don’t tell me you haven’t used your fame to get stuff before.”

Taylor didn’t like having to shove his way past all the people outside, but Sage seemed to know exactly what to do. A few of the people waiting outside recognized Taylor, but all of them pretended not to notice. They were either afraid of coming off as un-cool, or far too jaded to be swayed by seeing yet another celebrity at this place. It was, after all, one of the hottest clubs in midtown, definitely a place to see and be seen.

Inside, it was mostly dark; the smoke machines kept it even darker. Pools of light illuminated the perimeter of tables. The only other source of light was the ones on the dance floor. The light show on the dance floor and varied from streams of colored lights, to strobes that flashed in time with the “thump, thump, thump” of the base. Taylor didn’t particularly care for the music or the atmosphere. The music lacked any melody whatsoever he thought, and was too loud to hear anyone speak. He watched the people packed closely together on the dance floor. They were paired off in every combination imaginable, grinding their bodies into one another’s.

"I think there is a table up here,” Sage said as he directed Taylor past the VIP ropes to the second level.

“At least it’s a bit quieter up here,” Taylor said over the din.

A waitress came over to their table to see if they wanted anything to drink. Sage ordered two of the specials. She didn’t ask for ID either. Taylor thought that it looked like some sort of alcoholic drink she served to them. Taylor mumbled to her that he would like a soda too.

“Taylor, you gotta live a little. I mean, neither one of us is going to be famous or young forever. You have to loosen up, have some laughs. You don’t want to be the small time boy from Oklahoma forever do you?” Sage said, smirking.

Sage liked this place. It was his element, and even better to be here with a bigger star than he was, someone like Taylor Hanson. Even though no one here would admit to liking the “bubble gum” sound of Hanson, Sage knew that his companion’s fame still meant something to the crowd. In a place this loud and noisy, a guy had to do something to stand out.

He looked over to one of the mirrored walls. Sage liked what he saw. His hair was falling in front of his eyes just the way he liked it to. He had been working out for the last six months too, and it was starting to really show. Nice biceps and his pecs were coming in well too. He looked hot and sexy and he knew it. Sage was defiantly ready for a night of wild dancing and some sex with the right person.

He looked over at Taylor and said, “Taylor, are you gonna drink that or what? Taylor! HELLO? You in there, dude?”

Taylor could barely hear him over the throbbing beat of the music, besides he was busy looking at the two young guys making out off to the side of the dance floor. No one in the club seemed to care. There were guys with girls, girls with other girls and some guys paired off. Taylor was fascinated at how the guys could just be together and not have to worry about what everyone thought.

Sage leaned in closer to Taylor’s ear and asked if he liked the place. Taylor just nodded, knowing that there was no point in talking when no one could hear him. Sage motioned for him to take a drink. Even though he wasn’t sure he wanted to, Taylor lifted the glass to his lips. “To an interesting evening,” Sage said as he drank. Taylor got down barely more than a sip. The stuff tasted ok at first, but had some sort of aftertaste. A few sips later, and Taylor felt a bit lightheaded.

Sage noticed two girls back down on the lower dance floor level. The girls kept looking up at them. He pointed them out to Taylor by arching his eyebrow.

Sage licked his lips and said, “See them, Tay? Look at the way they move their asses out on the dance floor. They’re so graceful and can they move! I wonder what it would be like to fuck them.”

Taylor was shocked. His parents would have never allowed him to talk like that. Still, there was something intriguing about Sage. Taylor loved his confidence, and the girls were actually looking up at them. Random fans always sort of bothered Taylor, but Sage reveled in it. He knew how to handle the girls, something that Taylor still couldn’t do completely. He wasn’t embarrassed or nervous around girls or guys at all. Taylor decided to keep an eye on his new friend, to see what else he was capable of.

Sage motioned for one of the guards in front of the VIP ropes to let the girls come up and join them. He talked to them a bit, even got one to sit on his lap for a second. The girl took Sage’s drink and sipped, letting the liquid roll around inside her mouth, then swallowing. Sage traced the outline of her lips with his finger, then brought it to his own mouth.

He asked the girl to dance with him, leaving a slightly blushing Taylor back at the table with the other girl. Soon, Sage tired of her though and left her dancing alone out on the floor. The girl with Taylor grew bored and left him as well.

