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mirabile visu

Another useful tag worth mentioning: section headings. They come in sizes 1-6.

<H1>Something Classical<H1> 
<H2>Something Classical<H2> 
<H3>Something Classical<H3> 
<H4>Something Classical<H4> 
<H5>Something Classical<H5> 
<H6>Something Classical<H6> 

Something Classical

Something Classical

Something Classical

Something Classical

Something Classical
Something Classical

A useful heading attribute is ALIGN... fairly self-explanatory.

<H2 ALIGN="left">Something really 
cool<H2> <H2 ALIGN="center">Something 
really cool<H2> <H2 ALIGN="right">Something 
really cool<H2> 

Something Classical

Something Classical

Something Classical

Nota bene! The browser has default settings for text color, link color, active link color and visited link color in addition to the background color. The defaults are...

Text is usually black
Links are usually blue
Active link is usually red
Visited link is usually purple

You can change these if you need to.But only if you really need to!

You can change these defaults for the entire document in the <BODY> tag. exempli gratia:

 <BODY BGCOLOR="#00000" TEXT="#FFFF66" 
LINK="#00FF66" VLINK="#00BB33" ALINK="#00CCFF"> 
Something Classical</BODY> 

Here is a Color Picker that makes it easy to experiment with different color settings. With it, you can not only pick colors, but you can choose different fonts and font sizes, switch to bold or italic, and even easily experiment with different background images. The <BODY> tag is automagically generated for you.

Merhercule!! You can now make Big red letters or small bold letters You can use other Fonts, or monospaced fonts.


You can view the HTML code of any page you happen to be viewing by choosing View/ Source in your browser. . So, as you surf along and you run into a really neat page and you find yourself thinking "Quo modo fecerunt?", the answer is only a couple clicks away.