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File: Rydinspy.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Date: 8/23/2000
Comment: A Rhydin spy...yah.

File: ryuu.JPG
Size: 21 KB
Date: 9/18/1999
Comment: Ryuu...I don't remember who this is, but I must've had a tie with him in order to do a char pic for him.

File: Saiyeric.jpg
Size: 41 KB
Date: 7/23/2000
Comment: Eric Azzameen as a Saiya-jin...I think I did a spiffy job on this picture, the muscles and all that look so good!

File: Sakacane.jpg
Size: 37 KB
Date: 6/30/2000
Comment: Sakaki (Giovanni) Shanito, retired leader of TR1, looking good.

File: Sakaki.jpg
Size: 41 KB
Date: 6/30/2000
Comment: Sakaki and Kasaki. I don't know why Kasaki is looking off to the side, it kind of bothers me.

File: samuraimyuu.jpg
Size: 32 KB
Date: 4/13/2001
Comment: Shiko Myuu as Miyamoto Musashi, the imfamous swordsman.

File: Scotyoko.jpg
Size: 51 KB
Date: 7/10/2000
Comment: I just love this picture! I did a real good job colouring it and everything, and it's just so romantic!

File: Scroll.jpg
Size: 48 KB
Date: 6/15/2000
Comment: A political cartoon of a scroller in the Pokemon realm.

File: Sebaisis.jpg
Size: 35 KB
Date: 5/8/2000
Comment: Isis and Sebastian in bed. As Jonathan (Sebastian-mun) put it, "She has a face like 'I just got fucked by Sebastian'". How could I say it any better than that?

File: sebastian.JPG
Size: 20 KB
Date: 2/20/2000
Comment: Jonathan kept bothering me about drawing this picture...I'm not too thrilled with it, and I'm pretty sure Jonathan could have done it himself, if he wasn't a such an asshole.

File: Sebhead.jpg
Size: 29 KB
Date: 5/12/2000
Comment: Sebastian getting head. Discretion is advised. Jonathan had the nerve to ask me to do something more graphic. He wanted a yaoi picture, he wanted to see sweat, blood, pain...and people wonder why -I'm- so morbid and perverted, I got it from Jonathan.

File: Selmak.jpg
Size: 19 KB
Date: 8/23/2000
Comment: Selmak, a Klingon...yep.

File: servant.JPG
Size: 22 KB
Date: 9/23/1999
Comment: A Restoration-style woman (longated, if that's a word) dressed (barely) as a servant-girl.

File: shannon.JPG
Size: 18 KB
Date: 9/25/1999
Comment: ...she looks really dopey.

File: Shawn.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Date: 8/23/2000
Comment: A Growlithe morph (pretty much a hybrid, but "morph" is just all the more better to say. -.-;).

File: Shikou.jpg
Size: 28 KB
Date: 3/30/2000
Comment: I used up my black coloured pencil on this picture. >/

File: Skystr.jpg
Size: 48 KB
Date: 8/23/2000
Comment: I don't really like the face, but the rest of the body is okay.

File: solareon.JPG
Size: 56 KB
Date: 2/26/2000
Comment: Fyre Solareon. I find out that he still exists and the guild UEU still is going...wowzers, that shocked me.

File: sorcer2.JPG
Size: 40 KB
Date: 9/23/1999
Comment: A copy from my friend David's picture of a sorceror.

File: Stardust.jpg
Size: 29 KB
Date: 7/27/2000
Comment: Stardust, a rather ditzy looking girl.

Well, that's all folks. Requests for char pics can be sent to Please include a clear description of your character and any reference pics that may be needed to make my job easier. ^.~ Comments (and compliments) are greatly appreciated. Thankies! --July 17, 2001.

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