Welcome to Acme 2004  -  An Inter-Collegiate Commerce Fest
                       ACME the idée fixe of the Association, ever since its first resounding success in 1999, has bee providing a platform for students from various Colleges of the state and South India to exhibit their talents and abilities ...
                         ACME is reborn for the sixth time in a row. Being, the most vibrant fest in the College, it aims at providing the most competitive events to its participants. On the occasion of the 125th year of glory ACME is striving to achieve something unique than what the previous fests. ACME 2004 is distinct in its own way of energizing leadership, team-spirit, and camaraderie qualities of its participants
                         Copyright 2004  Acme 2004  Inc. All rights reserved.

Success has no address
no landmarks
no calls
But the path is steep straight
with heights and falls
some take the elevator
and others take the stairs
some get there faster
others stronger
and the rest get the taste
vision, ambition and hard work
will be their companion
and when they reach there
they will be free and light
coz then they will be
Pinnacle Of Excellence
        ACME 2004