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Bone's Blog
Wednesday, 8 October 2003
I just got home a little bit ago. It's been a long day. Called the doctor's office about 1:30 and they still didn't have my results. Said they'd call me when they got them. Surely I'll hear something tomorrow.

Went to do the voice work at KYLE'S. Then we went and shot a little POOL. Started out playing teams with WES and JAMES. We split two games. BELLE and TINA were workin'. Just assumed my tea was free. lol Our play has improved so much since we really started playing regularly.

Afterwards, went to BIBLE STUDY. Then to my part-time job. Came home and warmed up some chicken casserole for dinner. And now I'm just relaxing for a bit before bed. Watching the YANKEES get beat--down 5-2 right now in the 8th. Oh, and KYLE was apparently unhappy with the voice work, so he wants me to come back over there tomorrow. He also said they may want some help filming the band thing Saturday. So we'll see how that goes. It's been a tiring day, but a good day. I felt better today than I have in at least a week or more. I just want to thank everyone for their concern these past few days. I'm blessed to have some great friends and wonderful people in my life.

"What did you think I would say at this moment, when I'm faced with the knowledge, that you just don't love me? Did you think I would curse you, or say things to hurt you? Cos you just don't love me no more. What do you think I would give at this moment? If you stay I'd subtract twenty years from my life..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 10:01 PM CDT
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Gary Coleman got 12,000+ votes in the recall, good enough to finish 8th. That's just wrong on so many levels. Don't forget, he was the original Arnold, on Diff'rent Strokes. lol (insert suitable "what you talkin' 'bout Willis" line here) So Ah-nuhld didn't just get elected because of celebrity status. You also apparently have to be over 5 feet tall, AND have had a semi-hit movie/show in the past fifteen years. Just kiddin'. It's not nice to make fun of people, is it? GC did beat Mary Carey, the porn empress, and Gallagher.

About to have some SONIC for lunch. Tryin' the new patty melt today. I'm tired of seein' the commercial and wonderin' how it tastes. Update later. lol

"And I couldn't tell, why everyone here was doing me like they do. But I'm sorry now. And I don't know how, to get it back to good..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 12:24 PM CDT
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Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 12:13 PM CDT
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"In two years, not having a blog will be comparable to not having indoor plumbing..." ROFL

That was my humorous comment this morning while trying to persuade BUNNY to join the blog revolution. Theriouthlah you guyth.

Otherwise, just another day here at Branch Davidian East. I'm "Cali-recalled" to death and I'm sure you are, too. Obviously, that whole thing got blown out of proportion, and kind of makes a mockery of the system. But at least the attention is on Cali and everyone is making fun of them now. Besides, maybe the system needs to be made a mockery of once in awhile. I hope there's not like a nationwide recall-mania though. I was surfing around and there is actually a Recall Bush website now. Heh heh. ( or I had no idea those were out there. I'm sure there is or will be a Recall Riley (our governor) site soon.

Anyhow, the neatest thing to me was that the Lt. Gov. who finished second to Arnold had the same last name as one of the best men's billiards players in the world, Francisco Bustamante. lol For some reason, well because ARNOLD wasn't born here, I guess, it also reminded me of the SEINFELD where ELAINE says to FRANK, "So you weren't born here." He's like, "No. I can never be President. That's why I never had an interest in politics. They don't want me. I don't want them!!!!" lol

Planning to try to drop by KYLE'S to read the VIPERS script this evening. If we have time, we might play some BILLIARDS. Then I have BIBLE STUDY, and of course my usual weekly Wednesday night second job after that. Looking forward to some left-over chicken casserole for dinner, at some point.

Still haven't heard anything on the ultrasound. I've sort of put it out of my mind. I've prayed about it and there's nothing else I can do for now.

Remember when this song was like "it"... 1989 babee!

"Since you been gone I can do whatever I want. I can see whomever I choose. I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant. But nothing, I said nothing can take away these blues. Cos nothing compares, nothing compares 2 u..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 10:31 AM CDT
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Well I've added a couple of links over here, to ERIC'S blog and KEVIN'S blog. Hopefully, they won't mind. KEVIN usually makes some humorous observations about KYLE. lol Hopefully, BUNNY will be starting a blog soon. Otherwise, I'll have to post her home address and phone number here. lol I've also rearranged some of the links, and put the blogs I don't check that often in a separate group. Enjoy!

