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Bone's Blog
Monday, 27 October 2003
This is getting real old, real quick
OK, so my blog has been suspended for the majority of the day. If you're still checking in, thanks. I guess I have to start looking into other options. I thought the biggest problem with ANGELFIRE would be the annoying pop-ups, but I figured with pop-up blockers we could negotiate that. Instead, they keep suspending my blog due to excessive bandwidth consumption. I'm only getting 25-30 hits a day most of the time. Is that excessive? I think not.

Didn't get to watch the race today, cos I was at work, but I see where GORDON won again. That's two in a row for J GORD. Yeah babee!! Too far out of the points race this year, but lookin' strong to make a run in '04.

My sister stopped by JON'S to pick up some dinner after work, so I went over and ate with her. It was good. The PILATES video came in so I took a look at that. Looks like it will be fairly intense. Must familiarize myself with terms such as the powerhouse, standard pilates stance, the box, etc. lol

The most disturbing image of the day has been MIKE TYSON holding up a "FREE KOBE" sign. Nice. That's kinda like CASTRO wearing a "FREE SADDAM" shirt. (just had a 'little fidels' OK, so maybe not to that degree, but still. That's not swaying anyone in KOBE'S favor for sure. We were talking about that whole case the other night. Either way it turns out, it's sad. If he did it, obviously it's sad that all these people are jumping to his defense because he's a celebrity, and it's only going to discourage other victims to speak out. And if he didn't do it, again it's just going to work against victims in the future, because people will think they are trying to extort money. Sigh.

"From Carolina down to Georgia. The smell of jasmine and magnolias. Sleepy, sweet home Alabama, roll Tide roll. Muddy water, Mississippi. Blessed Graceland, whispers to me. Carry on..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 10:17 PM CST
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My Blog Is Not Haunted
Just heard like the best song today. If you have not heard "Sweet Southern Comfort", give it a listen. Perfect production, vivid songwriting, banjo, song I've heard this year.

In other news, TAMMY at work got a new silver '04 IMPALA over the weekend. It's sharp. I think anytime someone gets a new vehicle, everyone around gets new car fever. lol No, no, no, no, no!!! I must not.

Watched a little bit of "Halloween" yesterday. Those are some of the better horror/suspense movies I think. We'll see what's going on as the weekend draws nearer. I'm still tempted to try and score some SEIN tix last minute, since he'll be in town that night.

Nothing much else going on today. Had DOMINOS for lunch. It was muy delicioso. Enjoying a peaceful, chilly October afternoon at the hizzouse. Another real thriller on MNF tonight--Dolphins and Charges. Yippee! ABC can't figure out why their ratings have gone in the toilet. Who schedules these Monday night games? Even if it did happen to be close, who really cares?

"Got no plans for next Sunday. Got no plans for today. Everyday is blue Monday. Everyday you're away. Do you wonder about me, like I'm hoping you do? Are you lonesome without me? Have you found someone new? Are you burning and yearning? Do you ever get blue? Have you thought of returning? How's the world treating you..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 4:24 PM CST
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Welcome Back
"What do men want? We want women. That's the only thing we know. How do we get them? Oh we don't know about that. Whatever the next step is, we have no idea. That's why you see men honking car horns and yelling from construction sites. These are the best ideas we've come up with so far." - The Sein

My blog was suspended again this morning due to excessive bandwidth consumption. As you can imagine, I was deeply depressed and considered several drastic actions, but finally my blog came back up, after a couple of hours.

The only thing keepin' me alert these days is the daily emails from the FBI informing me that they are still tracking all of my online activity. Oh wait. What?

Got a couple of hits for some interesting search strings over the weekend. A couple for "it's ok I had subway" and one for "quotes from koby clemens." Nice to be interwoven with the pulse of the internet world.

I'd like to catch you up on all that's happened this morning, but unfortunately, nothing has been going on. lol I did remember one quote from last night, when we were singing the MS. PAC MAN theme to DAVINA. It went something like this...

