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Bone's Blog
Wednesday, 22 October 2003
Oh noooo!!! I'm a closet Dr. Phil fan!!!
Lunch was CAPTAIN D'S today. My fish was nearly raw. Since when did Cappy D's start servin' up sushi. Blech!!

Just finished up folding the last of my LAUNDRY for the week. I did remember one other funny quote from last night. You had to hear it in context though. It went something like, "Dude, what were you doing talking to kids seven years younger than you?" ROFL

Was conversing with KYLE earlier. They've changed their band practice night to Wednesday, so it looks like we may be switching BILLIARDS night to Thursday. That's good, because Wednesday was really rushing me with everything I had to do. It's like I worked eight hours, home for two hours, then gone for five more hours basically. So Thursdays it is... for now.

Did anyone besides me watch Dr. Phil yesterday? Wow, he had on this one couple that had filed bankruptcy, maxed out credit cards, and taken a second mortgage on their home. Why? Because the wife had a spending problem. She urged her husband to get a better job or second job to support her habits. He said he had a job, which he relatively enjoyed, and was happy there. But he had made the mistake of putting her in charge of all finances. She wasn't telling him how much she was spending and it had gotten way out of hand. She said her Dad had owned his own business and admitted he had spoiled her. However, as Dr. Phil pointed out, when you enter into marriage, you can't expect to start out at the same level as your parents. Your parents most likely have worked for years and years to get to where they are. He also told her if she valued the proper things (i.e. the kind of person she was inside), she wouldn't have to have the latest fashions and wear designer clothes and care what other people thought. It was bizarre. No, I don't watch Dr. Phil. That was only the second or third time I've ever watched it... or fourth... maybe. lol

Today, he has couples who are arguing over how many kids to have and/or when to have them. OK, I'm turning it now. lol

In other news, I just got this email with the subject line, "Here's how to stop your hot flashes". lol I have no idea what that means.

"Chances are so hard to come by, and the second one is impossible to find. The clock keeps running, and the odds keep getting higher, that it?s all just a fantasy of mine. But I shouldn?t be thinking about it. I shouldn?t be worried about it. It?s just a clock on the wall, but it?s ticking away..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 3:21 PM CDT
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Yes, do you accept wampum?
I just ran to the store, as usual, for my 10 AM mid-morning snack. Got out and was walking in when I felt my back pocket and realized I had left my wallet at work. How embarrassing. Well, I dug around in the truck and found about $2 in change. So I apologized beforehand to the girl (whose name I have forgotten again). Here I am counting out... twenty-five, fifty, seventy-five, a dollar, dollar-ten, dollar-twenty, etc.

See, recently I have begun taking my wallet out of my pants while driving, while sitting at work, etc., to try and minimize the negative effects it can have on your back and hip. So I was bound to forget it sooner or later. It reminds me of that SEINFELD (have I used that phrase before?) where JERRY stops carrying a wallet, and instead gets a European Carry-All. ROFL And GEORGE has this huge thick wallet with everything stuffed in it. lol

J: (holding up George's wallet, next to a hamburger) Look at this thing. It's huge. You've got more cow here than here.
G: I need everything in there.
J: Irish money?
G: I might go there.
J: Show this card at any participating Orlando-area Exxon station, to get your free "Save the Tiger" poster. ROFL

J: Officer! Someone took my European carry-all!
Cop: Your what?
J: It's a black.. leather thing.. with a strap.
Cop: Oh, you mean a purse?
J: Yes, a purse. I carry a purse!


"It's hard to believe that there's nobody out there. It's hard to believe that I'm all alone. At least I have her love, the city she loves me, lonely as I am. Together we cry..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 10:34 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 October 2003 10:36 AM CDT
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Undefined gratuity
Went up to APPLEBEES last night to watch part of the WORLD SERIES game. KYLE came up there, too. Sat with DONNA. No one else was working. However, BETH, JESSICA, CHARITY, and some other folks were up there hanging out. So anyhow, I decide to get a house salad and some potato skins, planning to redeem my free appetizer card. Well, the salad came out a little scrawny looking. I mentioned it to Donna, but that was it. When I get done, I give her my card and expect to pay for the salad. She tears up the ticket and says, "Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it." Sweet. That's why I love going there. Anyway, getting to my point. My meal was free, and I left a $3 tip. So $3 for a $0 check. That's like an undefined tip. lol Wooooohooooo! That's special, my friends.

