
my piercing... again!

The pic will change when I get a decent one of me!

The Basics:
Name: Ashley
Birthday: January 18th
Location: Nova Scotia
Occupation: right now... cashier at Superstore
Appearance: blonde, just past my shoulders length hair; blue eyes; 5'8"

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ICQ... 74632819

My two favorite things in the world to do are swim and dance. When doing either, my mind totally relaxes, and I forget about everything. I take swim classes, currently working my way up to lifeguarding/instructor. I don't take dance lessons, I kinda go freestyle! But if the chance every came for me to take dance, I would take it in an instant. The two things most important to me are friends and family. They all can annoy me sometime, but I couldn't live without any of them. I live with my mom and dad, and my little brother, Dale. Also, my cat, DJ. My best friend in the world is Kristine, and my other friends are: Amy, Gina, Alice, Ryan, Allie, Leigh, Becky, to name a few. I'm currently single, and kinda lovin' it. One day I love single life, and the next, I'm wishing I could have the guy of my dreams. One of my most prized possesions is my bellybutton piercing, which I got done July of 2000. I don't know why I luv it so much, I just do. I'm a very open person who never holds her feelings in. In fact... I've annoyed many people by my openess (they think I'm just full of complaints)! I just like to be heard.

© «§©¶íßßLȧ ÖÑ †hÊ \/\/ÅLL» Not really copyrighted... but please don't take without permission.

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