D: "I haven't played that game in 16 years."
Kyle: "Yeah right. You mean more like 16 hours."
Me: "Good grief, that sounds like something I'd say."
D: "Ya'll are starting to talk alike."
Me: "Well that was bound to happen sooner or later."

ROFL Oh man it was funny. Well, about to run to the store here in a few minutes for my mid-morning snack. I think we are ordering PIZZA for lunch today. Mmmmm. Some place has a Monday special lunch discount, so that'll be good, and cheap. Rock on my friends. Thanks for readin'.

"If I couldn't sleep could you sleep? Would you paint me better off? Would you sympathize with my needs? I know you think I need a lot. Started out clean, but I'm jaded. Just phonin' it in..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:59 AM CST
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Sunday, 26 October 2003
It all comes down to "the reason" ROFL
Typical Sunday. Went to church tonight. Afterwards, headed up to AB's. Sat with DAVINA. TRACY came by and chatted a bit. JADE, MICHELLE, and VIRGINIA were there as well. I had a salad and chicken fingers. KYLE was up there. Tried to get him to talk to TRACY, but wasn't successful. She was quite chatty. Cute chick was sitting at the table next to us. I thought she looked familiar, but I'm not sure if or when I've seen her before. Her name was TASHA. Quotes of the night...

"Service with a smile." lol

"Are the sarcastic remarks free?"
"Yeah, those are no charge."

"What are we going to do?"
"I guess we can adopt a child. Oh, you mean tonight?" ROFL

"Do you know what that is?"
"It's the theme to Ms. Pac Man."
"Ya'll still play that?"
"Nooooo, I never play video games. Oh man, that was a big one."

"Just talk to her."
"Nah, I'd rather go home and shoot myself. That's much easier."

Got the football game on, not really watching it. KC is up on BUFFALO 28-5 at halftime. Wow. lol That's a whoopin' right thur. Nothing else going on, because of 'the reason.' ROFL

Ran to WAL-MART this afternoon to pick up a few things. Talked to JACK online. He offered me two season tickets for next season, because his brother isn't going to get them again. So that's something to think about. It's pretty expensive though, for a poor, hard-working white boy at Branch Davidian Southeast. We'll see.

So many times throughout the day something happens that causes me to say, "That's going in the blog." However, the majority of the time, I forget those things by the time I do my next blog entry. I really need to start carrying a tape recorder around with me. Alright, it's back to work tomorrow.

"You keep callin' me on the telephone. You say you're all alone. Well that's real sad. You keep leavin' notes stuck on my door. Guess you're hungry for some more. Well that's too bad. Cos I ain't that lonely yet..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:15 PM CDT
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Sunday Sunday, laaa laaa, laaa la la laaa
Wow, it's been quite a weekend. My voice is gone. lol The ALABAMA/TENNESSEE game yesterday went into 5 overtimes. It started at 2:30 and got over around 7:30. It was, needless to say, the longest game I've ever been to. When I got back to my car, I had four missed calls and a nice text message from J-MO saying "Go Vols!" Everyone had called to talk about the game and tell me they had seen me. We were on the second row in the end zone, and apparently, I was plastered on the JUMBOTRON the entire game. My aunt had called and said that one of my uncles said I got on CBS around halftime. So hopefully, I can find someone who taped the game and see. Overall, it was great fun. It's hard to lose a game like that. I think everyone, fans, players, mascots, cheerleaders... was exhausted. lol There were two hotties sitting right in front of me. So when there was a lull in the game, that was some nice entertainment. If you were in Section S6, Row 10, Seat 22, please contact me. lol

Traffic was a little rough last night, and I ended up getting home around 11:00. There was a wreck rigth behind us just after we'd pulled out of the parking lot onto the road. Someone got rear-ended. Blech.

Today was another adventure. As soon as I shut my door at church, I realized my key was still in the ignition. Nice. Fortunately, there was a clothes hanger inside, and thanks to some help from some of the folks there, we got my door unlocked after about 15 minutes after the service was over. Had Taco Bell for lunch. Sitting here watching the COWBOYS, losing right now 10-0 at halftime.

