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File: coloreighteen.jpg
Size: 71 KB
Date: 11/09/2000
Comment: A incomplete color picture of Eighteen (o.O I think that was the char's name, or that was what was given to me...)

File: Dancer.jpg
Size: 39 KB
Date: 7/14/2000
Comment: Not a character picture, but inspired by my novella, Harsh Ambitions. A forewarning, the picture is risquè and even tasteless.

File: Derick.jpg
Size: 16 KB
Date: 8/23/2000
Comment: I think this was one of the last character pictures I drew for free last summer. I think the char is rather a Joq scrub kind of way.

Des1.jpg Des2.jpg
File: Des1.jpg and Des2.jpg
Size: 27 KB and 27 KB
Date: 7/18/2000 and 7/18/2000
Comment: Two pictures of Des, another character I really liked to draw.

File: Dvildem.jpg
Size: 34 KB
Date: 7/5/2000
Comment: Another picture that snuck in my character illustration folder, a devil demon (rather redundant, no?). It's colored...OOooOOOOooo....

File: eighteen.jpg
Size: 130 KB
Date: 11/13/1999
Comment: The original eighteen picture. I guess I forgot to resize this draft...

File: Elitist.jpg
Size: 41 KB
Date: 4/22/2001
Comment: Not a char pic, but a political statement regarding posers and elitists in RP nowadays.

File: Ellandra.jpg
Size: 21 KB
Date: 8/28/2000
Comment: No, this has to be one of the last pictures I drew last summer because school started on the 30th...

File: Elodgun.jpg
Size: 21 KB
Date: 7/23/2000
Comment: Another character I really liked drawing, Elodie, though I didn't like the idea of drawing her with a gun...not that I am against guns or anything, I just can't draw them.

File: Elodie.jpg
Size: 59 KB
Date: 5/19/2000
Comment: A colored picture of Elodie used to paste on backgrounds.

Elodiekoko.jpg Elodiepapaya.jpg
File: Elodiekoko.jpg and Elodiepapaya.jpg
Size: 109 KB and 98 KB
Date: 5/19/2000 and 5/19/2000
Comment: Two pictures of Elodie with different backgrounds, scans of korean anime stationary.

File: elodierocket.jpg
Size: 71 KB
Date: 5/20/2000
Comment: A picture of Elodie with a Team Rocket background. (Elodie belonged to TRAP, Team Rocket Advanced Personnel [I think she belonged to TRAP o.o; or was it that other TR guild...])

File: Elodwave.jpg
Size: 24 KB
Date: 7/23/2000
Comment: Elodie just waving...and it looks like she's giving a Westside sign with her left hand. o.O; Unintentioal.

File: eric.JPG
Size: 29 KB
Date: 9/18/1999
Comment: A really old picture of Eric Azzameen I thinketh...when Eric was at least semi-normal.

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