“Man, they are fine!” Sage said, “Still, that ain’t what I’m looking for tonight.

Sage followed Taylor’s glance and discovered that Taylor was busy staring at the two guys on the dance floor. They were kissing again. It really seemed to turn Taylor on, which in turn made Sage horny.

“You like that, don’t you? Come on, Taylor. Don’t deny it. I’m not against that either, you know.”

Taylor was surprised to hear that, maybe even pleasantly surprised. Sage just seemed so perfect for him. Maybe Taylor wouldn’t have to worry about being alone now.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, Oklahoma boy,” Sage continued. “Go on. Stand up. Move to get a closer look”

Sage took the half protesting Taylor by the shoulder and led him over the rail on the VIP area. Taylor could see the two guys down on the lower floor even better now. They were really going at it. Kissing and fondling each other, in the middle of a crowd of people. No one was even paying attention.

The music blared louder as another song played. The boys watched as the dancers below started to grind again. At the same time, Sage pushed his crotch against Taylor’s ass. It surprised him at first, but soon Taylor relaxed. Never once did he object.

He positioned his cock to that it was against the seam running along the back of Taylor’s pants. He slowly bumped and dragged his crotch along this seam. Sage placed his hands on Taylor’s hips. Taylor could feel the hard prick pressing on his ass, through their clothes, as Sage gyrated both of them in time with the music.

Sage grew bolder and leaned forward to lick at Taylor’s ear. He said, “Taylor, I want you. I want you to come back with me. I want to have sex with you, Taylor.” Sage tried to drag that final words out, to make it sound as dirty as possible. “Come on, you know you want it. Well, at least your cock will admit it.” Sage slid his hand down lower, to brush against the straining bulge in Tay’s pants. “Come back to my room with me, Taylor.”

Maybe it was the bit of alcohol Taylor could feel in his body now. Maybe it was that Taylor felt so unloved and lonely lately. Maybe it was just that Sage knew how to take control, and Taylor felt he needed to relinquish control at that moment. Something helped Taylor make the decision.

“O-o-ok,” Taylor stammered.


“What do you mean, you’re not a virgin?” Sage said, maybe a bit too loudly, back in his hotel room. He had to help Taylor get there, because the boy had too much to drink. “Silly little farmboy,” Sage thought, “He barely had one full glass and already he’s messed up!”

Taylor told Sage to be quiet, not to shout about his virginity, or lack there of. Even though Sage’s room was still two floors above the Hanson’s suites, he felt as if everyone could hear them, especially Zac. The drinking couldn’t mask the slight pangs of guilt Taylor felt inside. If only Jaxsper hadn’t stopped loving him. At least Sage seemed to care. He took Taylor out, showed him a good time, got him that drink. “Yeah,” Taylor thought, “Sage is nice enough, I guess. I just wish I didn’t have that drink. I don’t think I can stand up straight.”

He told Sage about how he had met a guy last summer, and how they fell in love. The alcohol seemed to help Taylor express his emotions. Weeks of bottling up the feelings of abandonment and loneliness were released in a slurred, two minute, run-on sentence by Taylor. Sage was spurred on. He suspected that Taylor liked other guys, and now he knew it! He had Taylor right where he wanted him.

“Don’t think about that Jack guy,” Sage said as he moved closer to Taylor, “You have me now, and I want you Taylor. Let me show you how much.”

Sage unbuttoned the fly of his jeans and pushed them to the floor. He pulled his shirt up over his head. His chest was nice, the muscles defined. His caramel color nipples stood in anticipation. He knew that Taylor liked what he saw. Sage flexed a couple of times, giving Tay a nice show. His cock could be seen though the tight, dark-blue designer briefs. They fit him snugly, hugging every curve of his cock. The outline of his hard-on could easily be made out.

Taylor lost his balance, tumbling back onto the bed. Sage took the initiative and crawled on top of him. He couldn’t have fought Sage off if he wanted to, his reflexes dulled by the drink. Sage pulled Taylor’s shirt up over his head. The sensation caused Taylor to giggle. Sage liked the milky white skin of the boy below him.

