Miroku and Sango- Just in time for Valentines


*About me
*Episode List
*Setsuai *Caution: Spoilers*




*Song Lyrics

*Drinking Game
*Miroku's Love FAQ




Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Sword((The Tetsusaiga)), Fangs, and Claws
Other: Was sealed away for fifty years after staeling the Jewel from Kikyo to become a full demon, goes on a journey with Kagome to find the jewel shards which broke in battle, and can change into a full human during a full moon, and a full demon when he doesn't have the Tetsusaiga with him or any other protection during battle. ((O yes, he's a half dog demon, NOT A NEKO!!!))
Name meaning: Dog demon
Voice actor: Voice actor: Richard Cox[English] - Kappei Yamaguchi[Japenese]


Gender: Female
Age: 15
Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Other: A normal school girl who lives in a an ancient temple next to a an ancient well that pulls down to the Feudal Era. O yeah, and she's the reincarnation of Kikyou, an ancient priestess. Nothing too different...
Voice actor: Moneca Stori[English] - Satsuki Yukino[Japanese]


Age: Unknown... [But, thanks to one site I think he's 50... oO]
Weapon: Illusion, Fox Fire, and transformation
Other: Aw... isn't he so kawii?! ;3 His father died in the hands of Hiten and Maten, also known as The Thunder Brothers. He's also a fox youkai.
Name meaning: The 7 treasures[gold, silver, lapis lazuli, pearls, crystal, agate, and coral]
Voice actor: Jillian Michaels[English] - Kumiko Wantanabe[Japenese]


Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Staff, Kazaana[Air Void]
Other: A perverted Buddhist monk who ask almost all of the women he meets to bere his child.
Name meaning: Maitreya [the buddhist messiah]
Voice actor: Kirby Morrow[English] - Koji Tsujitani[Japenese]


Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Boomerang
Other: A Youkai exterminator. She's the last of her village, seeing as it was killed by Naraku.
Name meaning: Coral
Voice actor: Kelly Sheridan[English] - Houko Kuwashima[Japenese]


Gender: Female
Age: Probably around her late 50's...
Weapon: I don't think she has any... Sometimes magic, sometimes bows and arrows though...
Other: Kaede is the younger sister of Kikyou, and experienced her death. It was Kaede who Kagome the necklace that subdued InuYasha.
Name meaning: Maple Tree
Voice actor: Pam Hyatt[English] - Nakoko Kyoda[Japenese]


Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Youkai powers
Other: Naraku, one of the most wanted evil people in InuYasha, he killed Kikyo pretending to be InuYasha, he killed Sango's village and blamed it on InuYasha, and it all other nasty stuff and blamed it on InuYasha...
Name meaning: Hell
Voice actor: Paul Dobson[English] - Hiroshi Yanaka[Japenese]


Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Tenseiga, a sword from one of his fathers fangs, but doesn't kill, only heals. He also has many other 'weapons' in his full youkai form.
Other: A full Yuokai and InuYasha half brother. He despies half demons and craves for InuYasha swrods so he can unleash it's ultimate power. ((To kill a hundred yuokai in one swipe)) He also has a toad-like assitant named Jakken, and a small girl he resuced named 'Rin'[Who he falls in love with, ready everyone? 1... 2... 3... AWWWW! X3]
Name meaning: Destruction of Life
Voice actor: David Kaye[English] - Ken Narita[Japenese]


Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Weapon: The Staff of Heads
Other: Jakken, the full toad like youkai that follows Shessy around with the staff of heads, collecting and holding onto the jewel shards.
Name meaning: Wicked Hearted
Voice actor: Don Brown[English] - Yuichi Nagashima[Japenese]


Gender: Female
Age: 8
Weapon: None
Other: A full human who's parents and village was killed by Koga's wolf pack. Shessy finds her, dead, and brings her back to life using the Tenseiga and the rest is history. Rin almost never leaves Sheesy's side, and she never used to talk until she met him, now she just can't shut up... ;3
Name meaning: Phosphorus [bringer of light]
Voice actor: Brenna O'Brien[English] - Mamiko Noto[Japenese]


Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Youkai Wolf powers
Other: Koga, InuYasha enemy. Koga is a full wolf youkai. He tries so many times and fails every times to 'make Kagome his woman'. He has one jewel shard in each leg and in his left arm. [But InuYasha ends up taking the one in his arm]
Name meaning: Steal Fang
Voice actor: Scott McNeil[English] - Taiki Matsuno[Japenese]


Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Weapon: The abilty to run away when there's a fight...
Other: Myoga, the annoying flea demon who hangs around InuYasha and his crew, giving him advice and running away from battle. Myoga only stays with them during battle when it's safe... ;3
Name meaning: Divine Protection[HA!]
Voice actor: Paul Dobson[English] - Kenichi Ogata[Japenese]


Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Weapon: A fan that sends a powerful gust of wind//Wind ablities
Other: Kagura, one of Naraku's many re-incarnations. Kagura auctally hates Narkau, and fights for her freedom when givin the chance. But, she never suceeds and Naraku sends her to do some of his dirty work.
Voice actor: Janyse Jaud[English] - Izumi Ohgami[Japenese]


Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Bow and Arrows//Presitess powers
Other: Kikyo was killed by Naraku, who digused himself as InuYasha, so Kikyo blamed InuYasha for her death. She sealed InuYasha to a tree by an arrow for fifty years. She claims to hate him, but she auctally loves him...
Name meaning: Chinese Bellflower
Voice actor: Willow Johnson[English] - Noriko Hidaka[Japenese]

[InuYasha is (c) to Rumiko Takahashi, and I order you to worship her! Information help was provided by the almighty Google. Images were also found using Google. Site was provided by Angelfire.

Site © [JessieYasha]
Layout from: Habuki Graphics