Looks like an APPLEBEES trip could happen tonight, since I missed last night. lol

"I'm not above being cool for a while, if you're cruel to me I'll understand. Some people run from a possible fight. Some people figure they can never win. And although this is a fight I can lose, the accused is an innocent man..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 1:49 PM CDT
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Saturday, 25 October 2003
Gargantuan Bananas
Typical Friday night of BILLIARDS and APPLEBEES. I have developed a serious problem of fouling while shooting the 8 ball. In the last two nights, I have lost something like 8 games, 5 of which have been due to fouling on the 8. I know, if you're an avid billiards player, you're saying "That's not a loss." And you are correct. From the standardized BILLIARDS rules:

"When shooting at the 8-ball, a scratch or foul is not loss of game if the 8-ball is not pocketed or jumped from the table. Incoming player has cue ball in hand."

For some reason, we don't play that way, and that could save me A LOT of games. You have no idea. lol But the way I look at it is, at least I am shooting at the 8. There are a couple of other rules we don't exactly go by, like "ball in hand" on any foul, after the break. We usually play ball in head behind the head string. This disallows your opponent from fouling on purpose, leaving you a difficult shot. Overall, I think we were all disappointed in the quality of billiards Friday night. I did win two games of 7-ball. lol Maybe that's my game. We probably need to adjust our games to the standardized rules of 8-ball. I'll run it by the rules committee.

Anyhow, it was a fun time, as usual. BELLE was working. Went to APPLEBEES for dinner. Sat with DAVINA. I had the shrimp. It was good. BETH came by and chatted for awhile. She was working in the kitchen which was odd. MICHELLE was hostessing, which was odd. It was like BIZARRO AB's. I asked B where JESS was, cause she usually comes up there on weekends. KYLE and JON got sundaes with their kid's chicken finger basket, so Davina was like, "Do you want ice cream?" And I said no. But I caught DONNA looking over there and I was like "I want a banana split," just kidding around. And she made me one, the sweetheart.

The funniest thing was the size of the banana. It was like hanging off two inches on each side of the plate. I went by and thanked DONNA on the way out and I was like, "That banana was gargantuan." She was like "I know." We all had a laugh. Seriously, it was like it had been growing next to a nuclear power plant or something. lol

Found out SUNDAY is MAGGIE'S birthday, so obviously, they're all going out Sunday night. I ticked KELLY off a bit, by telling her from a distance I thought it was KRISTINA. It was an honest mistake, but the thing no one could figure out is why I told her about it. lol KYLE and I discussed the NY trip a little. Looks like we'll shoot for MARCH or APRIL.

Somehow, we (KYLE and I) got into this humorous thing of imitating 80's video game music and sounds. We got to singing/humming the Ms. Pac Man theme. It was very funny at the time.

Not much else happening. Getting ready to go to the BAMA/TENNESSEE game. So I'll be out most all day.

"So what are you doing back? Well, I sat back and thought about the things we used to do. It really meant, a lot to me. You mean a lot to me. I really mean that much to you? Girl, you know it's true..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:48 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 25 October 2003 10:03 AM CDT
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Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:28 AM CDT
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Friday, 24 October 2003
Status report following the Coronal Mass Ejection...
Looks like I made it through the sun burst OK. I haven't noticed any effects. I LOVE JOHN TESH!!! So that's a relief. You never know what might happen. I LOVE JOHN TESH!!! But the cell phone, digital cable, computer, etc. seemed to work fine. I LOVE JOHN TESH!!! I like the name though-- coronal mass ejection. That sounds humorous somehow.

Ran to CARDINAL for lunch and picked up something for my sister as well. A really cute carhop brought my food, so I tipped a dollar. I usually don't tip up there. Is that wrong? lol And what do I hope to accomplish by this? OK, I just freaked myself out. Someone was cruisin' around and had us blastin' on the radio. That was kinda cool.

Just heard that a few female friends of mine headed up to NY for the weekend. That only reinforces me desire to move there. Wish I was there right now. Have to get serious about this plan.