Soon, Sage had Taylor’s arms pinned down with his knees. Sage asked Taylor if he would like to see his boner. Before Taylor could even answer, Sage had pulled it out. Taylor was transfixed by the sight. Sage’s cock was over 6 inches and thick with a bulbous head. The dark brown pubes dances all around it and over his weighty balls.

Sage leaned slowly forward, bringing his dick to Taylor’s face. Sage told him to open his mouth. He fed Taylor inch by inch of his penis. Sage leaned forward to grasp the headboard, and he slowly started to pump into Taylor’s mouth, gagging the boy a bit. Taylor tried to keep up as best he could, but the dick was forced into him without any rhythm. It pressed against the back of his throat.

After a few minutes, Sage pulled away from Taylor’s mouth. “Nice little cocksucker,” Sage thought, “But I need to save myself for the main event.” Tay gasped for breath. Sage turned around so that he was facing the other direction. He put his hands on the flatness of Taylor’s tummy and slid forward, stroking him as he lowered his body onto Taylor’s.

Now Tay’s hands were free to play with the cock. Taylor tried to do his best. He tried to remember everything his one and only boyfriend Jaxsper liked, so that he could use it on Sage. Before Taylor could even try anything, he felt his pants and boxers being pushed away. Tay could feel his penis sliding deeply into Sage’s mouth.

Sage got up on his hands and knees, just above the boy below him. He slipped his dick into Tay’s mouth and slowly began to slide into his face. In and out. In and out the dick moved between Taylor’s lips. Taylor tried his best to keep up with the deep, rapid thrusts.

He reached down to press one finger against Taylor’s still tight hole. Sage was pleased to hear Taylor answer, even with his stuffed mouth, that he had only been fucked the one time. He teased the hole with his index finger, drawing it over and around the edge. When he felt Taylor’s cock twitch in his mouth, Sage plunged the finger in as deeply as it could go. Taylor twisted below him, grabbing at the sheets with his fists.

Suddenly, Sage rose pulling his dick back out of Taylor’s mouth. He turned around to look at Taylor again. “That sure got his attention. Man, he’s hot and still tight,” Sage thought.

Taylor grabbed at Sage’s hand and pulled it to his erection. He dragged the hand furiously up and down his shaft, begging Sage to help him out, to love him. Sage forcefully barked for Taylor to let go, then grasped the delicate teen with his hands and flipped him over.

Even though he still couldn’t think straight, Taylor knew enough to beg Sage to put on a condom. He wasn’t sure where Sage had been, but Taylor knew that a stud like Sage must have had tons of partners before. Not like Taylor who had only had one lover his whole life, and now was so alone. Sage wasn’t happy, but finally relented and put on a lubricated rubber.

Sage leaned forward so that he was lying on top of Taylor, propping himself up with his elbows, his arms under Tay’s heaving chest and his hands circled back to grip Taylor’s shoulders. He rocked himself gently, pressing his hard dick along Taylor’s ass crack but not making an attempt to enter him.

Taylor loved the feeling of being close to someone again. He like the heat of Sage’s bare legs pressed to tightly to his. Taylor tightened his ass cheeks, squeezing the dick between them. He turned to look at Sage, but Sage stopped him halfway. He stuck his tongue in Tay’s ear.

The teen felt his hands crushed between Taylor’s body and the mattress. Sage slid them lower to grasp at Taylor’s cock. His hand encircled Taylor’s shaft, gently at first then with increasing force. He squeezed at the sensitive dick, causing Taylor to yelp with pain.

“Oh God. Don’t. It hurts,” Tay cried out, as his dick oozed out a clear drop of precum.

Sage replied, “Get up on all fours. I’m going to fuck you.”

Taylor was awash with conflicting emotions. He wanted so badly to love someone and have that person love him back. He needed to feel wanted again. He didn’t want to be alone. He remembered how good it felt to have Jaxsper close to him. This wasn’t like that. This was intense, this was purely physical. There was no emotion to this at all. Taylor wasn’t sure if he wanted to continue.

“Now, Taylor,” Sage yelled. He eased his tight grip on Taylor’s cock a bit. Sage changed tactics. “Come on, Taylor. Do it for me. It will feel good, I promise.” His voice became almost reassuring and comforting. Sage had come this far, there was no way he was letting this Oklahoma farmboy get away from him now.

