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On This Page:

  • Aquarium Fish
  • Aquarium Plants
  • Caring for your Aquarium
  • My Aquarium
  • This page was last updated June 22, 1998.

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    This page was started Sunday May 24 at 7:00. Eventually I will have information about aquarium fish as well as plants. I will also have information about my own personal aquarium that I maintain. You will also be able to find links to other pages about aquariums that I have found useful. Please check back soon as I will be adding more information as I find the time. Thank you. :)

    Aquarium Fish

    Go to Fish section
    This section contains information on helping you start a freshwater tropical fish aquarium. So far it contains two topics, choosing the right kind of fish for your aquarium and adding new fish to your aquarium.

    Cichlids -Information and Facts about Cichlids, as well as some pictures of a few cichlids.

    Cyprinids-Information about Barbs, Danios, and Rasboras with a few pictures.

    Characins-Information and pictures about Congo Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Black Phantom Tetras, and Glowlight Tetras.

    Livebearers -Information and Facts about Livebearers, as well as some pictures of a few of them.

    Fish Compatability-Things to keep in mind when first adding fish or adding new ones.



    Aquarium Plants

    Go to Plants section

    In this section you will find information about aquarium plants. So far I have two different topics. I also hope to add more information here as I find the time.

    Taking Care of Your Aquarium

    Choosing The Right Tank Setup-Information about choosing the right setup for you, either freshwater or marine tanks.

    Buying the Right Fish-Steps that you should take in order to pick out the best fish that you can.

    So for I have just one section, choosing the right aquarium tank setup and the different elements that go into selecting the right tank. I will eventually have a section entirely about caring for your aquarium. Right now I am in the process of gathering information and tips that I have found helpful when it comes to caring for your aquarium.

    My Aquarium

    Go to My Aquarium section

    Finally I have added a section about my own aquarium. Check it out if you get the chance.

    Aquarium Links

    Badmans Tropical Fish Page Very good site. Huge library of fish with stats on the different species. Also has information about plants for aqariums. This is a good site, I found it very useful.

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