MARRIED.. WITH CHILDREN was on a few minutes ago. It was the one where AL gets glasses and then realizes what his car, his wife, himself, etc. looks like, so he decides he likes his life better through blurry vision. lol It's also when BUD was in the GRANDMASTER B stage. In this ep, KELLY calls him Cross Dresser B and Grand Pappy B.

Looks like BILLIARDS may happen at some point tonight, as usual.

I was listenin' to my Hits of 1987 CD last night, if you can't tell. lol

"Set me free, why don't ya baby? Get out my life why don't you baby? Ooooo ooo ooo, cos you don't really love me. You just keep me hangin' on..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 3:11 PM CDT
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The No-Name Cats are no more :*(
Enjoying the off day... preparing for the solar burst to reach Earth around 2:00 Central Time. Who knows what might happen? Slept in today. Woke up a little after 9:30. I have been going on 6 hours sleep so long, it's really catching up with me. I went running about 11:45. Took a shower, and now I'm about to go out and get some lunch.

We had to give the kittens away :-( My sister found someone to take them. She said they cried and clung to her and they didn't want to go. I HATE THAT!!!!!!!!!! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!! It breaks my heart. I've never even really liked cats that much. Always preferred dogs. But they were soooo sweet :-(

In other news, I've had it with the Subway commercials. Have you seen this latest one? It has Jared (who we all love) in a nice restaurant and someone sees him and says, "Jared. What are you doing?" He's like, "It's OK. I had Subway for lunch." Good grief. The SUBWAY and HARDEES commercials have made me boycott both places. Ok, so I had long ago boycotted HARDEES, but still. lol

Had a dream about AMBER last night. That was weird. I love dreams, though. I think I might become a DREAMOLOGIST. It is so neat that we have these thoughts and visions in the night, which we have little or no control over, which sometimes we cannot remember at all, often we can remember very little, and occasionally we can remember vividly for months or years. If you've never read Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, check it out. I find it very, very interesting.

Well, my tummy is telling me it's time to find some food.

"Sleight of hand and twist of fate. On a bed of nails she makes me wait. And I wait without you, with or without you. With or without you. I can't live, with or without you..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 12:50 PM CDT
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Thursday, 23 October 2003
Late night report...
Shot BILLIARDS with KYLE this evening. We split 3 games. I played decent, except for one game, AND except for the fact that I fouled on the 8 in two games. They got brand new balls on all the tables, so that was nice. They are much more reactive than the old ones. I asked WES if I could just get a bag of chips with my tea. Then when I went to pay for it, he waved me off and said not to worry about it. Sweet. NICHOLE was up there, too.

Afterwards, headed to APPLEBEES. Checked the seating chart and sat with CHARITY, or so I thought. NATALIE ended up coming by saying she'd be taking care of us b/c CHARITY wanted to be cut. Oh well. NATALIE knows the procedure, so it's cool. I had the boneless buffalo wings, cos it was half-price appetizers after 9:00. JESSICA and TRACY both came up there. JESS waved, so I motioned for her to come over (we were way up in the corner..table 63, I believe). She sat and talked for a minute, and said she was going home to get in bed. She's pretty kewl (and cute). After that, I came home.

Didn't go running today or yesterday. I should have no excuses tomorrow, since I am off work. YANKEES lost again tonight :-\ They are up against it now.

The majority of people I know dislike their jobs, or aren't satisfied with their current positions, etc. And today I read a headline that says "United States asking for billions for Iraq." We keep pouring money overseas, when our economy here is in shambles. I have known more people who have gotten laid off in the past couple of years than probably in my entire life before that combined. It's just frustrating.

Exchange of the day:
Me: Will you sing 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now' at my wedding?
Kyle: Sure. ROFL

Alrighty. Let the three-day weekend begin. Hey, one less day of asbestos and radon exposure can't hurt, can it? lol

"And we can build this thing together, stand this tall forever. Nothing's gonna stop us now. And if this world runs out of lovers, we'll still have each other. Nothing's gonna stop up, nothing's gonna stop us now..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 11:41 PM CDT
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