Taylor rose so that he was up on all fours. Sage told him to spread his legs a bit wider and to bend forward more. Sage ran the palm of his hand along Taylor’s smooth back and shoulders. Sage spit on his hand and pressed first one, then two fingers into Taylor. When he felt Taylor relax the tight squeezing pressure a bit, he leaned forward positioning himself. Sage lined up at the target.

“No. Don’t.” Taylor said as he swallowed hard, confused in the heated mix of desire and guilt. He was starting to change his mind. He tried to think straight, through the fog of alcohol.

Sage took a hold of Taylor’s hips and pressed into his tight passage and said, “Oh fuck, that feels good.” Sage could feel Taylor’s ass squeeze and clamp down, resisting his entry.

“Oww,” Taylor said. “It hurts. Take it out. I can’t do this.”

“Just relax, Taylor. It’ll stop hurting in a minute. Relax and it won’t hurt as much.”

Sage didn’t take it out. He had never felt anything this tight, this hot. He just stayed where he was, slightly pinning Taylor down under him and breathing in his ear. Sage forced himself in deeper with all his strength, pushing in and up as hard as he could.

Taylor let out a sharp cry of pain.

Sage only answered, “Calm down, I’m almost there. You’re just scared and not letting yourself enjoy it. I know it feels good to you.”

He shoved again, finally forcing his shaft all the way in, feeling the constricting walls of Taylor’s hole trying to keep him out. He was going to fuck Taylor and there was no stopping him. He forgot all about the boy below him and just pumped and pumped. Soon he was buried up to the base. He quickly pulled out, then plunged in again over and over.

Taylor breathed noisily, his eyes screwed tightly shut. He had stopped complaining and was trying to simply endure it. The pain had helped him shake all the effects of the alcohol. His ass was on fire from the quick, penetrating thrusts of Sage.

Sage couldn’t believe how good this felt. Even though Taylor wasn’t a virgin, his ass still hugged his dick close. He grasped Taylor’s slim waist hard and began moving Taylor’s body back and forth along his shaft. He could feel his balls rubbing, then bouncing against Taylor’s. Sage looked down to see his dick disappearing into Taylor’s ass.

“Man, he’s enjoying this. Listen to those moans,” thought Sage. “Might as well help the guy out.”

He reached below him to grasp Taylor’s cock again. He wrapped his fist tightly around it and pulled back and forth. He tugged and tugged almost painfully at Taylor’s cock, causing the boy to arch his back. Despite himself, Taylor pushed his dick further and further into Sage’s fist, unable to take himself away from the unbearable yet painful pleasure. The head of Taylor’s cock swelled and unleashed a volley of cum. A hug blob leapt from the shaft, then more and more.

Sage could feel the boy shudder beneath him. His dick was squeezed even tighter by Taylor. This pushed Sage over the edge too. He leaned up to lay his head on Taylor’s back, grasping his shoulders. Sage’s nuts tightened against the base of his cock. Sage slammed into Taylor for one final time. He counted seven, eight, nine spurts into the condom.

He slowly pulled his dick back out of Taylor. Tay could feel the rush of cold air against his hot bottom. He turned to look at Sage, not knowing what to feel. Is this what the rest of his life would be? Endless, emotionless sex? Taylor couldn’t deny that part of him enjoyed the pleasure he was able to give Sage, but the experience was not fulfilling for Taylor.

Sage smiled and rumpled Taylor’s hair, like one would a dog. He said that Taylor was good and that he performed like an expert, and all sorts of other cliché compliments that Taylor seemed to want to hear.


Jaxsper sat up straight in the car. He had this funny feeling.

“Stop the car. There’s something’s wrong,” he told Quick


What are you talking about? What do you mean, ‘stop the car’ Jaxsper?” Quick asked.

I was just starting to nod off in the front seat of Quick’s car, when I suddenly tensed and sat upright. I was hit by this.... I don’t know... feeling. This intense feeling of sadness and fear and guilt. I can’t describe it fully.

