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I would like to start off by saying that the Tarot is not like playing regular cards. It is not the easiest to learn but once you get started it isn't that hard. Practice is the key. Practice on anyone you can get your hands on. Your friends, family (if they let you) co-workers, etc. I have to say I was lucky when I started to have those options so it helped me learn a lot quicker.

To begin I would like to give you a brief intro. to the Tarot and what they are all about. Then I will give you a short and simple description of each card. A few spreads to get started and some great tips. Don’t get discouraged if you feel that your progress is slow. Use your intuition and the cards will tell you the story.

Your cards will be a very personal addition to your magical collection. Take your time to select the cards that are right for you. Have more than one deck if you can. I use one of my decks for magical workings, one for readings and one as a spare. I have other decks that I don’t really care for only because they don’t give me the vibrations that I am looking for.

There are 78 cards in a Tarot deck, divided into two sections called Arcana. The major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana, or Trump suit, consists or 22 cards. Each card has a picture, which illustrates an action, behavior and / or event. Each card also has a title or name which is a description of that card. All the cards have a number except for one, which is the Fool card and is usually considered Zero. In a reading the major Arcana represents-your mental, emotional and / or spiritual state of being at the time of the reading.

The Minor Arcana is the remaining 56 cards, They are split up in four suits: Swords, Cups, Coins, and Wands. Each suit has 14 cards, 10 are numbered and 4 are face (or court) cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. The Minor arcana describes events or situations at the time of the reading and each suit focuses on a different area of your life.

Swords: mental state

Cups: emotions

Coins: physical or material

Wands: career, abilities, potential

The court cards usually represent an actual person or even have the same kind of interpretation as the suits.

The Fool: New ventures, things will be O.K. if you watch your step. Something may be holding you back. Plug onward.

The Magician: Balance is there if you need it / or balance must be obtained for success. After balance comes grounding. All must be in alignment for success. Much power is attained in the end. Triumph in all ventures. Leadership potential.

The High Priestess: Your inner teacher must be revealed. It's already there, you must re-attain it. Or you are about to learn something on your own.

The Empress: Fertility, new beginnings. Keep your guard up for you may fail in what ever you are doing. You must make your own decisions. * Could represent your mother or an older female.

The Emperor: Comfortable with the power you are given or have achieved. * Boss, leader, father figure.

The Hierophant: Outgoing, you have the key to success or the answers in your life. You know a lot more than what you project. You hate authority, or being controlled.

The Lovers: A union, new lover or a marriage is about to embark on your life. You must make your own choices.

The Chariot: There is a tug from different directions. You must listen to your "inner" voice and act upon it. Take charge of your life and you can succeed.

Strength: You have the power to endure the worst, but you must stay calm. Show consideration, compassion, and empathy. No one likes a bully! Without those, you will self-destruct!

The Hermit: You are living in a state of confusion, and / or seclusion. You are seeking a way out or guidance to get there. Depression? Don’t despair. All will be fine " there's always a light at the end of the tunnel."Wisdom through experience. New lessons in your life. Meeting an older person.

Wheel of Fortune: What goes around comes around. You will learn from your mistakes and whatever is wrong now, will straighten out in the future. Make changes, take a gamble.

Justice: Legal matters, what was wronged will be made right. The scales are tipped in your direction. Harmony, fairness.

The Hanged Man: You are in limbo. Not a problem to you but could be if you continue on this course. Otherwise you are happy here. Ground yourself!

Death: The end of something. Job, relation, school, a task. It may end with some complications or with some emotional pain.

Temperance: Patience, balance, needed to see the whole picture. The path is open for you to travel but keep a level head. Patience, self-control, harmony.

The Devil: Trickery, deceit, on another's part, or maybe your own. Life is not the same as you see it. You're fooling yourself and / or others. If something is bothering you, stop taking it out on others and / or yourself. You will crash and burn if you continue on with this attitude. Greed, need acceptance at any cost.

The Tower: Torment in your life or working environment. It will fail but you will stand tall. Out with old habits. Discord in relations.

The Star: Pleasure in endeavors, balance and abundance, happiness, calmness. Use your skills. Set new goals.

The Moon: Confusion, which way do I turn? How do I decide? Decision-making is not your better aspect. Make your own decisions and the path will lead you there. Old memories holding you back. Slow but steady climb to enlightenment. * Psychic abilities.

The Sun: You see the light. New beginnings or something you've worked on for a long time will suddenly come to a finalization. New work in science or math.

Judgment: Family, relations, happiness in a union or past relation. If reading is mainly about something else, consider it triumphant in that endeavor. Change of residence, new position on career. Better health.

The World: A completion of a job well done. Manifestation and finalization in any or all endeavors. *New job, career changes, or move.

Ace of Wands: Beginnings. You have embarked in an unbelievable, Spiritual thought. You have come up with a great idea. *Work, Social life.

Two of Wands: Something in a thought process, just coming through. Concentrate! Confidence leads to success in business.

Three of Wands: The thought process you have been working on is here. You must choose what to do. Creatively visualize it.

Four of Wands: You have crossed the gate into realization. "The bulb has turned on." It's a stones throw away. Old habits holding you back from new relations.

Five of Wands: Don't get confused at which direction to take. Follow your intuition and follow just one! Believe in yourself.

Six of Wands: You have begun your quest. Don't get tied up in the thought process anymore. Do it! *Victory!

Seven of Wands: Your decisions are made. You have chosen and begun your journey. Success in business. You may have to do this alone.

Eight of Wands: Study is probably the best way. Once attained you may move beyond local boundaries into the realm of possibility. *Travel.

Nine of Wands: Use your wisdom. You must know what to do or how it is done first, before a decision is made. It will work best for you this way.

