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Friday, March 19, 2004

I finally got my cell phone! And it only took 2 weeks! I'm checking out a car today that I might's been soooo hard finding a 'nice used car'.

Plans for the weekend: clean my apt, paint my apt, buy a car, and maybe if there's time.. puzzlehunt! For non MS people, puzzlehunt is a once-a-year affair where you spend an entire day doing puzzles and competing with other groups. I have no idea what the prize is, but it must be pretty hefty to warrant an email like this:

"Things we need:
1. Long straight rulers to draw lines or connect points, scissors, sellotape, measuring tape
2. List of the 50 US states, in order they were entered in the union.
3. The Monopoly game seems to be popular in several puzzles, good to have that handy.
4. Graph paper

1. Translate phone number into words through the phone-key chars.
2. Using the keyboard layout
3. Traverse the phone keypad.

Saturday morning:
1. Setup all computers and verify network connections and internet access.
2. Setup printers on all computers.
3. Organize folders for solved and semi-solved puzzles."

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Penny Arcade does the apple store. In case you didn't know, I'm part of the MAC business unit at Microsoft :)

I'm really starting to love my mac.. esp iTunes!