Funny quotes of the night: "Is that the way you clean up all your messes?"

"Wow. Well, that's why we come here."

"What do you recommend?"
"Mmmm... the take two steak and shrimp!"
"That's like 12 bucks. I'm not made out of money here. Does that come on the kid's menu?" ROFL

I did go RUNNING yesterday, for the second day in a row. It was right at sunset, and it was beautiful. I love the outdoors and enjoying the beauty of nature. There were so many colors, just while I was running. It went from a bright orange, to pink and purple, then blue and gray. That reminds me... Saturday night was beautiful, too. I went out to look at the stars. It was so clear and there were a million of them up there.

Back to fitness, I need to do some more abdominal work. Hopefully, this pilates video that is supposed to be arriving soon, will help.

I also studied for a bit last night. I need to do a lot more of that. Just about finished up LAUNDRY. I never made it to the end of the game. I fell asleep watching it after the 8th, but I did see the YANKEES take the 3-1 lead.

"Put on my blue suede shoes and I, boarded the plane. Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues, in the middle of the pouring rain. W.C. Handy, won't you look down over me, cos I got a first-class ticket, and I'm as blue as a boy can be..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 8:00 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 October 2003 8:06 AM CDT
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Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 7:28 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 21 October 2003
Top Referrers...
Just lookin' back at the recent site referrals over the past 100 hits. Big thanks to JON, KYLE, and ERIC for givin' me the hook up on the links. lol Here are the top referrers to my site:

1. Kyle's blog (28)

2. J-Mo's blog (24)

3. Eric's blog (11)

4. My AOL homepage (4)

5. Kyle's blog #2 (3)

6. Google search for "aol sting commercial" (2)

7. Jeremy's blog (2)

8. (2)

9. Yahoo search for "Jeff Moulton" (1)

10. Angelfire (1)

"Well you do what you do and you pay for your sins, and there's no such thing as what might have been. That's a waste of time, drive you out of your mind. I was stopped at a redlight just yesterday, beside a young girl in a Cabriolet. And her eyes were green. And I was in an old scene..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 3:37 PM CDT
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3 out of 10 doctors...
Recommend NIAGARA for depression... What?

Just reading about this guy who went over NIAGARA FALLS and survived. They think he was trying to commit suicide, because he went over head-first, lying on his back. The first person to ever survive the plunge with only the clothes on his back, no barrell, life preserver, or other apparatus. What I'm thinking is, if this was a suicide attempt, the guy has got to be disappointed. I mean, you would think, if you're gonna do something like that, this would be a sure way to do it.

Another funny thing I read is this: There is apparently a standard $10,000 fine for violating a park rule forbidding such attempts. lol Does this seem strange to anyone else? How many people do they actually collect from? I mean, what percentage of people who attempt this actually survive?

Oh well.. back to work. Today is shaping up to be busy.

"The other tear said we've got a connection. I'm a tear of sorrow, born of rejection. I'm from the sad brown eyes of her old flame. She told him they would be lifelong companions, left him with questions and not any answers. I was on his cheek as he stood there calling her name. I could tell he had a lot of my friends for company. So I drifted on down and caught me a ride to the sea..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 8:57 AM CDT
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Warding off 34W...
I went running yesterday.. first time in a week. I'm clinging to my size 32 pants as long as I can. I don't wanna be a 34. lol That was the only time I left the house after work yesterday. It was wonderful!! First time I haven't had stuff to do in forever. It's nice to be able to relax once in awhile, ya know.

While relaxing... lol I played some 1942 ("Kamikaze's on my tail!!") and PUNCH OUT on my NES emulator. Glass Joe, Don Flamenco, Glass Tiger, Bald Bull, Piston Honda, King Hippo, Soda Popinski... what a game. lol

Watched just a bit of MNF. I guess it ended up being a pretty close game, but I missed the end. Looking forward to the World Series tonight. I may go up to APPLEBEES to watch it. Sing! Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your name. And they're always glad you came..."

Watched SEINFELD last night. It was the one where JERRY has an accident and gets some of KRAMER'S blood. lol And then later, some of NEWMAN's.

"You've got three pints of Kramer in you, buddy." ROFL

(later, at Monk's)

George: "Three pints of Kramer's blood?"
Jerry: "I can feel his blood inside of me, borrowing things from my blood."