Was glad to see the MARLINS beat the CUBS last night. Poor Cubs fans. lol Go YANKEES!

Here's a cool story, or not:

"A couple in Waite Park, Minnesota, are in jail following an argument over what to watch on TV. The 23-year-old male came home Monday night to find his 19-year-old girlfriend watching the Lifetime channel on TV. He flipped over to Monday Night Football, and an argument ensued. The girlfriend eventually went into the kitchen, got a steak knife, and stabbed him in the arm. He retaliated by stabbing her in the head."

Ouch! Well, we know how women are about their Lifetime. Maybe they should think about getting a second TV.. or picture in a picture.. or counseling. lol Come to think of it, the whole episode will make a good Lifetime movie. Watch for it next year... starring Patrick Duffy and Lindsey Wagner. Woooooo!!!

"Please, I think I've reached the point in my life where I can tell the difference between nougat and cookie. So let's not just say things that we both know are obvious fabrications." - GLC from "The Dealership" lol

Well, that's all I know for now. Happy Wednesday!

"I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. But I always thought that I'd see you again..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 8:20 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 October 2003 8:25 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 7 October 2003
Got LAUNDRY done. Sittin' here watchin' the baseball game. It's the only thing on. It sure is weird for there to be a playoff game in Wrigley Field. lol

Let me rant on baseball just a moment. Come April, for the first three or four weeks, it's great. But the season is soooo long and the games are generally boring. I mean, after the All-Star break, it's like a double marathon at a snail's pace. Football starts and you forget about baseball, then all of a sudden, they start the playoffs. lol And in baseball, the playoffs are really the only halfway interesting thing, to me anyway. Now, as for going to a game in person, that is a great overall experience. But still, as far as the continual excitement of the game, I'll take football anyday. I mean, in a big football game, fans go crazy every play. You stand up the whole time, if you're there. Never see that in baseball, even in Game 7 of the World Series. The fans might stand in the ninth inning, but that's about it. Another thing is, the baseball announcers on these networks (namely Fox) are the worst.

So, where did all this come from you might wonder. Well one of the brilliant sportswriters in the small local paper I get here wrote that there's nothing like the excitement of baseball. lol He said something to the effect of, "In other sports, close games and races are won or lost in the blink of an eye. A last-second basket, a touchdown run, or a last-lap pass, and its over." And this was apparently a bad thing to him.

In other news, I got a knock at my door about 4:45 this afternoon. Since I rarely have unexpected company, I looked out the window and saw it was Dad. He wanted to take me out to eat. My parents like never come over here. They've probably been here a total of five or six times in all the years I've lived here. I always have to go see them. But anyway, I think it probably has something to do with my health here lately. So we went to a little catfish place just on the edge of town. It was pretty good. So I'll have to have the leftover casserole tomorrow night (and probably Thursday, too--there's A LOT of it).

I did go RUNNING this evening, the usual trek. Showered after that, and went over and talked to my sister for a few minutes. She's thinking of going to school to become an LPN.

Marlins and Cubs are tied at 6 right now. Go Fish!! No, I really don't care, but there's nothing else on TV on Tuesday nights. College football will be back Thursday, thankfully.

"And I don't know why you couldn't just stay with me. You couldn't stand to be near me, when my face don't seem to wanna shine, cause it's a little bit dirty. Well, don't just stand there, say nice things to me. 'Cause I've been cheated, I've been wronged. You don't know me. Well I can't change. I won't do anything at all..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 8:58 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 October 2003 9:08 PM CDT
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Doing LAUNDRY on this lovely Tuesday. I had a plate lunch from LIBBY'S for lunch--chicken & dressing, squash casserole, and green beans. Good!!

Whatever happened to Captain Caveman? Captain Caaaaavemaaahhahaan!! lol I liked that cartoon.

My sister was home for lunch, so I stopped by. Then I sat on the porch for a bit, and the white kitty climbed up in my lap. It was so cute. He just sat there for the longest, and I finally had to pick him up and sit him on the porch when I got ready to leave. No, we really haven't named the cats yet. It's just like white cat, gray cat, and other gray cat. lol Sounds like something from a Chevy Chase movie. lol Yellow dog.

I noticed three hotties walking out to their cars at this little apartment that is like three houses down. Wow, they must've just moved in. When I got home, the lady next door was all like, "I'm gonna start running with you in the evenings." And I was like, "You can't keep up." lol And she said, "Well if I have to stop, you just circle around and pick me up on your way back thru."

