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Thought I'd better add some disclaimers:
* All of the tales I'm spinning are based upon facts of some sort.
* Most of the tales will be at least 50% factual.

     Surf Report - March 22, 2003

What a Real Pro Sez:




What I say:

The above photo is not the LJ Reefs!

The surf today in La Jolla was averaging size in the photo.

Yeah baby - what a day!

Surfed Simmons early at the minus tide. One other guy out.

Good surfer, and a nice guy - didn't know him.

We shared waves for about an hour, then 3 other guys paddled out.

Why did these guys even paddle out? Their combined skill level was not even
up to mine - and that's pretty bad...
Speaking of skill levels and surf spot - more to follow in my opinion page.

Came in and talked to Denny, Buzz, Jeff, and David Frankel in the WindanSea lot.

Topics of conversation:

* The war in Iraq
* How crowded was it gonna be this summer?
* Where the best place to paddle out is, during the summer, during the winter?
* Ongoing discussion regarding a trip to Centro America.



The link to the other days is here:   A Surfing Day With BA