It wasn’t the first time this had happened either. I’ve had touches of this before. There’s been times when I know that something is going to happen, and then it does. I wouldn’t call it psychic, but who knows? You know the period of time, just as your waking up in the morning, when your arms and legs feel all heavy and you drift in and out of consciousness? That’s usually when I get these.... premonitions. I remember the time I got one just before a big earthquake hit. It still freaks me out to think about it. It also freaks me out to think of why I was feeling this way now.

“I don’t know what it is, Quick,” I said. “Something is just not right.”

It was right about then that we heard the metal being dragged.

“What’s that?” he asked to no one in particular.

“Sounds like the muffler to me,” I replied.

We pulled over to investigate.

“Looks like your ‘spider sense’ was right this time, dude,” Quick said as he looked under the car. “We are dragging the muffler.”

It wasn’t that, though. For some reason, my Mom insists on buying only old cars made before 1980 so I know what a dragging muffler sounds like. Her car is breaking down all the time. This was different. It was more intense feeling. I think it has something to do with Taylor.

“We’re gonna be here awhile, I think. We’re about 20 miles from the rest stop, and I would have to wait for this to cool in order touch it and fix it.”

“Maybe not,” I said.

I reached into my backpack and pulled out a pair of ski gloves. I asked Quick if they would help and he told me they would.

“Now I’ve seen everything, dude. It’s the middle of Spring. Why would you carry ski gloves with you? No wonder that pack is so heavy.”

I explained to him that I tried to pack everything that I might need since I had no idea of what I would encounter on my trip to New York.

Quick crawled under the car to investigate further. He said that the gloves helped but he still needed to tie the muffler back up onto the car. It really shut him up when I pulled a wire hanger out of my bag. He promised no more cracks about how heavy it was.

Soon, we were off again. Quick told me to pick out a CD to play as we drove. I flipped through his collection and stopped at his single for Hanson’s “Lonely Boy”, their latest single. It only made me think more of Tay. I chose something else.

We got a little over fifteen more miles, when the car sputtered and ran out of gas.

“Where’s your ‘spider sense’ now, dude?” Quick asked.

“Don’t blame me,” I said, “You’re the driver, remember. The next time we take the car out, let’s make sure it’s tanked up.”

“Hey, the next time we take out the car, let’s all get tanked up,” Quick said, laughing. “My Uncle is going to kill me! I was only suppose to use the car to get around town, not drive to New York.”

We got out and walked the four miles or so to the rest stop. Quick called AAA to come and fix the car, and I called my Mom. Boy, was she mad! Well actually, she was really upset at first, but as soon as she found out I was safe she got really mad. She kept telling me to come home immediately or tell her where I was so that she could come and get me. Finally, I just told her I was safe, that I would call her tomorrow, and I hung up.

“It’s gonna take about an hour for them to come, dude,” Quick said. “They’re gonna fix the muffler too. Guess we’re stuck here until the tow truck arrives.”

We settled in for our wait. Quick asked me to tell him more about the lucky girl I was trying so hard to get to. I told him that I met her last Summer during the taping of Real World 8.”

“Wait! That’s where I know you from!” Quick said, “I thought you looked familiar. You were on TV? How cool is that? Hey, that show was the one with Hanson, right? No wonder you looked at that CD funny. Tell me, what are they like in real life?”

He asked me all kinds of questions about Hanson. I told him that they were all really cool and talented. Taylor and I got along great. I told him how we played pool and how I went to the taping of the video for “Cried”. Quick seemed very interested. He’s really nice to talk to.

I told him that I met the person I loved during that time. I told Quick all about how we went on my first date, and how we kissed at the top of the ferris wheel, and how we promised to always stay in touch. I left out the part about how my cool friend Taylor and the person that I loved more than anything in the world were one in the same person. No need to freak him out. I didn’t want to spoil things with my new friend.

All that talk about Taylor only intensified that strange feeling I had inside. Quick could sense something was wrong and he reached his hand over to me. He patted me on the back and said not to worry, that everything would be ok and that he would have me to New York in no time. He really is a great guy, I am very glad that I met him.

