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DTigers Breeding Rules

If you want your dragon to produce a clutch, you must read the rules below. Once you have found a mate, email me so they can be added to the list of mated DTigers and on my list for clutching. Read the rules carefully. They've changed a lot from the old ones. Any mated pairs that don't fit the new rules will be 'grandfathered' in, but any new pairs must follow them. Also, if you are looking for a mate for you dragon, than please go to the Adopted DTigers page. There you can see if there are any DTigers ablet to mate.

1. DTigers mate for life, and will not mate again if their mate dies.

2. The color rules are not subject to discussion, so please do not ask.

3. Each DTiger pair may have as many clutches in their lifetimes as I allow.

4. The colors of eggs in a clutch are based on how well cared for the parents are. This means, the better the page the parent resides on, the more likely they are have a clutch with rare colors.

5. Each parent's bondmate gets one egg from the first clutch-that is the egg I give them, but must apply for an egg from the rest of the clutches.

6. A DTiger may not mate with its clutchmate (ie. brother or sister), nor with one of its clutchmates' children. Any others are fine.

Normal Colors Blue White Pink Gray Brown Purple
Oranges 18 14 10 10 8 8
Black 16 12 12 10 8 8
Red 16 12 10 10 8 8
Yellow 14 12 10 10 8 8
Browns 16 12 12 10 0-sorry a brown and brown can't mate 10
Gray 14 11 12 0-sorry a gray and gray can't mate 12 10
Green 14 12 12 10 10 8

If you are lucky enough to get a rare dragon, or a rainbow dragon, than the number of eggz the female layz will double (that iz accourding the the male she mates with) form what the orange, or queen, layz. In other words. Say your Rainbow or rare dragon breed with a blue male, than she will have 36 eggz, since the oranger layz 18 eggz with the blue male. But now if you breed a rainbow with a rainbow, more than likely you are to have a HUGE clutch, mainly of rainbow, orange, and blue DTigers.

DTigers Types Adoption Rules Breeding your DTigers

The Sands Those who have Adopted Abanded DTigers Cyber Pets Contest Comments/Suggestions?>

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