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Thought I'd better add some disclaimers:
* All of the tales I'm spinning are based upon facts of some sort.
* Most of the tales will be at least 50% factual.

     Surf Report - April 4, 2003

What sez:

Comments - (my comments are in bold italics)

Friday sees plenty of swell, but NW and SW back off. That's right lots of wind swell!

Wind problems for SoCal Friday? Correcto

SW tracked for 7th through 9th. I hope you're right.

NW on 10th? Ditto

Updated Report: sez (what I say is bold italics):


Ponto is breaking good again!

If this is good, I'd hate to see it "bad!"

There are much better places to surf than here!

Shoulder high sets once in while, breaking at one spot in front of the jetties, peeling for both sides and barrely.

This is as big as it EVER gets here, usually it's only knee high at best.

Steep drop and a workable wall after the bottom turn - if you're on a butt-board.

Glassy. It's always blown-out here!

Just go surf...Somewhere else

Waves size: Waist high - if you're a midget

Sets size: Chest high - if you're 4 years old

Sets Interval: 9 min. more like 9 hours

Surfers Out: 3 surfers

- there's a reason for this - the waves suck, the water's polluted and the locals are hostile!

Wind: Calm offshore - if you call 45 mph west winds "Calm offshore"

Weather: Partly cloudy - It's always cloudy here


An unnamed North County Coral Reef Break- April 4, 2003 - Photo by

What I say:

Close interval northwest wind swell.

It appeared that the wind blew onshore last night, but this morning The Surf Flag had a mini off-shore stiffie.

I surfed an uncrowded beach break - located between the pilings of Scripps Pier - and was able to get to work before 7:30 AM - only one more day before the dreaded - in my opinion - Daylight Saving's Time.

Surf was good - but the locals were very hostile!

Critter Alert - The Stingrays, not the band, are back in town - time for the stingray shuffle -

