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My Cooking Adventure and Experiments
Sunday, 11 February 2007
Leche Flan with Strawberry and Cream
Topic: Desserts
Actually, my original plan was to make Leche Flan only but when I inverted the first cooked leche flan into a platter, some part of it sticked to the molder, so the outside texture was a little bit rough, it doesn't look good, lol! I don't want to serve it to my hubby since he is very particular with the food's look. According to him, when the food looks good, then definitely it tastes good too. I am different because I will taste the food first before I judge (but sometimes I was also like him, lol). So back to the topic, since the surface was not so smooth, I decided to cover it with the all-purpose cream and strawberries, hmm sounds good, so that's what I made. I cut the strawberries into 4, then microwave it for 5 seconds to make it soft and easy to bite, then I placed it over the cream. My hubby is not fond of very sweet foods but when I served it to him late at night while we were watching movie, he ate all the one you saw in the picture below and he asked me on the next day if we still have it, lol!

6 egg yolks
1 whole egg
1 1/3 cup condensed milk
3/4 cup evaporated milk
1 tbsp.vanilla
1 c. brown sugar
Fresh strawberries, sliced into 4
All-purpose cream

1. Put all the first 5 ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Caramilezed sugar on the molded tin
until its golden brown.
3. Pour the mixtures on it and steam for 40 minutes.
4. Invert the lechen flan in a plate and refrigerate until cold.
5. Cover the wbole surface with all-purpose cream.
6. Microwave the sliced strawberries for 5 seconds.
7. Top the cream surface with the strawberries and serve.

Posted by Rieaane at 2:38 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 27 February 2007 3:47 PM
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