I told Quick that I wanted to be alone for awhile, and I went outside to wait for the tow truck. He said it was cool, that he needed to do some more typing anyway. He pulled out his laptop and started typing.


by Quick

In a way I think that Jaxsper wanted this to happen. His parents were vacationing without him, so he was traveling to Pittsburgh to stay with his relatives; they were going to pick him up at the bus station. He was all excited because he knew that Pittsburgh was also where I lived. Ever since we met on the internet, Jaxsper has wanted us to meet. He told me the day and time that he would be arriving. He made this almost too easy.

Jaxsper stepped off the plane and looked around. “Hmmm, no one there to meet me,” he thought. “Maybe they are just a little late.” Then, he felt someone push up behind him and say something in his ear in a low growling voice. "Come with me and you won't get hurt." At first his eyes bugged out. “What was happening?!” Then, his senses came back and he thought that he could recognize my voice from our phone calls to one another.

"What are you up to?" he asked, trying to turn around to see me. I just pushed his shoulder back so that he couldn’t turn, and grabbed his arm. "No names!" I said, “You’re coming with me. Or do I have to get nasty?"

Jaxsper knew it was all sort of a prank and decided to go along with the game. He allowed himself to be steered out of the door by me. I kept a firm grip in his arm the whole time. "That’s right, kid,” I said trying to sound threatening, “I’m kidnapping you. Now get in the car." I shoved him into front seat and told him to slide over to the passenger side and get down on the floor so that no one could see him. He was cool and went along with the whole thing.

He peeked up and saw me as I got into the car and started to drive off. I gave him a wink to let him know that everything was ok. It’s all just a big game, then I drove off. I put my hand on the back of his neck to "force" him to keep his head down. "No tricks and no one gets hurt. I’ve decided that I need a sex slave for the weekend and you, bad boy, are it. I sent word to your relatives that you wouldn't arrive until Monday. That gives me all weekend with you as my prisoner." He felt me tug his hands behind his back and I put some handcuffs on them. As strange as it was I think he kind of liked it, being under my full control.

We drove for a while, then stopped. I slipped a blindfold on him and led him out of the car and up to the door of my Uncle’s house, slightly shoving him inside. He asked, "What do you want with me?" I answered, "Everything. You are going to do whatever I ask, prisoner, and no questions. Now, let’s start by taking off all of your clothes, just in case you were thinking of escaping. Where are you going to run without your pants, handsome?"

Jaxsper felt a pair of hands quickly pulling off his shoes and socks, yanking down his pants, and he heard scissors snipping away at his shirt. Then, the moment of truth, off went his underwear. "Is it just me, or are you actually enjoying this kidnapping?" I asked with a laugh.

He was led into a room, and he felt the cold tile floor beneath his feet and heard a slight echo. I un-cuffed his hands and then re-cuffed them above his head on a pipe. When I took his blindfold off, he could see that he was in a bathroom, in the bathtub to be exact, with his hands attached to the shower pipe. "Now then, prisoner, just a few rules. See that one-gallon milk bottle near your feet? That was filled with water, then frozen. Oh yes it contains one other thing, a key to your handcuffs just like the one I have. I will torture you until the ice in that bottle melts completely and runs out of the holes I poked in it. That will release the key. By the looks of things, it should take a while."

He liked this game and started playing along. He said, "Let me go, don't torture me" I told him once again that he was not allowed to talk, that every word - no better than that - every sound that came from his mouth, would equal one swat on his behind, and that last sentence earned him a good six swats. I proceeded to give them to him, not too hard but the excitement they gave made him feel each one. Now it was time for my prisoner’s torture.

I had him spread his legs far apart and brought out two glasses full of water. I told him to close his eyes. Slowly I immersed his penis in one of the glasses. It was so cold, filled with ice. This was followed by a glass of hot water. Over and over and in unexpected combinations I dunked him into the glasses. The alternation of heat and cold, and his complete helplessness over which it would be was thrilling for him. Eventually he got too hard (really too hard) to dunk in the glasses, and I had to make it his balls alone.

I tired of this and told him to open his eyes. The first place he looked was at the key still frozen in the bottle, only 1/3 melted. It really would be a long stay.

Then came the alternation of hot and cold washcloths applied to his chest, stomach, back, thighs, behind his knees, and even his crotch. A couple of times, it surprised him so much that it made him gasp, this sound meant another swat for him. Still, I knew that he loved it. If he wanted to, he could have simply asked me to stop, but he never once did.

