Miroku and Sango- Just in time for Valentines


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*Episode List
*Setsuai *Caution: Spoilers*




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*Miroku's Love FAQ



Ah yes, what good would this site be without an InuYasha Drinking Game!

Note: Legal driking age is 21. If you are under the age of 21, use something else. I use pop and water to play this. Also, it ain't my fault if you get sent to the hospitale for playing this game xD

  • Take a sip every time Kagome yells 'InuYasha!'
  • Take a sip every time someone else yells 'InuYasha!'
  • Take a sip every time InuYasha or Kouga yells 'Kagome!'
  • Take a sip every time Kagome says 'Sit!'
  • Take a sip every time Kouga says that Kagome's his woman
  • Take a sip every time Miroku groups Sango or any other woman
  • Take a sip every time Miroku asks a girl to bear his child
  • Take a sip every time Naraku kills someone
  • Take a sip every time Naraku manipulates someone
  • Take two sips every time Fluffy fights InuYasha
  • Take a sip every time Fluffy loses
  • Take two sips if InuYasha loses
  • Take three sips every time Fluffy does something nice, besides when he saved Rin
  • Take a sip every time someone curses
  • Take two sips every time something is digitized out
  • Take a sip every time Kagura backs out of a fight
  • Take a sip every time Kagome goes home
  • Take a sip every time someone comes to steal the Tetsigua
  • Take a sip every time Fluffy tests his sword on Jakken
  • Take a sip every time Jakken insulates Fluffy and then starts blabbering how sorry he is
  • Take a sip every time InuYasha and the gang come accross a village that's been slauterted
  • Chug the bottle if they burry the dead there
  • Take three sips every time they meet the person who slautered the village
  • Chug the bottle when InuYasha becomes a full demon

    [InuYasha is (c) to Rumiko Takahashi, and I order you to worship her! Information help was provided by the almighty Google. Images were also found using Google. Site was provided by Angelfire.

    Site © [JessieYasha]
    Layout from: Habuki Graphics