Warwick Tool Co.

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools Made: Hand vises, surface gauges, washer cutters, hack saw frames, self-adjusting vise attachment, surface plates, dowel plates, Parker's gear cutting attachment for engine lathes, levels, machinery, drill chucks.

Working Dates: 1865-72. Incorporated 1865. Name changed from the American Gun Lock Company to the Warwick Tool Co. in 1865.

     E. B. Nye President and J. D. Sibley Secretary.   J. D. Sibley was issued a patent for a spirit-level, No. 79,266, Jun. 23, 1868. Assigned to Warwick Tool Co. Sizes for the hand vises 3 1/2, 4, 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 inches long. In 1870 the Company was located on 4 South Main Street, part of Wilcox-Crittenden. Map K.

     From Ref. 55:

       "The Warwick Tool Co. was incorporated in 1865, with I a capital

        of $15,000, for the manufacture of machinists' small tools. E. D. Nye.

        President ; J. B. Sibley, Secretary. They occupy 2 rooms at 4 South

        Main street, 40x30 and 30x20 feet respectively. They use in the

        construction of their tools, 5 lathes, 1 planer, 6 milling machines,

        (Lincoln's pattern,) 1 upright drill, 1 screw machine, and 1edging

        machine. Employ 12 persons."

     From the references it appears that the  Warrick Tool Co. was taken over by the Hubbard Hardware Co. Which changed to Hubbard and Curtiss. An ad has this company making Sibley levels, hand vises and surface gauges. These were made by Warwick.

     In Ref. 12 on page 24 is a drawing of a Warwick Drill Chuck and on page 50 a Warrick Hand Vise. The picture is of a 4 inch hand vise. They came in  3 1/2, 4, 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 inches.


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Logo on the hand vise is "WARWICK TOOL CO

                                     CAST STEEL".

Below is the base of a Sibley level. It is made from cast iron, brass level vial plate and black Japanning. This is patent 79,266 issued 23 June 1868 to J. D. Sibley. Jasper was born in 1833 in New York and died in Middletown, CT. in 1902. Has listed as a Toolmaker the the 1870 U. S. census and as an Architect in the 1880, 1890 and 1900 U. S. census. He is buried at the Indian Hill Cemetery.


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The sight on the left is marked "SIBLEY'S PATENT JUNE 28.1868  *WARWICK TOOL CO.  MIDDLETOWN, CONN. *


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11 Inch Surface Gauge.

Picture provided by  http://jimbodetools.com/

See Hotchkiss Mfg. Co., Hubbard HDW Co.,  and Hubbard & Curtiss Mfg. Co.

References:  1, 2, 3, 12, 24, 51, 55   Back Home

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