Miroku and Sango- Just in time for Valentines


*About me
*Episode List
*Setsuai *Caution: Spoilers*




*Song Lyrics

*Drinking Game
*Miroku's Love FAQ



Don't ya' just hate it when someone says something in Japenese and you can't understand it? Well, here are some translations that I've found on sites and in my Eng.-Jap. dictionary that may help you ~^


Ai: Love
Ai shiteru: I love you
Akuma: Satan
Amado: Rain doors
Ame: Rain
Anata: You
Anime: Japenese cartoon
Animanga: Short version of 'Anime and Manga'
Anna no: Female
Ano: Well... umm.. [hesitant expression]
Arigoto: Thank you//Thanks
Arigatougouzaimasu: Thank you very much
Atena: Address
Attaku: Attack
Ato de: Later

Bai bai: Bye-bye
Baka: Idiot
Bakemono: Monster
Benjo: Toilet
Biru: Beer
Biru ippon: Bottle of beer
Biseinin: Handsome man
Bishoujo: Beautiful girl
Bishounen: Handsome boy
Bokken: Wooden sword
Bosozuku: Gang
Burmua: Bloomers


Cha: Tea
Chawan: Small bowl
Chibi: Small
Chikara: Strength
Chindonya: Music maker
Choshoku Breakfast
Chushoku: Lunch
Coneko: Kitten


Daijoubu: Yes, ok, sure, ect. [positive expression]
Daikon: Radish
Daizenshuu: World guide
Dame: Not good
Dare: Who?
Demo: But
Denki-gama: Electric rice cooker
Denwa: Telephone
Dezato: dessert
Do: Earth
Doko ni: Where?
Donburi: Food bowl
Doshite: Why?


Esper: Physic


Gaijin: Strange person
Gaki: Young, immature person
Geisha: Entertainers
Gekiga: Graphic novel
Genkai: Grandmother or old woman
Getsu: Moon
Gi: Battle outfit
Gomen: Sorry
Gomen-nasai: I’m sorry


Hai: Yes
Hajimemashite: Pleased to meet you
Hakama: Floor length wide pants worn by men
Hanyou: [half] Demon
Hentai: Pervert, perverted, porn
Hime: Princess
Hoshimono: Potato chips
Houshi: Buddhist monk or priest


Ii: Good
Inochi: Life
Itai: Ouch


Ja//ja ne: Casual goodbye
Jaki: Evil energy
Jankenpou: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Jiigoku: Hell
Jisho: Dictionary


Ka: Fire
Kaiju: Monster
Kakera: Shard or fragment
Kakkoi: Cool
Kame: Turtle
Kami: A god
Kareshi: Boyfriend
Katana: Sword
Kawaii: Cute
Kehai: Indication or feeling
Keisatsu: Police
Ki: Life force in all living things
Kiban: Fang
Kimono: Traditional Japanese garment
Kitsune: Fox
Kohai: Underclassmen
Koi: Love
Kokoro: Heart
Kombanwa: Good evening
Kon'nichi wa: Hello //Good afternoon
Kotoba: Word, speech
Kowai: Scary
Ku: Sky
Kugutsu: Puppet

Lie: No


Mahou: Magic, magic spell
Manga: Japenese comic
Mangaka: Manga artist
Matte: Stop, wait
Megami-sama: Goddess
Miko: Priestess
Minna: Everyone
Moku: Wood
Mononoke: Vengeful ghost
Musume: Young woman


Neko: Cat
Nichi: Jun
Nihon: Japan
Nihon no: Japanese [from//of Japan]
Nihongo: Japanese
Nihongo no: Japanese [language]
Ningen: Human


O' genki desu ka: How are you?
Odango: Dessert
Ohaiyo gozoimasu: Good morning
Oi: Hey
Okonomiyaki: Japanese pancake
Onegai: Please
Oro: What?
Oswari: Sit
Otoko no: Male
Oyasumi nasai: good night


Pantsu: Underwear


Ramen: Noodle soup


Sake: Wine
Sayonara: Goodbye
Sennin: Mountain person, hermit
Senshi: Soldier
Setsai: Deep love
Shiawase: Happiness
Shikon no Tama: Jewel of Four Souls
Shinobi: Spy
Shinpai: Worry
Shoujo: Girl
Shoujo-ai: Girl + Girl love, not very detailed
Shounen: Boy
Shounen-ai: Boy + Boy, not very detailed
Sui: Water
Sugio: Great, wonderful
Sushi: Raw fish

Tanoshii: Fun, interesting
Teki: Enemy
Tekken: Iron fist
Ten: Heaven
Tokyo: Capital of Japan
Tomodachi: Friend


Unmei: Fate, destiny
Uragirimono: Traitor
Ureshii: Happy
Urusai: Annoying, obnoxious
Uso: Lie
Uwasa: Rumor


Wana: Trap, snare
Watashi: I, me
Watashi wa name desu: My name is...


Yakusoku: Promise, oath
Yamero: Stop it
Yaoi: Male + male relationship, very detailed
Yarou: Bastard
Yasha: [female] Demon
Youkai: [full] Demon
Yume: Dream
Yuri: Female + female relationship, very detailed

Days of the week:
Nichiyobi: Sunday
Getsuyobi: Monday
Kayobi: Tuesday
Suiyobi: Wednesday
Mokuyobi: Thursday
Kinyobi: Friday
Doyokbi: Saturday
Nichiyobi: Sunday

Name suffixes:
-chan: Used for someone younger and between boyfriends and girlfriends -dono: Shows respect -kun: Used between friends Onee-chan: Sister Onii-chan: Brother -sama: Shows respect and used for royalty -san: Shows respect and used for family members and people who are older then you Sempai: Can be used after a name or alone, used for an upperclassmen Sensei: Can be used after a name or alone, used for a teacher

[InuYasha is (c) to Rumiko Takahashi, and I order you to worship her! Information help was provided by the almighty Google. Images were also found using Google. Site was provided by Angelfire.

Site © [JessieYasha]
Layout from: Habuki Graphics