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Thank you Lady Fairy Honey Dew for these lovely roses.

Dear Fairy of the Willows sent me a blooming basket in April and because of my computer crash, I lost the graphic for it and it expired. Never missing a beat, this wonderful lady has now sent me another one. Thanks so much Fairy of the Willows. You are such a wonderful and thoughtful person. xoxoxo.

Send a Blooming Basket!

Once again dear Fairy of the Willows is spoiling me. She sent me this "Moonbear" as a suprise and I loved it so much much but lost it as well in my crash. The love I had for this gift far overcame any shame and embarrasement in asking her to send it to me again. I just couldn't let this go and so asked her to resend it. Here he is in all his glory, my little Moonbear. Thank you so much for your patience and kindness my dear Fairy of the Willows. Unfortunately, the link to her site no longer works, so I have removed it.

My dear friend Allie, who also competes in the Site Fights, sent me away and locked me up on a cloud (LOL). Thanks Allie, if ever I needed a trip it is now so your timing couldn't be better. xoxoxo

May 25th, 2003.I guess D Prism thought I had spent too much time dreaming on that cloud Allie had locked me up on and decided to wake me up with a little dousing. Oh, the tortures one has to endure in this Site Fights!!!! Thanks D Prism. I was actually in the middle of a hot flash (menopause) when I got it and it was just the thing I needed to cool me off. LOL

I am sitting here giggling my head off and trying to dry off because shortly after being soaked by DPrism, I got another balloon sent to me by Fairy of the Willows and then a third by Spirit Crusader. Is there a conspiracy going on? Good thing I am a passenger of Noah's Ark, because if this keeps up, I am going to need some kind of boat to keep me afloat on all this water that is coming my way. Thanks to all of you. You have made my day a very happy one. xoxoxoxo

In July, 2003 I got awarded the Wee Ones' Pride Award. It is really so pretty and I thank you dear Wee Ones.

July 29th. Uh!Oh! Now I am really in trouble. D'Rose Fairy just informed me that I have been captured in the Fairy Ring and I have to find someone to rescue me. Actually, it doesn't sound like such a bad place to be, dancing with the fairies forever. But, I am supposed to call for help for someone to rescue me and have two weeks to find my saviour. Will it be you? Helllllllllllllp!!!!!!

OK! OK! Not to panic!!! I am captured forever in the Fairy Ring 'cause no one rescued me :{. Oh my!!! Oh well, not to worry! It actually looks like a great place to live and I have enjoyed my stay so far.

On August 10th, I was awarded the "Heart of a Fae" award by the Fairies of the Sight Fights. Thanks you so much Fairies. It is beautiful and I am so honored to have received this.

On August 19th, 2003, Fairy of the Willows sent me these wonderful gifts when I succeeded in reaching the Warzone, the second highest level in the Site Fights. I was beginning to believe I would never reach it this far and if I do by chance win here, the next level is the Dome which is the championship level. Thanks so much Willow.

Well, I made it out of the Warzone and on August 27th, Dragon Rider DWildFire sent me this beautiful globe as I entered into the Dome. Thank you so much DWildFire.

These two awards were sent by Fairy Flyer Horse on August 28th, 2003. Thanks so much Fairy Flyer Horse. They are very much appreciated.

It is with great sadness that I have to announce that I was disqualified from the Site Fights in September, 2003. The reason I was removed from the competition was that I was promoting my other websites here at Dear and in my email signature. My other sites are involved in other competitions and apparently this is not allowed. Well, I guess I am a stubborn old broad and I refuse to give up my right to self promotion on a site which belongs to me and in my communications to other people. It was a fun time, I almost made it to the top in the competition (I actually made it to the Dome - the highest level) and this page moved up to 6th place last month. I am very grateful for all the fun I had, the awards I won and the wonderful friends I have made - Willow, Heila, Allie, I will always consider you dear to me. I will always treasure the wonderful messages which were left in my guestbook from all of the different members who took the time to leave their kind wishes, the awards and gifts I have received will remain wonderful souvenirs of a really fun time. To all those with whom I exchanged votes I appreciate your loyalty and support and will continue to vote exchange with you if you still want. I joined up with the Web Leagues when I was "expelled" from the Site Fights but have now abandoned all competitions because of the demands of my two jobs. Eventually I will remove this page, but for now, I love it too much and still like to look at it so I will leave it on line. To everyone from the Site Fights and particularly the Noah's Ark team, thanks for the fun times and good luck to all of you who are still competing.

The Site Fights is a group of people who have joined to compete for the honor of being the best site on the Web. The difference between this fight and other battles is that all the competition is done in the spirit of friendship and comeraderie. It's just for entertainment and there are so many banners and awards given out by this group that I had to do a special page just for them. Competitors vote for each other and a lot of good natured fun is had by all. I had the honor of being accepted by the Noah's Ark team and I am particularly happy about being on this team simply because I love animals so much and that is their theme. If you get the chance, I would really appreciate your voting for me and helping me to win the fight. You just have to click on the lion head at the left. If you have your own site, why not join in? I am sure you will have the best and most fun fight of your life. Hope to see you in the Battle Dome.

I vote exchange with Dawni from (among others) and she very kindly made me the above banner. Unfortunately, the link to her site no longer works, so I have removed it. Thanks Dawni.


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Made possible by The Site Fights and Ring Surf!


The Spirit Flower on the left was sent to me on January 31st,2003 by Mar Emm. It will grow until it reaches its full growth on February 28th, 2003. Thanks Mar Emm. I hope I have better luck with this flower than I do with my house plants!!!! And on February 17th, Spirit Mana sent me another one. I am so blessed. This one will be fully grown on March 17th, just in time for St. Patrick's Day. Thanks Spirit Mana.

Send a Spirit Flower!

My Site Fight Egg hatched and here is my surprise. A lovely bouquet of flowers. It was well worth waiting for.





We can always count on dear Fairy of the Willows to brighten things up. Seems like she has declared "Christmas in July" sending all the fighters of Noah's Ark some Christmas gifts to celebrate. Thanks Fairy of the Willows. xoxoxo



On August 12th, 2003 Fairy of the Willows sent me this beautiful dove. It is so precious, dear Fairy of the Willows and means a lot to me. Thanks.


And, on August 13th, she sent me this friendship gift. I always knew this special fairy had angel wings. Thanks so much Fairy of the Willows. Your friendship means so much to me and I appreciate this gift so much.

On August 21st, Nile aka Juniper Iris sent me this wonderful congratulatory gift when I entered the Warzone. Thanks Nile.

And on August 22nd, I got this sparkly gift from Dragon Rider DNocturnal. Thanks DNocturnal.

On August 26th, Dragon Rider Horse sent me these gifts in congratulations for making it to the Dome. Thanks DRH, I love them.

And this one was sent by Dragon Rider Dawni. Thanks Dawni. It is gorgeous.

And, on August 28th, I received this one from Dragon Rider Fyre Tiger. Thank you DRFT.

And then on August 29th Nile sent me this gift which, Nile, I appreciate so much. Thanks, Nile for sharing my excitement on reaching this, the top level of competition.