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Thought I'd better add some disclaimers:
* All of the tales I'm spinning are based upon facts of some sort.
* Most of the tales will be at least 50% factual.

     Surf Report - March 24, 2003

What a Pro sez:

Date: Mon.March 24, 2003


Nearshore buoys are up a little from yesterday AM, but down a little from yesterday PM.

There are three swells running. The dominant waves are a wind swell at 4-8 sec period.

The second swell, dominant Pt La Jolla and south, is 10-12 sec from the NW.

The third swell is a long perod (12-16sec) swell from the SW. It is comparable in size to the W at Oceanside and N.

The current N-NW swell should be building to a modest peak midday Tuesday. Expect some modest wind chop to also build. A weak S swell began arriving yesterday and will slowly build to a weak peak Tuesday afternoon.




What I say:

South wind and a variety of swell directions - but not mixed-up.

Interesting to have more than one swell, without it looking like a washing machine.

Above photo is La Jolla Shores - pretty typical wave size

Ended-up body surfing at Hospitals, 6:00 am. - by myself -

Still able to get to work by 7:30 am



The link to more of my surf reports is:   Surfing With BA
