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This Page Contains Many Links on...
The top of the following page/link deals with the... that is raging from California to New York... and possibly beyond!
California Floats on the Ocean
Hawthorne Nevada submarine base - Youtube search
An Interesting Video abour Walker Lake
huge underwater caverns in the continental slope off the coast of California - Google Image search
Secret Submarine Base In Nevada
John Lear: Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert? - Read post by Alan deWalton (Branton)
Secret History of the Nevada Navy - Google search
Bay View, Idaho - inland submarine base
Episode 36 - Secret Submarines base near Hawthorne, Nevada
Above Top Secret Forum -- Navy Submarine Base under the Nevada Desert
Hawthorne Nevada submarine base - Youtube search
Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert?
John Lear interview of the Sub-Aquatic Labyrinth, etc.
Hawthorne Neveda Naval Undersea Warfare Center -- Aqua Channels to Pacific Ocean
Nevada's Devils Hole - Portal to an Underworld near Area 51 - Las Vegas
See No. 9 -- 10 Secret Submarine Bases Hidden in Plain Sight
Walker Lake Nevada submarine base - Youtube search
John Lear on CoastToCoastAM reveals the ATS subterranean U.S. Navy Submarine Fleet - Google search
The U.S. Navy's Ultimate Fantasy Underwater Submarine Bases To Take On Russia
Confessions of a secret underground Navy submarine base near Hawthorne Nevada
Search for: "Underground Submarine Base"
The Subterranean Mazes of Malibu
John Lear and others have speculated that the subterranean aquatic labyrinth beneath North America may be so extensive that a nuclear submarine -- if it knew the way -- might conceivably travel from the west coast to the east coast (or vise versa) UNDERGROUND... Lear's inside sources HAVE indicated that submarines have penetrated and explored this subterranean aquatic labyrinth from the west coastal openings, in the continental slope, into and beneath AT LEAST 15 western states....
Huge 'Alien' Sub-Aquatic Caverns running under Malibu California from the Pacific oceans' continental slope to ultra-deep Lakes in Nevada, Idaho, and -- according to John Lear...
beneath at least 15 western U.S. states !?!?
John Lear on CoastToCoastAM re Nevada lake Submarine Base_1
John Lear on CoastToCoastAM re Nevada lake Submarine Base_2
John Lear on CoastToCoastAM re Nevada lake Submarine Base_3
John Lear on CoastToCoastAM re Nevada lake Submarine Base_4
"John Lear Update" on the S.A.L.
John Lear - UFOs & Naval Facilities, Bob Lazar
Submarines Under America
Rest In Peace John Lear
IF the sub-aquatic labyrinth reaches under AT LEAST 15 western U.S. states, as John Lear alleges, then we might conclude that New Mexico may be one of these states. If so, we might consider the possibility of using the SAL (Sub Aquatic Labyrinth) to penetrate the cavern systems BELOW/BENEATH the
The worlds' largest public
The U.S. Navy's Above Top Secret (ATS) Triad
ExTerran-QuanTerran-SubTerran Forces
Enter The Nexus
Links Page
The Sub-Aquatic Labyrinth
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Go To About 11:00 In the Video for an Interesting Story told by a Motel owner
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(Subterranean Aquatic Lanbyrinth)
(Begin at about 50:00 into THIS interview where John begins talking about underground shuttles and submarines)
(John Lear Refers to Yours Truly - Branton - in His Interview. See link #1 below, under the heading: "The Origins of the Underground Waterways")
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(December 3, 1942 - March 29, 2022)
Dulce Base Network
and use the ATS (Above Top Secret) Navy Submarine cavern fleet to insert hundreds of special force Navy SEALS -- briefed in battle strategies that take into account the reasons why former attacks on the "Dulce-Matrix" failed... and INVADE, ATTACK, CONQUER, and LIBERATE this multi-leveled (currently?) exclusively ALIEN basing facility, possibly one of the most strategic underground basing networks on/in the planet !!!