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I have had many comments that my assignment page takes forever to upload and I guess it is understandable considering the amount of graphics on it. Having seen what the other angels have done, devoting a page to current assignments only, I decided to follow their very wise example, and so, this is what I have done.

The very first assignment was to design a name tag and here it is below. I do quite like my creation and so I am going to use it as my opening graphic.

I will be doing the tutorials in the beginners section and the first one was "Basic Framed Images". I absolutely love the finished product and am so proud to display it. Here it is...........

Tutorial No. 2 involved working with layers. Here is the finished project, which perhaps I can use on my "Pets are a Pleasure" site?

Using Masks was the lesson taught in Tutorial No. 3 and being the animal lover that I am, I again chose an image that can be used on my "Pets are a Pleasure" site. Here it is....

Tutorial No. 4 shows how to work with transparent images. Here is my selection.

In Tutorial No. 5 Animation was taught. This might be a good image to put on my "Just for Fun" site.

The last tutorial in the Beginners' Series showed how to make your own masks from your own images. It was suggested that three be done and so here they are. The first one is an antique picture of my mother and aunt taken during World War II.

The next one is of my family. This was taken a few years ago when my mother was a lot fatter and I was a bit skinnier. That's me in the back on the right.

Sorry, folks. I can't get away from my animal pictures. This one is of Sarge, my cat who died of liver cancer in October, 2002 at the age of 18. It is to him that my "Pets are a Pleasure" site is dedicated to.

This is the end of the Beginners' Series of Tutorials and now I am ready to try out the Beginners' Weekly Assignments, I hope.


July 7th, 2003. I got brave and decided to do all of the assignments for this week. First was the Beginner's Tutorial which was learning to make patterned text.

Next was the Intermediate Tutorial which was to make a Heart Clock.

Unfortunately the link no longer works, so I don't know what happened to the site and the person who originally created the tutorial.

And finally there was the Advanced Tutorial which taught how to use a Fuzzy Mask. Here too, the link I had no longer works. Sorry.

Well, you now know what I did all weekend. No housework, barely ate, hardly slept. Just me and my PSP. I'm hooked!!!

Due to the holiday weekend in the U.S. two extra projects were made available to those who wanted to do them. I couldn't resist because they were both so interesting and so here they are.

The first one was to do a Mosaic Blur Photo Background.

And the second one was a Pond Fairy. For this one we were supposed to create a scene with her and this is were my novice status really shows. I did pick a scene, but to make her fit in, I would have had to shrink her too much so that she wouldn't have shown. So, I guess I really didn't complete the assignment, but only half did it???? I do love her though and that is why I am still going to show her here.

July 12th, 2003. This tutorial showed how to make an picture with etched glass.

Maybe I shouldn't look at anything but the beginners' tutorials, because when I do look at the others, I fall in love with them and then have to do them. This was the intermediate tutorial and had many layers but was explained in detail. It took me all week to do it, but I am very glad I stuck with it and am so grateful to the author for taking the time to make this tutorial.

July 13th, 2003. Beginners' Tutorial - Teardrop Kitty. I don't think that this is quite the way it was supposed to show up because in the tut, the texture is more prominent, but I do like it and it is definitely a candidate for my "Pets are a Pleasure" site.

July 20th, 2003. Beginners' Tutorial - Easy Fade. I find one of the biggest challenges I have when it comes to doing the tutorial is find an image to use. But, I did find one and here is the end result.