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Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide  In Memory of Yuri Shumakov 

Contributing Fly Tyers Series

Dr. David Burns Flies

Fly Tying

Basic Tying Instructions

Anatomy of a Fly

Salmon and Steelhead Hooks

Fly Tying Tools

Materials Glossary

Fly Patterns

Fly Search

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Steelhead Facts

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Tips and Techniques


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The Sheppard, Richard

The Sheppard, Richard

Sir Richard (Pryce-Tannatt)

Sir Richard

The Sheppard, Richard  and Sir Richard were tied by Dr. David Burns. You can see many more of Dr. Burns' flies at The Flies of Dr. David Burns.


Dr. Burns' email about this fly: "Here are two flies that went into a frame for a customer's son. He wanted an original fly so I came up with The Sheppard, Richard named after his son. It's colourful and made the Dad happy! It went into a frame with a version of Pryce-Tannatt's Sir Richard tied for large hooks with a "heron" hackle. The tail veil got a bit mussed for this photograph, too bad. Note my previous observations about using Pryce-Tannatt's descriptions!"




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