Ten of Wands: Your taking on too much for oneself. You are overburdened with responsibilities. It clouds your way to see clearly. *Lay down burdens.

Page of Wands: Your time is now to take on whatever you feel is right. Wisdom will lead you. You desire freedom, a wanderer. *Travel.

Knight of Wands: Your journey is beginning and with protection from others or your own self-will, you should succeed. *A message of a trip or change of address.

Queen of Wands: New beginnings or new insight as you begin your quest. In work and social life you need attention. *Authority figure.

King of Wands: Wisdom and experience are the key here. You have this and the strength to pesue. *Authority, leadership.

Ace of Swords: Your making the right decision. (Early in a reading) continue on your quest. (Late in a reading) What you have accomplished has been because of good decisions and actions. Good work!

Two of Swords: Do not go into something blindfolded. Knowledge is the key. Fear of being hurt. Do not wish to see your own problems. Unclear thinking.

Three of Swords: Love triangle / separation / you've been hurt. Move on. Someone is deceiving you or you are to them. Take action and keep going.

Four of Swords: Keep your guard up. Open your eyes to better things. Your dreams can come true. Have faith to overcome.

Five of Swords: You have been defeated before but it is because you let it happen. Pick up the pieces, your own fault, learn from your mistakes. *Loss of friends through cruelty.

Six of Swords: Travel, for a reason. You need this move and it is for the best. Could also mean you are running away from your problems. *Moving or moving on.

Seven of Swords: Taking action with a particular problem. You are forgetting something though. Maybe your not determined enough? Could lead to problems. Feeling cheated.

Eight of Swords: You feel tied down. Close minded against your will. "Brain washed." Take action for your self. Stop letting others make your decisions. *Health problems.

Nine of Swords: Determination is there to defeat this feeling of bondage. You feel you can't get anywhere because of a situation your in. You do have the strength. Use it. *Crisis period: Loss / illness.

Ten of Swords: Forget what you have learned or known before. Begin a new. Out with the old, in with the new. *Back problems removed.

Page of Swords: A new quest is about to be endured. You're scared but don't doubt yourself. *Shy /naïve /too concerned of others.

Knight of Swords: You have not forgotten the past. The strength, determination and wisdom you hold will let you persevere. A strong male figure with a hurt past has a message of rage and anger. *Health problems from nerves.

Queen of Swords: Strong yet still vulnerable, concoror, Temperamental. Desires a relationship.

King of swords: You have or will get what you want. Through your wisdom and strong will you can succeed. *A need for a lawyer.

Ace of Cups: Overflowing cup of emotions. New love, new residence, good health, happiness.

Two of Cups: A union. Usually good but look at other cards to see if it is a good one.

Three of Cups: Your emotions are fruitful. Strong emotions and balance. Friends.

Four of Cups: Trying to find your emotions. Confused with them, But when found you will have balance. Let go of your past emotions first.

Five of Cups: Emotional dispare but strength will persevere. Getting over your past problems will help you to heal. Fear of commitment.

Six of Cups: A union in love and life. New relationship or marriage. Could be some one from your past.

Seven of Cups: Maybe you should explore other opportunities before a decision is made. You dream of many things and need to explore. * Stop daydreaming and make a decision.

Eight of Cups: Emotionally you must find yourself. You must journey inside yourself for answers to your questions. Turn your back on your past.

Nine of Cups: This is the "Wish Card." If you want it bad enough you can get it! Keep light hearted and emotionally you will be happy.

Ten of Cups: Honesty is the key to happiness. Compassion is also. Keep these in your relationship and will flourish.

Page of Cups: Your emotions have a new life. You may have psychic abilities. You may be a healer. You are very creative.

Knight of Cups: Looking for emotional fulfillment. Journey with a well-protected heart and the outcome is assured. * Message of a birth or wedding.

Queen of Cups: Someone will help you to control your heart. This card is the Goddess of Love. A powerful woman.

King of Cups: Emotional wisdom and strength to overcome obstacles. Independent, authoritative figure.

Ace of Pentacles: Make that step through the doorway. It is there if you want it. New $$. Inheritance.

Two of Pentacles: A new voyage has begun. Balance and wisdom, patience and willingness. Financial gain.

Three of Pentacles: Hard work, inner over external will give you gain. You are a master craftsman.

Four of Pentacles: Abundance of money. Because of your level head and heart to get there, you succeeded. Now is the time to sell property.

Five of Pentacles: Loss of money because of physical condition. ie: compensation, unemployment, etc.

Six of Pentacles: Balance in financial gain. Payments to people or companies. Share the wealth.

Seven of Pentacles: Wealth is growing from your hard work.

Eight of Pentacles: A craftsman, a hard worker. Understanding of how money grows from hard work and determination. Learning new skills, apprenticeship.

Nine of Pentacles: Extravagant, creative abilities will be fruitful and successful. Experience will lead you.

Ten of Pentacles: Money will be obtained through a union. Marriage / partnership. *New job, home. Changes. Inheritance.

Page of Pentacles: Card of scholar. A new outlook or idea. May bring a journey for success. Education will help.

Knight of Pentacles: Uses money for good times. (Be careful.) Protect your money and assets. You may have to fight to get / keep what you want. Use your shields. *Message of inheritance and / or real estate.

Queen of Pentacles: A higher power may be needed to obtain results. Too much of an idealist and perfectionist.

King of Pentacles: Success in material gain. Great adviser, stubborn.

As you can see I did not include the reverse meanings to this list. Not only is it because I don’t always think you need to read them that way to get a good reading, but also I feel that if you’re a beginner than you don't need any more complications in your life. I myself still do not use the reverse meanings in my readings. I simply don't need them.

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