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DTigers Contest

"Hello and welcome to the contest room."You hear a voice say."Please do come in and see what contest we are holding today."You hear them say again. Woundering who is speaking you start to search around the room. In the far corner you see a young female standing."If you have came here to try out for a contest, you can go over to that table over younder. Once there you should find four pices of paper. One should tell you what contest(s) are goin on, one should tell you the rulez regared for each contest, one should tell you the winnings and the other should tell you where to send your entery form."You quickly walk over to the table and like she said you find four pices of paper. You quickly pick up the paper labled Contest.

Banner/Button Makeing Contest

The first contest I am holding is a Banner/Button makeing contest. And basicaly is what I am askin is for you to make a banner/button that other people can us to link back to my site. It can have a picture of a DTiger on it or a dragon. Which ever you would like.

Once you are done you put down the pice of paper and pick up the other pice beside it labeled rulez.


I'm sorry, but like everything there are some rulez that you need to know and follow before you can enter the conetest.

1. You may use-and I can't strezz thiz enough-one of the DTigerz you see on this page to put on your banner/button-you MAY NOT use the sample DTigerz and you MAY NOT color any of the DTigerz yourself with out permsion.

2. Any banners/buttonz you send in to me will become mine. Yes I will provide a link back to your webpage sayin that you made the banner/button.

3. Please try not to make the banner/button to big.

4. You may send in two banners/buttonz (that meanz only 2 enteriez, not two banners and two buttons)

5. The more creative the banner/button the better chance you have of wining the first place.

6. Have fun! =)

Once you get finsh reading the rulez and understand what you need to do, you pick up the pice of paper labled winnings.

The Winnings

Now on to the good part. This here is what you will win.

1. First place will win a rare rainbow DTiger. And who knows, maybe it will be twins.

2. Second place will win a rare color, a rare sky DTiger

3. Thrid place will win a rare color also (but lower rank), a rare snowflake DTiger.

Anybody who winz one of the above colores will be able to bree there dragon with any color. And considering that they are rare, they will produce a large clutch if they are female.

Now that you know your winnings you get very happy. Woundering how to sign up for the contest you see another pice of paper laying down. You quickly pick it up.

Entery Form

Okay, have you got your banner/button(s) made yet? If so please send them along with the form below to



WebPage URL:

Have you adopted a DTiger from me?: Yes,No-If no do you plane on adopting?:

Name of your banner/button:

DTigers Types Adoption Rules Breeding your DTigers

The Sands Those who have Adopted Abanded DTigers Cyber Pets Comments/Suggestions? You are listening to music from Zelda: Ocarina Of Time.