"When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love, you'll understand what I mean when I say there's no way we're gonna give up. And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams. Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe?"

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 7:53 AM CDT
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Monday, 20 October 2003
The Ill-Fated Filling Station Fiasco...
I almost forgot! As I was getting expensive gasoline for my vehicle yesterday, something sort of bizarre happened. As I'm putting the nozzle back in its proper place, the top of the gas pump comes open. So this large chunk of the machine is just lying open. It opens from the top down, and there's kind of a clanging sound, like I opened a vending machine or something. Anyway, I immediately try to close it, but it won't latch, and it keeps falling back open. It won't stay shut, because it opens vertically, and the part that opens is pretty heavy, and whatever is supposed to be catching isn't catching it. So I look inside, and it looks like a highly complex plastic explosives detonation system in there. There's numbers and wires and circuitry and stuff. I don't dare try to diffuse it. lol What? I shouldn't even be telling you this, in case someone investigating the case reads my blog. Anyway, I'm at one of these huge 16 pump stations you know, and pretty far away from the front of the store, and I paid with my ATM card. So I look around to see if anyone is looking. There's only a couple of people around. One guy isn't looking, and another lady has looked at me a couple of times, but what can I do? So then after I tried to close it up a few more times without success, I grabbed my ATM receipt and got out of there. Whew!

Stuff like this can only happen to me. lol

"Do you remember there was a time, when people on street were walking hand in hand in hand? They used to talk about the weather, making plans together. Days would last forever. Come to me, cover me, hold me. Together we'll break these chains of love..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 11:12 AM CDT
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Whatever happened to the Joystick?
Uneventful day so far at the compound, which is good. Thinking about starting on a couple of hobby-type projects. I need to catalog all my SEINFELD tapes and see which episodes I lack. My best guess is that I am probably missing 10 or 15, but that could be off. I need to do some major cleanup around the servant's quarters as well. There's stuff I need to file away from like ages ago. "What's this? Watergate deposition? Hmmm... file under 'to be shredded'. Info linking Reagan to Iran/Contra scandal. Again, to be shredded." What? ROFL

KYLE and I were talking about video games the other night, oddly enough. ROFL I really miss that ATARI joystick. You know, once NINTENDO came out, they went to that game pad and pretty much every video game system has come with the gamepad standard after that. Yes, I know, you can buy some souped-up deluxe custom joysticks, but they're too complex. I don't want buttons on the stick. Plus they're too big. It's like trying to play a saxophone or something. I miss that simple, smooth, thin stick, with buttons on the side, not on the shaft.

Funny excerpt from last night...

D: "What's your kitty's name?"
K: "Beatrice."
D: "That's a weird name for a cat."
Me: "What's your kitty's name?"
D: "I don't have a kitty."

Yes, I definitely need to get the SEINFELD project underway. I need some new labels, too. Otherwise, I can foresee a nap this afternoon. I need to go RUNNING. Of course, I always need to do that. And maybe watch a little MNF--Chiefs/Raiders--I'm not real excited about that though.

"Been around the world and I, I, I... I can't find my baby. I don't know when. I don't know why, why he's gone away..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:19 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 20 October 2003 9:20 AM CDT
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Sunday, 19 October 2003
Weekend's over :-(
Sittin' here watchin' the WORLD SERIES. YANKEES are up 6-0 in the 8th inning. PETTITTE has pitched great.

After church tonight, I headed up to, you guessed it, APPLEBEES. Sat with BETH. Had the appetizer sampler. JADE came and talked for a bit, as did KELLY. Then KYLE showed up. DAVINA stopped by to chat for a bit. BETH was all tired, cos she had just gotten back from her trip. A fun time was had by all. Afterwards, we headed to GOODYS, cos I wanted to look for a belt. KYLE sat in the car and talked to BUNNY and I got a couple of belts and a couple of winter shirts. Got home around 8:45.

I'm sort of interested in seeing this new NORM MACDONALD show. I always enjoyed watching "NORM," but it didn't last very long. lol Had a nice conversation with JESS tonight online. Haven't talked to her in weeks.

OK, the YANKEES just won, 6-1. It's tied up a game apiece. That's about it I guess. Gotta get in the bed. Back to work tomorrow. Rock on...

"Her hat is hanging by the door, the one she bought in Mexico. It blocked the wind, it stopped the rain. She'd never leave that one. So she can't be really gone..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 10:00 PM CDT
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