I got a hit today from a search for "funny quotes for a stressful day at work." lol Oh man, I could come up with a load of those. If only they had surfed over to KYLE'S blog when he used to include the audio bits.

The lady at registration at the hospital was all like, "Well I'm afraid we don't listen to your radio station." They had some kind of staticy, soft-AC station going. I was like, "Well that's OK. You should give it a try though." Then later on she was asking about a song, and I was like, "We got it. We play it." Ah, it's always good to get out and meet the people.

That's about it for now. I'm thinking of changing my links up. There are a couple of those blogs over there that I never go to anymore, and I need to add a link to Eric and Kevin, cause I read them sometimes. Everybody's gone bloggin... bloggin USA. lol

Just gonna finish laundry today, hopefully. I'm gonna try to go RUNNING. Probably have some left-over casserole for dinner. KYLE e'd me today and said he had some more stuff scripted for the VIPERS video, so I'm gonna try to go over there tomorrow night and read that. I was just noticing one day at work, there is this company that you can do voice work for, and they pay you like $500 per :30 second ad. I wonder if I could do that. Guess it wouldn't hurt to try.

"What's the matter girl well don't you think I'm good enough? This old heart's had a whole lotta breakin' down. She's got all these reasons in her head. Well all that time, she knew if I lied. You can bet she will. She's taking her time, til I thought I would die and I can't sit still. Things got turned 'round, don't know where I started from..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 3:25 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 October 2003 3:27 PM CDT
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OK, I went and had my ultrasound (geez, I sound like a pregnant woman). The process itself took maybe 10-15 minutes. The whole deal, registration, waiting, etc., took about 45 minutes. Not too bad. The lab guy said that a radiologist would read it tomorrow and pass the results along to my doctor. So maybe I'll know something else tomorrow or Thursday.

Anyway, because I was having that done, I couldn't eat anything after midnight last night. So I'm about to tear into some lunch. Ravenous!!

Looks like the blog talk of the day is KYLE'S Mom going out of town for a few weeks. I'm not sure if he'll be able to have company over or not. lol Reminds me of the SEINFELD where Jerry sits a drink on George's parents coffee table, leaving a ring. George gets all upset, and is like "I can't have any parties while they're gone."


"Tell me, did the wind sweep you off your feet? Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day, head back to the Milky Way? And tell me, did Venus blow your mind? Was it everything you wanted to find? And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?"

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 11:39 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 October 2003 11:43 AM CDT
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I've been a little uneasy today and last night about this test today. It's at 10:00. Hopefully, everything will look OK.

In other news, watched some of the baseball game and MNF last night. I went to bed and TAMPA was up like 28-14. I figured with their defense it was over. I wake up this morning to find out that INDY stormed back with three TD's in the final four minutes to tie it, then won it in OT. Wow, that had to be one of the greatest comebacks ever.

The RED SOX won, which I was glad of. I guess I am pulling for the YANKEES and MARLINS to make the Series.

JEN did end up coming over last night. We went to the grocery store and she cooked a chicken casserole. It was good. That was very sweet and I can't express my appreciation for her kindness.

"All this time, I still remember everything you said. There's so much you promised, how could I ever forget? Listen... You know I love you, but I just can't take this. You know I love you, but I'm playing for keeps. Although I need you, I'm not gonna make this. You know I want to, but I'm in too deep..."

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 9:13 AM CDT
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Monday, 6 October 2003
An update on my situation... I heard back from my test results today. The liver test showed my enzymes slightly high. The infection test showed no infection. I told the nurse that I'd been feeling pretty bad the last couple of days, lightheaded and stuff, so she said she'd talk to the doctor. They called back and scheduled me for an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow at 10:00. Can't eat or drink anything beforehand. So maybe they'll be able to tell what is going on from that.

Otherwise, I've been resting this afternoon. Being light-headed, I just feel better sitting down or lying down. I just wanna feel better.

I've gotten like 3 hits on searches for the "AOL sting commercial." Maybe I should post a link where people can download it. lol

"While you were sleeping, I was listenin' to the radio and wonderin' what you're thinking, when it came to mind that I didn't care. And I thought, well if it's over, I had better end it quick before I lose my nerve. Are you listening? Can you hear me?"

Posted by blog/littlenibbler at 4:07 PM CDT
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