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The photo below was taken by John Sarrett, in the mid-sixties.

MacMeda was throwing a little keg party under the shack at WindanSea.

Some Hell's Angels - or maybe the Iron Horsemen? - came by, and as only the WindanSea surfers could do - said: "Go Home!" - or something like that - yeah right!

They (the bikers) did go home -right to their "clubhouse" in order to gather-up a few more members.

The cops heard there was gonna be a riot at WindanSea, so they showed up a little later in full battle gear.

Luckily for all, before the cops arrived, the bikers and their leaders showed-up, - the MacMeda guys knew the biker big shots - no problemas - no fights, just drunkenness, nakedness, and a few arrests





© 2003 bill andrews and - All rights reserved, and I reserve the right to be stupid.


Opps Forgot Some Stuff:

Thought I'd better add some disclaimers:

* All of the tales I'm spinning are based upon facts of some sort.
* Most of the tales will be at least 50% factual.

I'm doing this web thing for a few reasons, and it is, and will be, "a work in progress" for a while:

1. It's an easy way for me to organize my "autobiography" so my kids will know a bit more about me.
2. I find this computer and internet stuff fascinating.
3. I was lucky to be able to start surfing - at least in my opinion - in the "Golden Age" of surfing - I do have some yarns to spin regarding those times.
4. This is an efficient way for some of the old guys to touch bases again - I've received a few e-mails from old (err, long-time) friends I've haven't seen in forty years or so - I think that's way cool.
5. I'm still surfing almost every day - and, at least in my opinion - that's a pretty "boss" thing to write about.
6. I think it will be nice, in a couple of years, to maybe look back at how good - or bad - the surf was in any given stretch of time.