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DTiger Types and Ranks

As always, DTiger theft is treated severely. Your name will be posted to every adoption agency owner I know of, and you will be permanently banned from this Agency. The offense will also be reported to your webpage provider.

There are two types of DTigers at the agency: normal,and rare. Normal DTigers' color is gender linked, but rares can be any color/gender combination.

"Hello fellow travlers. My name is DNightStorm and I was choosen to stay here at the adoption center. And guess what? I now have a mate. Her name is DQueen. I am so happy I found her."

Normal Dragons

Oranges are always female, and are the most dominant of the female DTigers. Any other color will bend to the will of a determined orange, and determination is their most notable trait (though some are known to call it stubbornness). They make the best protectors for pets.

Blues are always male (that is in less they are a rare female), and are the moody DTigers and are the most dominant of the male DTigers though any Blue will yield to an Orange if she insists.

Blacks are always female (inless they are a rare male). They like gothic pages, preferring the dark to the light, and tend to grouch a bit at visitors if disturbed often. They are the most likely to be found in sites devoted to creatures such as vampires and werewolves.

Whites are always male and are known for their empathy. It's not a special talent, for they can't affect others directly, other than by being a good listener without offering unwanted advice. They like to be around other pets, and prefer a place that is visited quite often so they can make new friends of visitors.

Red are always female, and are the artistic DTigers. Whether it be art, writing, poetry, or music, these DTigers have a taste for the arts and love to reside on pages with artistic work. Who knows, perhaps She'll even compose a bit on her own if her home is inspiring.

Pink are always male, and tend to be a bit vain. They are beautiful and know it. They like homes that are flashy and full of gifts and trinkets. They make good guardians for treasure troves or shops.

Yellows are always female (That is in less they are a rare males), . Fires are the diplomats - often soothing feelings a determined Water runs rampant over. They often work as guides in their new homes, showing visitors around.

Browns are either male or female, and are the athletic dragons. They love pages that have interaction, and love ones that have sections devoted to sports, Terran or otherwise. Java and anime seem to be lures for such dragons.

Grays are male or female. They are scholarly. A Gray will be happiest on a page that is devoted to research and study, no matter whether it be Terran chemistry or the wildest fantasy site.

Purples are always males. They are very shy and quiet. A purple is happiest on a page that is not so crowed and noisey.

Greens are most of the time females, but have been known to be males. They like playing outside sports and prefer to live on a forst or grassy background.

Rainbow DTigers are extermly rare-please go see the rare dragons page-and there is only one Rainbow DTigers every 10 clutches, that is else sumbody has a REALLY good home for there DTiger. Rainbow DTigers prefer brightly, mulitied colored homes. They like bright lights and many colors. They can be either male or female.

Read about rare dragons here

DTigers Types Adoption Rules Breeding your DTigers

The Sands Those who have Adopted Abanded DTigers Cyber Pets Contest Comments/Suggestions? You are listening to Cats in the Cradle.