Sometimes, I would take a break and just leave him there. I would pose his body and tell him not to move a muscle until I got back or else he would be punished more. He could never tell how long I would be gone. The only things he could think of were his penis and that key frozen in bottle. If only it would melt just a bit more, he could tip it over and maybe grab the key with his toes and somehow get it up to his chained hands. His arms grew tired, and his dick was straining so much from my...playtime.

When the bottle was less than 1/4 frozen I came back again. Jaxsper watched me lathering up my hands with a bar of soap, and sucked in his breath in anticipation of what I would do next. Then it came, at first a light feathery contact of my soap slick fingers on his very hard penis. I had full slippery access to it. Sometimes I would trace circles all around it, sometimes it was long powerful strokes, pulling his dick away from his body and playing with his balls in my soapy hands, then letting it go and hearing it slap back against his stomach. It seemed to him that I had hundreds of different ways to apply excruciating pleasure to his throbbing penis. But always it would build to the point of eminent eruption then stop, only to start again. Begging did no good, I would just keep on doing it. He felt as if his legs would go out from under him. His eyes stayed glued on the ice melting in the bottle. Just a bit more.

At last, he could see the key swimming in the water in the bottle, and told me so in a whisper. It was took all the strength he had to do that. "Guess it's time for your reward, prisoner. Torture time is over." After so long, after so many close calls, it finally happened, I took him to the edge of ecstasy and then I let you go over, being trapped there and my total prisoner made it feel even better for him.

I washed him off, then I let him go and helped him to the bedroom. We collapsed on the bed totally exhausted. Before drifting off to sleep, I told him that I had a whole weekend planned for us. He thanked me and told me that he would love every minute of it.


Quick liked the story he just wrote. He would upload it to the website when Jax and he got to a hotel in New York. Jaxsper sure was an inspiration for him.

He half wished he could show the story to Jaxsper, but he dismissed it. That would completely freak Jax out. He was just grateful that Jax trusted him enough to travel to New York with him. Anyway, it was just a story. It’s not like Quick really wanted to torture or hurt someone. He just thought it sounded kind of exciting, not just for him but for his willing “victim.” He could never bring himself to really hurting someone in real life. Those kind of people were sick.


Taylor left Sage’s room. Sage didn’t exactly seem like the cuddle type anyway. After he was finished screwing Tay, he said something to him like, “Well, I hope I can see you tomorrow.” Then rolled over in the bed. Tay took that as his signal to go.

He leaned against the wall and looked back at Sage's room. It wasn't a rape. Taylor knew what he wanted when he went back to Sage's room. He knew exactly what was going to happen. Sage told him back at the club. If he wanted to, he could have really made Sage stop. Taylor just hoped that if he went along with Sage, then maybe he would experience something he might enjoy. Be more like Sage and not care about feelings or consequences. Just be in it for the quick ride.

Sage was different than Jaxsper. Taylor thought that was what he needed now. Sage was in it only for his own pleasure. Jaxsper took his time, and really loved Taylor. He cared about how Taylor felt, and wouldn't be so rough. Sage wasn't like that. He was fast and furious. Taylor knew that Sage didn't care about him.

Taylor wondered why he did that. Why did he let himself go off with Sage? What was wrong with him? Why did he so desperately need to feel love from someone that he would put himself into that position. It was so unlike him.

He decided that it was like a drug. Not the alcohol that he drank with Sage, a different kind of drug.

Taylor had come to think of the love he had, and felt returned from Jaxsper, as a drug. It was something that he craved constantly, something that he ached for. The love was something he obsessed on; it was something that made all the complicated things in his life become simplified; something that he wanted more and more with each small taste. Maybe his love for Jax was more like a vitamin, one that invigorated and sustained him. Something that filled him up with an energy that he could feel running through every cell in his body. Either way, he knew that he wanted to feel that love again. He wanted so badly to have Jaxsper in his life so that he could love him, and maybe feel that love returned. He wouldn’t find that feeling with Sage. Taylor knew that much.

Taylor limped off to the elevator. His ass was sore from his time with Sage. His heart aching from the void inside.

That's not the end of the story.
Click here to continue to page two

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