Miroku and Sango- Just in time for Valentines


*About me
*Episode List




*Song Lyrics

*Drinking Game
*Miroku's Love FAQ



Setsuai, or Deep Love[Japenese of course], is a little section dedicated to my fav. InuYasha couple: Miroku and Sango. ^-^ **puts them together** Aren't they so kawaii together? ^-^

Sango: **blushes** Oro?! Me? Like that pervert?

Miroku: **gropes Sango's buttox** You know you love me.

Sango: **smacks with boomerang** Hentai baka...

Jessie: Well, on to the rest of this section, which contains more info, pictures, and other stuff about these two. Note: Also contains spoilers, but you'll find out sooner or later anyways ~^ **leaves the two alone**

Sango: Well, I'm outta here. Miroku, you take over this section... **tries to leave, but can't**

Miroku: **smile** You know you love me Sango... Let's reply that one episode...

[InuYasha is (c) to Rumiko Takahashi, and I order you to worship her! Information help was provided by the almighty Google. Images were also found using Google. Site was provided by Angelfire.

Site © [JessieYasha]
Layout from: Habuki Graphics