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Fish Compatability


Fish vary greatly in their need for companionship. Some fish have to be kept with other fish, whereas others must be kept by themselves. The most important thing to remember when you are selecting your fish is to get fish that will be compatible with each other.



Sociable Fishes

Tiger Barb

Many fish need the company of their own species. When fish like these are kept in a tank by themselves, no matter how many other fish are in the tank, if that fish is the only one of its species, then it won't act the same as it would if it was with other fish of its own species. The fish might hide or sulk in a corner or it might develop an aggressive habit like fin nipping, which would show a sign of boredom, not viciousness. These kind of fish need to be kept in a group of their own species to give them a feeling of security. Not only will the fish be happier, but having a group of fish of the same species, or a shoal, looks better than if one or two fish were mixed in with other fishes. You can also get a more attractive display if you put these fishes in a species tank (a tank with fish of only one species).

Anti-Social Fishes

Blue Acara

Some fish can be very territorial, even with members of their own species. You should keep this in mind when buying your fish. Some fishes may fight continuously, especially if the tank isn't large enough for each fish to have its own personal area. Feeding habits of some fish can also cause problems in your tank. Carinivores may attack other fishes, and species that like green stuff may diminish the amount of plants in your tank. You should make sure and keep carnivorous fish with same-sized or larger fishes, and don't plant live plants in a tank of vegetarian fishes.

Breeding Potential


When you buy fish that you plan to breed, it is very important to consider the quality of the fish, even more so than when you are just purchasing fish to stock your tank. This is because whatever problems the fish you choose might have, they could then pass on to their young. Although many freshwater fish can be sexed at breeding time, this isn't always possible with juveniles. To make sure you have one fish of each sex, you should buy at least six of the species.

Electric Yellow Labidichromis


Breeding Compatability Problems

Breeding, in some cases, can be taken too far. With livebearing fish, you should avoid mixing different color strains if you want to keep them pure, as these fishes will mate with one another regardless of color pattern.


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