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File: mungoddess.JPG
Size: 39 KB
Date: 12/16/2000
Comment: A picture of the Mun Goddess, the deity who twarts the Typo Demons and controls the Dice God.

myuu.JPG myuupic.JPG
File: myuu.JPG and myuupic.JPG
Size: 17 KB and 11 KB
Date: 9/19/1999 and 10/10/1999
Comment: Two early pictures of Myuu (Shiko) when he (it) was still a Mew.

File: Nadia.jpg
Size: 33 KB
Date: 7/12/2000
Comment: Nadia, looking all bizness like.

File: naughtyisis.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Date: 2/7/2000
Comment: My all-time favorite character picture: Isis sitting on a stuffed Persian, though there have been many people who have interpretted this picture as Isis screwing a Persian. o.x; Either way, the picture is cute.

File: Neco.jpg
Size: 17 KB
Date: 8/4/2000
Comment: Nothing special...

File: Newbie.jpg
Size: 27 KB
Date: 6/15/2000
Comment: A political cartoon about newbism in the Pokemon realm.

File: newstudent.JPG
Size: 29 KB
Date: 4/22/2000
Comment: Miko was a part of a comic I was going to do about an academy, but I never got past the first page. :/

File: Octobers.jpg
Size: 32 KB
Date: 8/16/2000
Comment: I like the pose October is in, and the dress she's wearing.

File: Palachu.jpg
Size: 23 KB
Date: 4/1/2000
Comment: Palachu, the controversal albino-like Pikachu. Boy did that character and its mun get a lot of grief from everyone... :/ Shoot, he had it coming to him though, didn't take my advise about trying to please the posers and elitists.

File: Peacben.jpg
Size: 59 KB
Date: 8/4/2000
Comment: A pretty picture of Peach with her boyfriend Ben... awww, I like the butterflies in the background.

File: Peach.jpg
Size: 31 KB
Date: 7/12/2000
Comment: The first picture of Peach...yuck, I hate it. She looks disproportional.

File: PeachMarg.jpg
Size: 50 KB
Date: 8/14/2000
Comment: A much much much better picture of Peach with her sister Marg as teenage Playboy bunnies.

File: Peechfly.jpg
Size: 18 KB
Date: 7/27/2000
Comment: An alright picture of Peach with butterflies in the background.

File: Pichu.jpg
Size: 12 KB
Date: 4/18/2000
Comment: A picture of Pichu I drew because it was cute. O.o

File: pokemonbar.jpg
Size: 9 KB
Date: 2/7/2000
Comment: A promo picture for the Pokemon Bar, the room where I started RPing Pokemon. Yah...a the Pokemon realm...

File: Priestess.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Date: 2/7/2000
Comment: Just a small picture of a girl holding a crystal ball.

File: Prncess.jpg
Size: 30 KB
Date: 4/13/2001
Comment: A coloured picture of a princess I did when I was really bored. I like the lighting job I did on the breastplate.

File: pyra.JPG
Size: 30 KB
Date: 9/19/1999
Comment: Pyra, another Team Rocket member. I dun remember which guild, I think it was TR1.

File: Quapsel.jpg
Size: 15 KB
Date: 3/30/2000
Comment: Quapsel, the German Nazi Poliwag. No, I do not support Nazism in any shape or form, along with any actions taken by such groups.

File: Ray.jpg
Size: 27 KB
Date: 5/8/2000
Comment: A nice outline of Ray, a member of TRAP if my memory serves correct.

File: Reialex.jpg
Size: 25 KB
Date: 8/7/2000
Comment: I could have done a better job on the face. I like the hair though.

File: renrender.JPG
Size: 17 KB
Date: 2/17/2000
Comment: Ren Render, a guy char of Lacy.

File: Rhyanime.jpg
Size: 36 KB
Date: 6/28/2000
Comment: A mixture between an anime character and a character in RhyDin...I did a kickass shading job methinks. =)

File: Ruthie.jpg
Size: 28 KB
Date: 4/13/2001
Comment: Ruthie, my character that's the most like me (in appearance anyway).

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